function Get-TraverseTestGraph { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a historical data graph for a given Traverse test. Test information may be specified either directly with the serial number, or by passing a test object via the pipeline. .EXAMPLE Get-TraverseTestGraph -TestSerial 15089601 -start (get-date).addmonths(-6) Gets the historical data for the last 6 months .EXAMPLE Get-TraverseTest -devicename 'mydevice' | Get-TraverseTestGraph Gets the historical data for all tests on 'mydevice' .EXAMPLE Get-TraverseTest -devicename 'mydevice' -testname '*Space*' | Get-TraverseTestGraph -start '3/1/2015' -end '9/1/2015' Gets the historical data for all tests on 'mydevice' with the word 'Space' in their name ranging from March 2015 to September 2015 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( #TODO: Selection Criteria for the tests to filter. SERIAL NUMBER ONLY FOR NOW. Todo: Accept Test Objects #[Parameter(Mandatory)][int]$Filter, #Specify the individual serial number of the test you wish to retrieve. [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias("SerialNumber")] [int]$TestSerial, #First date of data collection. Default collects the last 6 hours of historical data [DateTime]$Start = ([DateTime]::UtcNow).AddHours(-6), #Last date of data collection. Default is now [DateTime]$End = [DateTime]::UtcNow, #Width of the graph, in pixels [int]$Width, #Height of the graph, in pixels [int]$Height, #Show Threshold Lines [Switch]$ShowThresholds, #X Axis Label [string]$XLabel, #Y Axis Label [string]$YLabel, #Output path of Graph. Defaults to temp folder with a random name [String]$Path = $env:TEMP + '\' + (new-guid).tostring() + '.gif' ) process { $ArgumentList = @{ testSerialNumber=$TestSerial startTime=((Get-UnixTimestamp $start)*1000) endTime=((Get-UnixTimestamp $end)*1000) } #Simple Parameter Passthrough foreach ($ParameterItem in "Width","Height","ShowThresholds","XLabel","Ylabel") { if ($PSBoundParameters[$ParameterItem]) {$ArgumentList.add($ParameterItem.tolower(),$PSBoundParameters[$ParameterItem])} } (Invoke-TraverseCommand -Command 'graph/getGraphByQuery' -API JSON -Get -OutFile $path -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Verbose:($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true)) write-verbose "Traverse Test Graph Saved to $Path" } } |