
$tokenUri = "https://api.timecockpit.com/token";
$baseUrl = "https://api.timecockpit.com/odata";
$mgmntBaseUrl = "https://management.timecockpit.com";


Connects to TimeCockpit.
Credentials can be persisted using https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/CredentialsManager/ by setting the parameter UseCredentialsManager to $True.
o $Credential -eq $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -eq $Null -> credentials are requested and are not persisted
o $Credential -ne $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -eq $Null -> passed credentials are used and not persisted
o $Credential -ne $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -ne $Null -> passed credentials are used and persisted
o $Credential -eq $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -ne $Null -> Persisted credentials are used
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential to access the OData interface with. I not provided they get requested.
.PARAMETER UseCredentialsManager
If $True, credentials are read and written using the CredentialsManager.

function Connect-TC
       [Boolean]$UseCredentialsManager = $False
    ) #end param

    # check module prerequisites
        $module = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "CredentialsManager";
        if (!$module) { throw "Module 'CredentialsManager' needed. Please install executing 'Install-Module -Name CredentialsManager' as Administrator."; }
    $webclient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    if($UseCredentialsManager -and $Credential -eq $Null)
        $Credential = Read-Credential -ListAvailable | Where { $_.Environment -eq "TimeCockpit" }
    if(!$Credential) { $Credential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter Credentials for Timecockpit."; }
        Write-Credential "TimeCockpit" -Credential $Credential; 

    $webclient.Credentials = $Credential;
    $script:token = $webclient.DownloadString($tokenUri);

Connects to TimeCockpit Management API.
Credentials can be persisted using https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/CredentialsManager/ by setting the parameter UseCredentialsManager to $True.
o $Credential -eq $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -eq $Null -> credentials are requested and are not persisted
o $Credential -ne $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -eq $Null -> passed credentials are used and not persisted
o $Credential -ne $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -ne $Null -> passed credentials are used and persisted
o $Credential -eq $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -ne $Null -> Persisted credentials are used
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential to access the TC Mangement interface with. I not provided they get requested.
.PARAMETER UseCredentialsManager
If $True, credentials are read and written using the CredentialsManager.

function Connect-TCMgmnt
       [Boolean]$UseCredentialsManager = $False
    ) #end param

    # check module prerequisites
        $module = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "CredentialsManager";
        if (!$module) { throw "Module 'CredentialsManager' needed. Please install executing 'Install-Module -Name CredentialsManager' as Administrator."; }
    $webclient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    if($UseCredentialsManager -and $Credential -eq $Null)
        $Credential = Read-Credential -ListAvailable | Where { $_.Environment -eq "TimeCockpit.Mgmnt" }
    if(!$Credential) { $Credential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter Credentials for Timecockpit Management API."; }
        Write-Credential "TimeCockpit.Mgmnt" -Credential $Credential; 

    $tokenRequest = "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$($Credential.UserName)&client_secret=$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password)&scope=management.timecockpit.com mgmt.users"
    $script:mgmntToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "https://auth.timecockpit.com/connect/token" -Body $tokenRequest -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

Connects to TimeCockpit Database.
Credentials can be persisted using https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/CredentialsManager/ by setting the parameter UseCredentialsManager to $True.
Queries are executed using https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Invoke-SqlCmd2/
o $Credential -eq $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -eq $Null -> credentials are requested and are not persisted
o $Credential -ne $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -eq $Null -> passed credentials are used and not persisted
o $Credential -ne $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -ne $Null -> passed credentials are used and persisted
o $Credential -eq $Null -and $UseCredentialsManager -ne $Null -> Persisted credentials are used
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential to access the database with. I not provided they get requested.
.PARAMETER UseCredentialsManager
If $True, credentials are read and written using the CredentialsManager.

function Connect-TCDB
       [Boolean]$UseCredentialsManager = $False
    ) #end param

    # check module prerequisites
    $sqlCmd2Module = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "Invoke-SqlCmd2";
    if (!$sqlCmd2Module) { throw "Module 'Invoke-SqlCmd2' needed. Please install executing 'Install-Module -Name Invoke-SqlCmd2' as Administrator."; }
        $module = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "CredentialsManager";
        if (!$module) { throw "Module 'CredentialsManager' needed. Please install executing 'Install-Module -Name CredentialsManager' as Administrator."; }
    if($UseCredentialsManager -and $Credential -eq $Null)
        $Credential = Read-Credential -ListAvailable | Where { $_.Environment -eq "TimeCockpitDB" }
    if(!$Credential) { $Credential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter Credentials for Timecockpit DB."; }
        Write-Credential "TimeCockpitDB" -Credential $Credential; 

