function Connect-TraverseBVE { <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to a Traverse BVE system in order to execute commands on the system. .NOTES You should only use Connect-TraverseBVE once per powershell session. #> param ( #The DNS name or IP address of the Traverse BVE system [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Hostname, #The username and password needed to access the system in secure PSCredential format. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][PSCredential]$Credential, #Create a new session even if one already exists [Switch]$Force, #Do not show connection success information [Switch]$Quiet, #Connect without using SSL. NOT RECOMMENDED [Switch]$NoSSL, #Skips the connection to the REST API (BVE FlexAPI) [Switch]$NoREST, #Skip the connection to the JSON API [Switch]$NoJSON, #Skip the connection to the Web Services API [Switch]$NoWS, #Skips the connection to the legacy Web Services API [Switch]$NoLegacyWS, #Pass the REST session object to the pipeline. Useful if you want to work with multiple sessions simultaneously [Switch]$PassThruREST, #Pass the JSON session object to the pipeline. Useful if you want to work with multiple sessions simultaneously [Switch]$PassThruJSON, #Pass the SOAP session object to the pipeline. Useful if you want to work with multiple sessions simultaneously [Switch]$PassThruWS ) # Param #Specify the connectivity protocol if ($NoSSL) {$SCRIPT:TraverseProtocol = "http://"} else {$SCRIPT:TraverseProtocol = "https://"} #Create a REST Session if (!$NoREST) { #Check for existing session if ($TraverseSessionREST -and !$force) {write-warning "You are already logged into Traverse (REST). Use the -force parameter if you want to connect to a different server or use a different username";return} #Log in using Credentials $RESTLoginURI = "$TraverseProtocol$Hostname/api/rest/command/login?" + $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName + "/" + $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $RESTLoginResult = Invoke-RestMethod -sessionvariable TraverseSessionREST -Uri $RESTLoginURI if ($RESTLoginResult -notmatch "OK") {throw "The connection failed to $Hostname. Reason: $RESTLoginResult"} #Workaround for SessionVariable parameter not allowing you to specify the scope #We need this to persist throughout the module lifetime $SCRIPT:TraverseSessionREST = $TraverseSessionREST if (!$Quiet) { write-host -foreground green "Connected to $Hostname BVE as $($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Username) using REST API" } #Return the login session if switch is set if ($PassThruREST) {$TraverseSessionREST} } #if !$NoREST #Create a JSON Session if (!$NoJSON) { #Check for existing session if ($TraverseSessionJSON -and !$force) {write-warning "You are already logged into Traverse (JSON). Use the -force parameter if you want to connect to a different server or use a different username";return} #Log in using Credentials $JSONAPIPath = '/api/json/' $JSONCommandName = 'login/login' $JSONCommandURI = $TraverseProtocol + $Hostname + $JSONAPIPath + $JSONCommandName $JSONBody = @{ username=$Credential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName password=$Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } $SCRIPT:JSONLoginResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $JSONCommandURI -Body (ConvertTo-Json -compress $JSONBody) -ContentType 'application/json' -SessionVariable TraverseSessionJSON if ($JSONLoginResult.success -ne "True") {throw "The connection failed to $Hostname. Reason: " + $JSONLoginResult.errorCode + ": " + $JSONLoginResult.errorMessage} #Workaround for SessionVariable parameter not allowing you to specify the scope #We need this to persist throughout the module lifetime $SCRIPT:TraverseSessionJSON = $TraverseSessionJSON if (!$Quiet) { write-host -foreground green "Connected to $Hostname BVE as $($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Username) using JSON API" } #Return the login result if switch is set if ($PassThruJSON) {$JSONLoginResult} #Set the session expiration (Refresh Interval Minus 5 minutes) $SCRIPT:TraverseRefreshDateJSON = [DateTime]::Now.addminutes($JSONLoginResult.result.refreshInterval).addminutes(-5) } # if !$NoJSON #Create Web Services (SOAP) connection if (!$NoWS) { if ($SCRIPT:TraverseSession -and !$force) {write-warning "You are already logged into Traverse (WS). Use the -force parameter if you want to connect to a different server or use a different username";return} #Workaround for bug with new-webserviceproxy ( $TraverseBVELoginWS = (new-webserviceproxy -uri "$TraverseProtocol$Hostname/api/soap/login?wsdl" -ErrorAction stop) $TraverseBVELoginNS = $TraverseBVELoginWS.gettype().namespace #Create the login request and unpack the password from the encrypted credentials $loginRequest = new-object ($TraverseBVELoginNS + '.loginRequest') $loginRequest.username = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Username $loginRequest.password = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $loginResult = $TraverseBVELoginWS.login($loginRequest) if (!$loginResult.success) {throw "The connection failed to $Hostname. Reason: Error $($loginresult.errorcode) $($loginresult.errormessage)"} set-variable -name TraverseSession -value $loginresult -scope Global set-variable -name TraverseHostname -value $hostname -scope Global if (!$Quiet) { write-host -foreground green "Connected to $hostname BVE as $($loginrequest.username) using Web Services API" } #Return the session if switch is set if ($WSSessionPassThru) {$SCRIPT:LoginResult} } #If !$NoWS #Set the Refresh Interval which Invoke-TraverseCommand will use to determine reconnect #TODO: Make this deterministic per-protocol. For now it refreshes everything #It also introduces a condition where multiple independent connects don't work. if ($JSONLoginResult) { $SCRIPT:TraverseConnectRefreshDate = [DateTime]::Now.AddMinutes($JSONLoginResult.result.refreshInterval).addminutes(-5) } else { $SCRIPT:TraverseConnectRefreshDate = [DateTime]::Now.AddMinutes(180).AddMinutes(-5) } $SCRIPT:TraverseConnectParams = $PSBoundParameters } #Connect-TraverseBVE |