
Function _GetCssNodes($Node, $Scope, $Project, $Collection)
        if ($Node -is [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.NodeInfo])
            _Log "Input item is of type NodeInfo; returning input item immediately, without further processing."

            return $Node

        $tp = Get-TfsTeamProject -Project $Project -Collection $Collection; if (-not $tp -or ($tp.Count -ne 1)) {throw "Invalid or non-existent team project $Project."}; $tpc = $tp.Store.TeamProjectCollection

        $projectName = $tp.Name
        $cssService = _GetCssService -Collection $tpc
        if ($node -is [uri])
            _Log "Getting node by URL [$node]"
            return $cssService.GetNode($node)

        $rootPath = _NormalizeCssNodePath -Project $projectName -Scope $Scope -Path '' -IncludeTeamProject -IncludeScope
        $rootNodeUri = $cssService.GetNodeFromPath("$rootPath").Uri

        _Log "Retrieving Nodes XML from root path [$rootPath]"

        $rootElement = $cssService.GetNodesXml(@($rootNodeUri), $true)
        $nodePaths = $rootElement.SelectNodes('//@Path') | Select-Object -ExpandProperty '#text'

        $fullPath = _NormalizeCssNodePath  -Project $projectName -Scope $Scope -Path $Node -IncludeScope -IncludeTeamProject -IncludeLeadingBackslash
        $matchingPaths = $nodePaths | Where-Object { _Log "Evaluating '$_' against pattern '$fullPath' == $($_ -like $fullPath)" -Caller (_GetLogCallStack); $_ -like $fullPath }

        return $matchingPaths | Foreach-Object { _Log "Returning node from path [$_]" -Caller (_GetLogCallStack); $cssService.GetNodeFromPath($_) }

Function _DeleteCssNode($Node, $Scope, $MoveToNode, $Project, $Collection)
    $tp = Get-TfsTeamProject -Project $Project -Collection $Collection; if (-not $tp -or ($tp.Count -ne 1)) {throw "Invalid or non-existent team project $Project."}; $tpc = $tp.Store.TeamProjectCollection

    $newNode = _GetCssNodes -Node $MoveToNode -Scope $Scope -Project $Project -Collection $Collection

    _Log "Moving work items from deleted node [$($Node.Path)] to node [$($newNode.Path)]"

    $cssService = _GetCssService -Collection $tpc

    $cssService.DeleteBranches($Node.Uri, $newNode.Uri)        

Function _NewCssNode ($Project, $Path, $Scope, $Collection, $StartDate, $FinishDate)
        $tp = Get-TfsTeamProject -Project $Project -Collection $Collection; if (-not $tp -or ($tp.Count -ne 1)) {throw "Invalid or non-existent team project $Project."}; $tpc = $tp.Store.TeamProjectCollection

        $projectName = $tp.Name

        _Log "Creating $Scope node [$Path] in project $projectName"

        $cssService = _GetCssService -Collection $tpc

            $fullPath = _NormalizeCssNodePath -Project $projectName -Scope $Scope -Path $Path -IncludeTeamProject -IncludeScope
            $parentPath = Split-Path $fullPath -Parent
            $nodeName = Split-Path $fullPath -Leaf
            $parentNode = $cssService.GetNodeFromPath($parentPath)
            _Log "Parent node [$parentPath] does not exist. Creating recursively..."

            $parentNode = _NewCssNode -Project $Project -Path $parentPath -Scope $Scope -Collection $Collection

        if ($StartDate -or $FinishDate)
            _Log "Iteration date(s) were provided as Start = [$StartDate], Finish = [$FinishDate]. Creating iteration with supplied dates"
            $cssService = _GetCssService -Collection $tpc -Version 4
            $nodeUri = $cssService.CreateNode($nodeName, $parentNode.Uri, $StartDate, $FinishDate)
            if($Scope -eq 'Iteration')
                _Log "Iteration date(s) were not provided. Creating iteration without dates"
            $nodeUri = $cssService.CreateNode($nodeName, $parentNode.Uri)

        return $cssService.GetNode($nodeUri)

Function _NormalizeCssNodePath

        [ValidateSet('Area', 'Iteration')]







    _Log "Normalizing path '$Path' with arguments $(_DumpObj $PSBoundParameters)"

    $newPath = ''

    if ($IncludeLeadingBackslash) { $newPath += '\' }
    if ($IncludeTeamProject) { $newPath += $Project + '\' }
    if ($IncludeScope) { $newPath += $Scope + '\' }

    if(-not $ExcludePath.IsPresent)
        $Path = $Path.Trim(' ', '\')

        if ($Path -like "$Project\$Scope\*")
            $Path = $Path.Substring("$Project\$Scope\".Length)
        if ($Path -like "$Project\*")
            $Path = $Path.Substring($Path.IndexOf('\'))
        elseif ($Path -eq $Project)
            $Path = ''

        $newPath += $Path

    if ($newPath.EndsWith('\') -and (-not $IncludeTrailingBackslash.IsPresent))
        $newPath = $newPath.TrimEnd('\')

    _Log "Normalized path: $newPath"

    return $newPath -replace '\\{2,}', '\'

Function _GetCssService($Collection, $Version)
    $tpc = Get-TfsTeamProjectCollection -Collection $Collection; if (-not $tpc -or ($tpc.Count -ne 1)) {throw "Invalid or non-existent team project collection $Collection."}

    return $tpc.GetService([type]"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.ICommonStructureService$Version")