    $script:DBCredentials = $Credential;

function Invoke-TCDBSqlCmd
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:DBCredentials) { Connect-TCDB -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    return (Invoke-SqlCmd2 -ServerInstance $tcDBServer -Database $tcDBDatabase -Credential $script:DBCredentials -Query $Query)

### Mgmnt API ###

Returns all users from Management API.

function Get-TCMgmntUsers
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:mgmntToken) { Connect-TCMgmnt -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $uri = "${mgmntBaseUrl}/Users";

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $script:mgmntToken.access_token});

Adds a country to Timecockpit.
2 Digits ISO Code of the country
.PARAMETER CountryName
Name of the country

function Add-TCCountry
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-JSON( @{ APP_CountryName=${CountryName}; APP_IsoCode=${IsoCode}; });

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Country" -Method Post -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Returns customers from Timecockpit.
All parameters are optional filters. Executing with no parameter returns all customers.
Code of Timecockpit-Customer to filter for
Uuid of Timecockpit-Customer to filter for

function Get-TCCustomer
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $uri = "${baseUrl}/APP_Customer()";
    $filterParams = @{};
    if($code) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Code", $Code); }
    if($uuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_CustomerUuid", $Uuid); }

    if($filterParams.Count -gt 0) { $uri = "${uri}?`$filter=$(CreateFilter($filterParams))"; }
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)}).value;

Returns projects from Timecockpit.
All parameters are optional filters. Executing with no parameter returns all projects.
.PARAMETER CustomerCode
Code of Timecockpit-Customer to filter projects for
.PARAMETER CustomerUuid
Uuid of Timecockpit-Customer to filter projects for
Code of Timecockpit-Project to filter projects for
Uuid of Timecockpit-Customer to filter projects for
By default only open projects are returned. (Closed=False) Set to null to return closed and open projects.

function Get-TCProject
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $uri = "${baseUrl}/APP_Project()";
    $filterParams = @{};
    if($CustomerCode) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Customer/APP_Code", $CustomerCode); }
    if($CustomerUuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Customer/APP_CustomerUuid", $CustomerUuid); }
    if($Code) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Code", $Code); }
    if($Uuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_ProjectUuid", $Uuid); }
    if($Closed -ne $Null) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Closed", $Closed); }

    if($filterParams.Count -gt 0) { $uri = "${uri}?`$filter=$(CreateFilter($filterParams))"; }
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)}).value;

Adds a Project
Code of the new project
.PARAMETER ProjectName
ProjectName of the new project
StartDate of project. Defaults to current date
EndDate of project. Defaults to current date
Budget of new project
.PARAMETER BudgetInHours
Budget in hours of new project
HourlyRate to set in the project. Leave empty to not set and inherit from customer
If Project is fixed price or not. Defaults to $False

function Add-TCProject
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $culture = New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");

    $body = @{ APP_CustomerUuid=$CustomerUuid; APP_Code=$Code; APP_ProjectName=$ProjectName};
    if($StartDate) { $body.Add("APP_StartDate", $StartDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')); }
    if($EndDate) { $body.Add("APP_EndDate", $EndDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')); }
    if($Budget) { $body.Add("APP_Budget", $Budget.ToString($culture)); }
    if($BudgetInHours) { $body.Add("APP_BudgetInHours", $BudgetInHours.ToString($culture)); }
    if($HourlyRate) { $body.Add("APP_HourlyRate", $HourlyRate.ToString($culture)); }
    if($FixedPrice) { $body.Add("APP_FixedPrice", $FixedPrice); }

    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-Json($body);

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Project" -Method Post -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Modifies a Project
Uuid of the project to modify
Code to set in the project
.PARAMETER Description
Description to set in the project
Set the closed status of the project
HourlyRate to set in the project

function Edit-TCProject
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $body = @{};
    if($Code) { $body.Add("APP_Code", $Code); }
    if($Description) { $body.Add("APP_Description", $Description); }
    if($Closed -ne $Null) { $body.Add("APP_Closed", $Closed); }
        $culture = New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
        $body.Add("APP_HourlyRate", $HourlyRate.ToString($culture)); 
    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-Json($body);
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Project(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Patch -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Closes a Project
If the project is already closed, no error is created, its just kept closed.
Uuid of the project to close

function Close-TCProject
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $body = "{ 'APP_Closed' : 1 }";

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Project(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Patch -Body $body -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Opens a Project
If the project is already open, no error is created, its just kept open.
Uuid of the project to open

function Open-TCProject
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $body = "{ 'APP_Closed' : 0 }";

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Project(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Patch -Body $body -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Adds a Task to a project.
Use Get-TCProject for receiving the Uuid of a project.
.PARAMETER ProjectUuid
Uuid of the project
The code of the task to add
.PARAMETER Description
The Description to set in the task

function Add-TCTask
       [string]$Description = ""
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-JSON( @{ APP_ProjectUuid=${ProjectUuid}; APP_Code=${Code}; APP_Description=${Description} });

