
    A Module to get the time in a Time Zone or get the Local Time from the time in a Time Zone
    A Module to get the time in a Time Zone or get the Local Time from the time in a Time Zone
    Authors : Simon Godefroy - Simon.Godefroy@FocusedIT.co.uk
    Version : 1.0.3
    Date : 2022.07.19
        Update : 1.0.3
                    SG - 2022.07.19
                    Fixed Mutlichoice output
        Update : 1.0.2
                    SG - 2022.05.02
                    Removed unrequired Write-Host on load
        Update : 1.0.1
                    SG - 2022.05.02
                    Updated after running Script Analyser. Moved TZMultiChoice out of both functions
        Update : 1.0.0
                    SG - 2021.10.12
                    Initial Script

Function TZMultiChoice {
                $Items = @()
                $Items += $InputObject
                $InputCount = $Items.count
                $Max = $InputCount -1
                $i = 0
                while($i -le $Max){
                    $Current = ($Items[$i]).Id
                    Write-Host "$i $Current "
                    $i ++
                $Choice = Read-Host "Enter Selection Number"
                if($Choice -match "\d{1}"){
                    $Result = $Items[$Choice]
                    $Search = $Items | Where-Object{$_ -match $Choice}
                    if($Search.count -eq 1){
                        $Result = $Search
                        Write-Warning "Please be more specific.."
                return $Result

function Get-TimeZoneTime{
            Returns Time Difference and Time for a specific Time Zone
            Returns Time Difference and Time for a specific Time Zone
            Get-TimeZoneTime -TimeZone "Eastern Standard Time"
            Returns Time Difference and Time for a specific Time Zone

    param (
        [String]$TimeZone ,
        [datetime]$DateTime ,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Time Format: hh:mm")]
        [string]$Time #,



        #Get Time Zones
        $timezones = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable

                $DateTime = (Get-Date $Time)
                $DateTime = (Get-Date)

        #$UTCDateTime = ($DateTime).ToUniversalTime()

        $SelectedTZ = @()
        $TZItems = @()
        $FoundTZ = $timezones |Where-Object{$_.Id -eq $TimeZone}
        if($FoundTZ.count -eq 0){
            $Characters = $TimeZone.ToCharArray()
            $TZABV = $null
            foreach($C in $Characters){
                [string]$TZABV += $C + "* "
            $TZABV = $TZABV.Trim(" ")
            $FoundTZ = $timezones |Where-Object{$_.Id -like $TZABV}
        if($FoundTZ.count -eq 0){
            $TZSearch = "*" + $TimeZone + "*"
            $FoundTZ = $timezones |Where-Object{$_.Id -like $TZSearch}
        $TZItems += $FoundTZ
            Write-Warning "No Time Zone found"

        if($FoundTZ.count -eq 1){
            $SelectedTZ += $FoundTZ
            $SelectedTZ += TZMultiChoice $FoundTZ 

        $TimeDiff = ((Get-TimeZone -Id $SelectedTZ.Id) | Select-Object Base*).BaseUtcOffset
        $TZFinalTime = (Get-Date $DateTime).Add($TimeDiff)
        $Object = [pscustomobject]@{
            TimeZone = $SelectedTZ.Id
            DisplayName = $SelectedTZ.DisplayName
            BaseUtcOffset = $SelectedTZ.BaseUtcOffset
            LocalTime = $DateTime
            TZTime = $TZFinalTime

function Get-LocalTimeFromTimeZone{
            Returns Local Time for a specific Time and Time Zone
            Returns Local Time for a specific Time and Time Zone
            Get-LocalTimeFromTimeZone -Time 10:00 -TimeZone "Eastern Standard Time"
            Returns Local Time for a specific Time and Time Zone

    param (
        [String]$TimeZone ,
        [datetime]$DateTime ,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Time Format: hh:mm")]
        [string]$Time #,


        $SelectedTZ = @()

                $Time = $DateTime.ToString("HH:mm")
                [datetime]$TimeDT = (Read-Host "Enter Time (HH:MM)")
                $Time = $TimeDT.ToString("HH:mm")

        #Get Time Zones
        $timezones = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable

                $DateTime = (Get-Date $Time)

                $DateTime = (Get-Date $Time)
        #$UTCDateTime = ($DateTime).ToUniversalTime()

        $FoundTZ = $timezones |Where-Object{$_.Id -eq $TimeZone}
        if($FoundTZ.count -eq 0){
            $Characters = $TimeZone.ToCharArray()
            $TZABV = $null
            foreach($C in $Characters){
                [string]$TZABV += $C + "* "
            $TZABV = $TZABV.Trim(" ")
            $FoundTZ = $timezones |Where-Object{$_.Id -like $TZABV}
        if($FoundTZ.count -eq 0){
            $TZSearch = "*" + $TimeZone + "*"
            $FoundTZ = $timezones |Where-Object{$_.Id -like $TZSearch}
        $TZItems += $FoundTZ
            Write-Warning "No Time Zone found"

        if($FoundTZ.count -eq 1){
            $SelectedTZ += $FoundTZ
            $SelectedTZ += TZMultiChoice $FoundTZ 
        $TimeDiff = ((Get-TimeZone -Id $SelectedTZ.Id) | Select-Object Base*).BaseUtcOffset
        $LocalFinalTime = (Get-Date $DateTime).Add(-$TimeDiff)
        $Object = [pscustomobject]@{
                TimeZone = $SelectedTZ.Id
                DisplayName = $SelectedTZ.DisplayName
                BaseUtcOffset = $SelectedTZ.BaseUtcOffset
                TZTime = $DateTime
                LocalTime = $LocalFinalTime
