Set-StrictMode -Version 2 workflow Initialize-CommunitySampleGroup { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [int]$GroupId, [string[]]$Creator, [string[]]$Contributor, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [CommunityCredential]$Credential ) #TODO: Add support for joinless groups # Joinless groups don't support membership, so the following fails # For $Contributors, just create new site users # For $Creators, create them as Group Owners # Need to fix Get-CommunityGroup -GroupId so it returns the correct group rather than the root group # This is an issue with the code generated API to be resolved. $group = Get-CommunityGroup -Id $GroupId -Credential $Credential if($group.GroupType -ne 'Joinless') { if(!$Creator) { $Creator = (Initialize-CommunitySampleGroupMember ` -GroupId $GroupId ` -MemberType Manager ` -Min 3 ` -Maximum 6 ` -Credential $Credential ).Username } if(!$Contributor) { $Contributor = (Initialize-CommunitySampleGroupMember ` -GroupId $GroupId ` -Credential $Credential ).Username + $Creator } } #Would like to use foreach -parallel() here, but that seems to have problem loading the assembly containing [CommunityCredential] parallel { foreach ($forum in (Get-CommunityForum -GroupId $GroupId -Credential $Credential)) { Initialize-CommunitySampleForum ` -ForumId $forum.Id ` -Username $Contributor ` -Credential $Credential } foreach ($wiki in (Get-CommunityWiki -GroupId $GroupId -Credential $Credential)) { Initialize-CommunitySampleWiki ` -WikiId $wiki.Id ` -Username $Contributor ` -Credential $Credential } foreach ($blog in (Get-CommunityBlog -GroupId $GroupId -Credential $Credential)) { #TODO: Come up with a better implementation #Make all new members authors of the blog to ensure they can create content: #$authors = @($blog.Authors.Username) + $Username #Set-CommunityBlog -Id $blog.Id -Authors $authors -Credential $Credential Initialize-CommunitySampleBlog ` -BlogId $blog.Id ` -Creator $Creator ` -Contributor $Contributor ` -Credential $Credential } foreach ($gallery in (Get-CommunityGallery -GroupId $GroupId -Credential $Credential)) { Initialize-CommunitySampleGallery ` -GalleryId $gallery.Id ` -Creator $Creator ` -Contributor $Contributor ` -Credential $Credential } } } |