
function Convert-HashTableToXML() {
COnverts one or more Powershell hashtables into a simple XML format.
Creates simpler and more human-readable output for a hashtable than Export-CliXML or ConvertTo-XML.
This is useful for instance when storing attributes or configuration variables for output to other
program or storage in an AD CustomAttribute.
This command will create appropriate subnodes if you have nested hashtables.
Adapted from original script by Blindrood (
.PARAMETER InputObject
A Powershell hashtable that contains the name-value pairs you wish to convert to XML elements
Allows you to specify the root XML element definition.
Path to an output XML file, if desired. If not specified, outputs directly to the pipeline
Create a Hashtable
PS C:\> $Configuration = @{
    'Definitions' = @{
        'ConnectionString' = 'sql=srv01;port=223'
        'MonitoringLevel' = 'MonitoringLevelValue'
    'Conventions' = @{
        'MyConvention' = 'This is my convention'
        'Option' = 'Zip'
        'ServerType' = 'sql'
        'Actions' = @{
            'SpecificAction' = 'DoNothing'
            'DefaultAction' = 'Destroy it All'
        'ExceptionAction' = 125
        'Period' = New-TimeSpan -Seconds 20
    'ServiceAccount' = @{
        'UserName' = '\thisisme'
        'Password' = '123o123'
    'GroupConfiguration' = @{
        'AdminsGroup' = '\thisisAdminsGroup'
        'UsersGroup' = '\thisisUsersGroup'
Export the
$Configuration | Out-HashTableToXml -Root 'Configuration' -File $env:temp\test.xml
Test.XML Contents
      <DefaultAction>Destroy it All</DefaultAction>
    <MyConvention>This is my convention</MyConvention>

    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]

    [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -IsValid})] 


    $ScriptBlock = {
        Param($Elem, $Root)
        if( $Elem.Value -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] ){
            $RootNode = $Root.AppendChild($Doc.CreateNode([System.Xml.XmlNodeType]::Element,$Elem.Key,$Null))
            $Elem.Value.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
                $Scriptblock.Invoke( @($_, $RootNode) )
            $Element = $Doc.CreateElement($Elem.Key)
            $Element.InnerText = if($Elem.Value -is [Array]) {
                $Elem.Value -join ','
                $Elem.Value | Out-String
            $Root.AppendChild($Element) | Out-Null    
} #Begin

    $Doc = [xml]"<$($Root)></$($Root)>"
    $InputObject.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
        $scriptblock.Invoke( @($_, $doc.DocumentElement) )
    #Output the formatted XML document if OutPath is specified, otherwise send to pipeline
    if ($OutPath) {$$OutPath)}
    else {$doc}
} #Process

} #Out-HashTableToXML