
function Invoke-TraverseCommand {
Executes a command using either the Traverse JSON or REST Interfaces
This cmdlet executes a Traverse API command and formats the result as a Powershell Custom Object
This cmdlet mostly serves as a wrapper around the APIs to make them easier to use.
Most of the commands in the Traverse module use this command as the foundation to execute their actions
Modeled after Native Powershell functions Invoke-Command and Invoke-Expression.
(Invoke-TraverseCommand 'device.list').data.object
Run the device.list command, and show only the resulting object output
(Invoke-TraverseCommand 'device.list').data.object
Run the device.list command, and show only the resulting object output

    param (
        #The command you wish to execute
        #A list of arguments to pass with the command, as a hashtable, object array, or JSON string. If using FlexAPI, this MUST be a hashtable
        #Specifies whether this is a REST (FlexAPI) or JSON command. Default is REST (FlexAPI)
        [ValidateSet('REST','JSON')][String]$API = "REST",
        #NONFUNCTIONAL: The session ID to use. Defaults to the currently connected session
        #NONFUNCTIONAL: Credentials to optionally specify to run this command as another user
    ) # Param

    #Prep the command parameters based on the API being chosen
    switch ($API) {
        'REST' { 
            $APIPath = '/api/rest/command/' 
            $Method = 'GET'
            if ($ArgumentList -ne $null -and $ArgumentList -isnot [System.Collections.Hashtable]) {throw 'ArgumentList must be specified as a hashtable for REST commands'}
            $ArgumentList.format = "json"

            if (!$Global:TraverseSessionREST) {throw 'You are not connected to a Traverse BVE system with REST. Use Connect-TraverseBVE first'}
            $WebSession = $Global:TraverseSessionREST
        'JSON' { 
            $APIPath = '/api/json/' 
            $Method = 'POST'
            $ArgumentList = ConvertTo-Json -Compress $ArgumentList

            if (!$Global:TraverseSessionJSON) {throw 'You are not connected to a Traverse BVE system with JSON. Use Connect-TraverseBVE first'}
            $WebSession = $Global:TraverseSessionJSON

    $RESTCommand = @{
        URI = 'https://' + $TraverseHostname + $APIPath + $Command
        Method = $Method
        Body = $ArgumentList
        WebSession = $WebSession
        ContentType = 'application/json'

    if (!($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RESTCommand.URI,"Invoke $API Command"))) {return}
    $commandResult = Invoke-RestMethod @RESTCommand

    #BUGFIX: Work around a bug in ConvertFrom-JSON where it doesn't parse blank entries even if it is valid JSON. Example: {""=""}
    #When this happens Invoke-Restmethod passes it as a string rather than a pscustomobject which is why we test for that
    $nullJSONRegex = [Regex]::Escape(',{"":""}')
    if ($commandResult -is [String] -and $commandResult -match $nullJSONRegex) {
        $commandResult = ConvertFrom-JSON ($commandResult -replace $nullJSONRegex,'')

    #Error Checking and results return are API-dependent
    switch ($API) {
        "REST" {

            if ($commandresult.'api-response'.status.error -eq 'false') {
                write-verbose ('Invoke-TraverseCommand Successful: ' + $commandResult.'api-response'.status.code + ' ' + $commandResult.'api-response'.status.message)
                return $commandResult.'api-response'

            else {
                write-error ('Invoke-TraverseCommand ERROR: ' + $commandResult.'api-response'.status.code + ' ' + $commandResult.'api-response'.status.message)
        } #REST

        "JSON" {
            if ($commandResult.success) {
                write-verbose ('Invoke-TraverseCommand Successful: ' + $commandResult.errorcode + ' ' + $commandResult.errormessage)
                return $commandResult.result
            else {
                write-error ('Invoke-TraverseCommand ERROR: ' + $commandResult.errorcode + ' ' + $commandResult.errormessage)

        } #JSON
    } #Switch

} #Connect-TraverseBVE