
Set-StrictMode -Version 2

function Install-TelligentJobScheduler {
        Installs the Telligent Job Scheduler
    .PARAMETER JobSchedulerPath
        The path to install the Job Scheduler at
    .PARAMETER Package
        The installation package containing the Job Scheduler installation files.
    .PARAMETER WebsitePath
        The path containing the Telligent Community website. Any configuration, addons and hotfixed are copied from here into the Job Scheduler.
    .PARAMETER InstallService
        Specify this flag to install the Job Scheduler as a service. You will have to manually run the Job Scheduler as required.
    .PARAMETER ServiceName
        The name to use when installing the Service
    .PARAMETER ServiceCredential
        The credentials for the service to run under

        [ValidateScript({ Test-TelligentPath $_ -IsValid})]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Zip $_ })]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-TelligentPath $_ -Web })]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='InstallService', Mandatory=$true)]

    Write-Progress 'Installing Job Scheduler' 'Creating Directory'

    if(!(Test-Path $JobSchedulerPath)) {
        New-Item $JobSchedulerPath -ItemType Directory | out-null

    $info = Get-TelligentCommunity $WebsitePath
    if ($info.PlatformVersion.Major -ge 8 ) {
        $zipDirName = if ($info.Platformversion -ge 9.1) { 'JobServer' } else { 'Jobservice' }
        Expand-Zip $Package $JobSchedulerPath -ZipDirectory $zipDirName

        $tempDir = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($env:TEMP)) ([guid]::NewGuid())
        Expand-Zip -Path $package -Destination $tempDir -ZipDirectory SqlScripts -ZipFile Jobs_InstallUpdate.sql
        $sqlScript = Join-Path $tempDir Jobs_InstallUpdate.sql

        if (Test-Path $sqlScript) {
            Write-Progress 'Job Scheduler' 'Executing Job Scheduler SQL'
            Invoke-TelligentSqlCmd -WebsitePath $WebsitePath -File $sqlScript
    else {
        Write-Progress 'Job Scheduler' 'Extracting Base Job Scheduler'
        Expand-Zip $Package $JobSchedulerPath -ZipDirectory tasks
    Write-Progress 'Job Scheduler' 'Updating Job Scheduler from Website'
    Update-TelligentJobSchedulerFromWeb $WebsitePath $JobSchedulerPath

        Install-TelligentJobSchedulerService $ServiceName $JobSchedulerPath $Credential

function Install-TelligentJobSchedulerService {
        Installs the Telligent Job Scheduler as a windows service allation files.
        The name to use when installing the Service
    .PARAMETER JobSchedulerPath
        The path the Job Scheduler has been installed to.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials for the service to run under
    .PARAMETER StartupType
        The startup type to use for the service.

        [ValidateScript({ Test-TelligentPath $_ -JobScheduler -AllowEmpty})]
        [ValidateSet('Automatic', 'Manual', 'Disabled')]
        [string]$StartupType = 'Automatic'

    $localJsPath = $JobSchedulerPath | Convert-Path

    $splat = @{}
    if ($localJsPath.StartsWith('\\')) {
        $path = Expand-UNCPath $localJsPath
        if (!$path.LocalPath ) {
            Write-Error "Unable to determine local path for '$localJsPath'"
        $splat.ComputerName = $path.ComputerName
        $localJsPath = $path.LocalPath
    if (Join-Path $JobSchedulerPath Telligent.Jobs.Server.exe | Test-Path) {
        $servicePath = "$($localJsPath.TrimEnd('\'))\Telligent.Jobs.Server.exe"
        $serviceName = "Telligent.Jobs.Server-$Name"
    else {
        $servicePath = "$($localJsPath.TrimEnd('\'))\Telligent.JobScheduler.Service.exe"
        $serviceName = "Telligent.JobScheduler-$Name"

    if ($splat.ContainsKey('ComputerName')) {
        Write-Verbose "Setting up service on '$($splat.ComputerName)'"
    else {
        Write-Verbose 'Setting up service'