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Task" -Method Post -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Returns tasks from a project.
All parameters are optional filters. Executing with no parameter returns all tasks.
Use Get-TCProject for receiving the Uuid of a project.
.PARAMETER ProjectUuid
Uuid of project to get tasks from
Code of the task
Uuid of the task

function Get-TCTask
   ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $uri = "${baseUrl}/APP_Task()";
    $filterParams = @{};
    if($ProjectUuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Project/APP_ProjectUuid", $ProjectUuid); }
    if($Code) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Code", $Code); }
    if($Uuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_TaskUuid", $Uuid); }

    if($filterParams.Count -gt 0) { $uri = "${uri}?`$filter=$(CreateFilter($filterParams))"; }
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)}).value;

Modifies a Task
Uuid of the task to modify
Code to set in the task
.PARAMETER Description
Description to set in the task

function Edit-TCTask
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $body = @{};
    if($Code) { $body.Add("APP_Code", $Code); }
    if($Description) { $body.Add("APP_Description", $Description); }
    if($Closed -ne $Null) { $body.Add("APP_Closed", $Closed); }
    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-Json($body);
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Task(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Patch -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Closes a Task
If the task is already closed, no error is created, its just kept closed.
Uuid of the task to close

function Close-TCTask
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $body = "{ 'APP_Closed' : 1 }";

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Task(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Patch -Body $body -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Opens a Task
If the task is already open, no error is created, its just kept open.
Uuid of the task to open

function Open-TCTask
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $body = "{ 'APP_Closed' : 0 }";

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Task(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Patch -Body $body -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Returns matching timesheet entries from timecockpit.
Uuid of to task to get all timesheet entries for

function Get-TCTimesheets
   ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $uri = "${baseUrl}/APP_Timesheet()";
    $filterParams = @{};
    if($TaskUuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_Task/APP_TaskUuid", $TaskUuid); }

    if($filterParams.Count -gt 0) { $uri = "${uri}?`$filter=$(CreateFilter($filterParams))"; }
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)}).value;

Returns a timesheet entry from timecockpit.
Uuid of to timesheet

function Get-TCTimesheet
   ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $uri = "${baseUrl}/APP_Timesheet()";
    $filterParams = @{};
    if($Uuid) { $filterParams.Add("APP_TimesheetUuid", $Uuid); }

    if($filterParams.Count -gt 0) { $uri = "${uri}?`$filter=$(CreateFilter($filterParams))"; }
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)}).value;

Adds a timesheet entry.
.PARAMETER ProjectUuid
Optional. Uuid of Project to create entry in
Optional. Uuid of Task to create entry in
.PARAMETER UserDetailUuid
Uuid of User to create entry for
DateTime to start entry
DateTime to end entry
.PARAMETER Description
Description text of entry

function Add-TCTimesheet
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $body = @{ APP_UserDetailUuid=$UserDetailUuid; APP_BeginTime=$BeginTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'); APP_EndTime=$EndTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'); APP_Description=$Description; }
    if($ProjectUuid) { $body.Add("APP_ProjectUuid", $ProjectUuid) }
    if($TaskUuid) { $body.Add("APP_TaskUuid", $TaskUuid) }

    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-JSON( $body );

    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Timesheet" -Method Post -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Modifies a timesheet entry
Uuid of the timesheet to modify
Optional. Uuid of task for timesheet to modify
.PARAMETER Description
Description to set in the timesheet

function Edit-TCTimesheet
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    $body = @{};
    if($Description) { $body.Add("APP_Description", $Description); }
    if($TaskUuid) { $body.Add("APP_TaskUuid", $TaskUuid); }
    $bodyAsJson = ConvertTo-Json($body);
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Timesheet(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Patch -Body $bodyAsJson -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

Removes a timesheet entry
Uuid of the timesheet to remove

function Remove-TCTimesheet
    ) #end param

    if(!$script:token) { Connect-TC -UseCredentialsManager $True; }
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "${baseUrl}/APP_Timesheet(guid'${Uuid}')" -Method Delete -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $script:token)});

## Private Functions

function CreateFilter($parameters)
    $first = $True;
    foreach($parameter in $parameters.Keys)
        $value = $parameters[$parameter];
        if(!$First) { $filter = "${filter} and "; } 
        if($value.GetType() -eq [string]) { $filter = "${filter}${parameter} eq '$([System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($value))'"; }
        elseif($value.GetType() -eq [Guid]) { $filter = "${filter}${parameter} eq guid'${value}'"; }
        elseif($value.GetType() -eq [Boolean]) { $filter = "${filter}${parameter} eq $(([string]$value).ToLower())"; }
        else { $filter = "${filter}${parameter} eq ${value}"; }

        $First = $False;
    return $filter;