################################################################################### # # # WARNING: This script is still being developed and tested. Use at your own risk. # # # ################################################################################### function Clear-OldExchangeLog { <# .SYNOPSIS Clean out old Exchange Server logs. .DESCRIPTION Remove any Exchange logs that are older than a specified date. .PARAMETER Days The number of days to keep logs for. Any logs older than this will be removed. .EXAMPLE Clear-OldExchangeLog -Days 60 This will remove all Exchange logs older than 60 days. .COMPONENT TheCleaners #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] [Alias('Clean-ExchangeLog')] #[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns')] # Logs older than this number of days will be removed. param ( [Parameter()] [int] $Days = 60 ) begin { try { $ExchangeInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup).MsiInstallPath } catch { Write-Warning -WarningAction Continue "The Exchange Server installation path could not be found. Please ensure that Exchange Server is installed on this machine." return } # Define the paths to the Exchange log files $LogLocations = @{ ExchangeLoggingPath = Join-Path -Path $ExchangeInstallPath -ChildPath 'Logging\' -ErrorAction Ignore ETLTracesPath = Join-Path -Path $ExchangeInstallPath -ChildPath 'Bin\Search\Ceres\Diagnostics\ETLTraces\' -ErrorAction Ignore DiagnosticLogsPath = Join-Path -Path $ExchangeInstallPath -ChildPath '\Bin\Search\Ceres\Diagnostics\Logs' -ErrorAction Ignore MessageTrackingLogsPath = Join-Path -Path $ExchangeInstallPath -ChildPath '\TransportRoles\Logs\MessageTracking\' -ErrorAction Ignore } $LastWriteDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$Days) } # end begin process { # Clean up the IIS log files Clear-OldIisLogFiles -Days $Days foreach ($LogLocation in $LogLocations.GetEnumerator()) { if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LogLocation.Value)) { Write-Warning -WarningAction Continue "The folder $($LogLocation.Key) doesn't exist. Skipping this folder." continue } $OldFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $($LogLocation.Value) -Recurse | Where-Object { ($_.Name -like "*.log") -and ($_.lastWriteTime -le "$LastWriteDate") } | Select-Object FullName foreach ($file in $OldFiles) { if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($file.Name) ) { $file.Delete() } } # end foreach $file } # end foreach LogLocation } # end process end { # Summarize the count and total size of files removed. } } |