
Set-StrictMode -Version 2

$versionRegex = [regex]'[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'

function Get-TelligentVersion {
        Gets a list of Teligent Community builds in the TelligentPackages directory.
    .PARAMETER Version
        Filters to the most recent build whose version matches the given pattern
        Gets a list of all available builds of Telligent Community.
        Get-TelligentVersion 9.1
        Gets the most recent build with major version 7 and minor version 6.

    $base = $env:TelligentInstanceManager
    if (!$base) {
        throw 'TelligentInstanceManager environmental variable not defined' 
    $basePackageDir = Join-Path $base TelligentPackages
    $basePackages = Get-VersionedTelligentCommunityPackage $basePackageDir
    $fullBuilds = $basePackages |
        % { 
            new-object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{
                Version = $_.Version
                BasePackage = $_.Path
    $results = @($fullBuilds)

    $results = $results | sort Version
        $versionPattern = "$($Version.TrimEnd('*'))*"
        $results = $results |
            ? {$_.Version.ToString() -like $versionPattern } |
            select -Last 1


function Get-VersionedTelligentCommunityPackage {
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Container})]

    Get-ChildItem $Path  *.zip|
            $match = $versionRegex.Match($_.Name)

            if ($match.Value) {                
                New-Object PSObject -Property (@{
                    Version = [version]$match.Value
                    Path = $_.FullName