    $displayName = "Telligent Job Scheduler - $Name"
    $localSqlServer = ('.','(local)','localhost') -contains (Get-TelligentCommunity $JobSchedulerPath).DatabaseServer

    Invoke-Command @splat -ArgumentList @($serviceName, $servicePath, $displayName, $StartupType, $Credential, $localSqlServer) {
        param (
            [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]
            [ValidateSet('Automatic', 'Manual', 'Disabled')]
        #New-Service doesn't support Managed Service accounts on it's Credential object
        $service = if ($credential.Password.Length -eq 0)
            &sc.exe create "$serviceName" binPath= "$servicePath" DisplayName= "$displayName" start= auto obj= "$($credential.UserName)"
        else {
            New-Service $serviceName `
                -BinaryPathName $servicePath `
                -DisplayName $displayName `
                -StartupType $startupType `
                -Credential $credential
        if($service -and $startupType -eq 'Automatic') {

            Write-Verbose 'Setting automatic service recovery'
            # - first restart after 30 secs, subsequent every 2 mins.
            # - reset failure count after 20 mins
            &sc.exe failure "$serviceName" actions= restart/30000/restart/120000 reset= 1200 | Out-Null

            #If SQL is on the current server, set startup to Automatic (Delayed Startup)
            if ($localSqlServer) {
                Write-Verbose 'Changing startup mode to Automatic (Delayed Start) to prevent race conditions with SQL Server'
                &sc.exe config "$serviceName" start= delayed-auto | Out-Null

            Start-Service $serviceName

function Update-TelligentJobSchedulerFromWeb {
        Syncs configuration from a Telligent Website to the Job Server
    .PARAMETER WebsitePath
        The path to thte Telligent Community website
    .PARAMETER JobSchedulerPath
        The path to the Telligent Community Job Server

        [ValidateScript({ Test-TelligentPath $_ -Web})]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-TelligentPath $_ -JobScheduler})]
    $roboCopyParams = @(
        # 1 second Wait between retries, max 5 retries
        '/W:1', '/R:5',
        #No Progress, no file list, no header, no directory list, no summary, no extra file listing
        '/NP', '/NFL', '/NJH', '/NDL', '/NJS', '/XX'
    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($JobSchedulerPath)) {
        #$sharedParams += '/L'
        $WebsitePath = $WebsitePath.TrimEnd('\')
        $JobSchedulerPath = $JobSchedulerPath.TrimEnd('\')

        #Copy web /bin/ to JS root
        Write-Progress 'Job Scheduler' 'Updating binaries from web'
        &robocopy "$WebsitePath\bin" "$JobSchedulerPath" /e @roboCopyParams | Write-Host

        Write-Progress 'Job Scheduler' 'Updating config files from web'
        &robocopy "$WebsitePath" "$JobSchedulerPath" *.config /s /XF web.config tasks.config jobs.config /XD ControlPanel @roboCopyParams  | Write-Host

        #TODO: is themes explicitly required if we copy *.config?
        Write-Progress 'Job Scheduler' 'Updating modules and languages from web'
        @('modules', 'languages') |% {
            $dir = Join-Path $WebsitePath $_
            if(Test-Path $dir) {
                &robocopy "$dir" "$JobSchedulerPath\$_" /e /Mir @roboCopyParams  | Write-Host

        #TODO: Sync sections of web.config into tellgient.js.service.exe.config
        # OR use web.config then merge back in JS specifics?

function Remove-Service {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='High')]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]        

    $localPath = $Executable | Convert-Path

    $splat = @{}
    if ($localPath.StartsWith('\\')) {
        $path = Expand-UNCPath $localPath
        if (!$path.LocalPath ) {
            Write-Error "Unable to determine local path for '$localJsPath'"
        $splat.ComputerName = $path.ComputerName
        $localPath = $path.LocalPath

    gwmi win32_service @splat |
        ? PathName -like "${localPath}*" |
        ? { $Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($_.Name) } |
        % {
            Write-Verbose "Removing Service '$($_.Name)'"
            $_.StopService() |Out-Null
            $_.Delete() | Out-Null