
   Convert Text to Image. Automate your screenshots.
   Convert Text to Image. Redirect your output into variable/file and then convert it to image. With our preset styles easily automate your screenshot capturing routine for your blog, twitter, etc.
   Image formats supported: Png, Bmp, Gif, Jpeg, Tiff.
    PS C:\> t2i -ImageText "`r`nTesting Text2Image Powershell Module`r`n" -ImageStyle PuTTY -Verbose
    VERBOSE: Performing the operation "New-Image" on target "'
    Testing Text2Image Powershell Module
    '. Using PuTTY style".

function New-Image
        # Text which should be converted to Image

        # Generated Image Style

        # New Image Format
        [ValidateSet("Png", "Bmp", "Gif", "Jpeg", "Tiff")]

        # New Image Output Path. Default to Current Lcoation

        # New Image Name


        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("'$($ImageText)'. Using $ImageStyle style"))
                  switch ($ImageStyle)
                      'PowerShell' {
                            FontName="Lucida Console"
                      'CMD' {
                      'PuTTY' {
                            FontName="Courier New"
                      'LinuxTerminal' {
                            FontName="Terminus Font"
                      Default {}
                  $ImageStyleObj=New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $ImageStyleObjProps
                  $FontObj=New-Object System.Drawing.Font $ImageStyleObj.FontName,$ImageStyleObj.FontSize
                  $BitmapObj=New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap 1,1
                  $StringSize=$GraphicsObj.MeasureString($ImageText, $FontObj)
                  $BitmapObj=New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap $([int]$StringSize.Width),$([int]$StringSize.Height)


                  $GraphicsObj.DrawString($ImageText, $FontObj, $ImageStyleObj.TextColor, 0, 0)

                  if($OutputPath -eq $null){
                  $BitmapObj.Save("$ImageFileName", $ImageFormat);

                Write-Verbose "Failed - please review exception message for more details"
                Write-Output ("Catched Exception: - $($_.exception.message)")