
Function Test-PSBoundParameters {
            Describe the function here
            Describe the function in more detail
            Give an example of how to use it



   # Display all the passed parameters:

   # or with a switch statement:
   switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
            'Text' { write-output ' A value for Text was supplied' }
            'Number' { write-output ' A value for Number was supplied'  }

   # or looping through all the key/value pairs
   foreach($boundparam in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
       "Key={0} Value={1}" -f $boundparam.Key,$boundparam.Value

   # or Call a second function passing all the parameters plus any extra if needed:
   Test-PSBoundParametersPriv @PSBoundParameters -ExtraDemoParam 'Testing 123'