<# .SYNOPSIS Send custom event .DESCRIPTION Send custom event with configurable properties and metrics. This is the most versatile telemetry instrument. Properties and Metrics can all be evaluated in e.g. PowerBI or an AppInsights query. .PARAMETER EventName Name of the event .PARAMETER PropertiesHash A Hashtable of properties and values. Both properties as well as values will be converted to string .PARAMETER MetricsHash A Hashtable of metrics and values. Metric name will be converted to string, value to double .PARAMETER DoNotFlush Indicates that data should be collected and flushed by the telemetry client at regular intervals Intervals are 30s or 500 metrics .PARAMETER ModuleName Auto-generated, used to select the proper configuration in case you have different modules .EXAMPLE Send-THEvent -EventName ModuleImport -PropertiesHash @{PSVersionUsed = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion} Sends a ModuleImport event with the PowerShell Version that has been used. #> function Send-THEvent { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $EventName, [Alias('Properties')] [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $PropertiesHash, [Alias('Metrics')] [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $MetricsHash, [Parameter()] [string] $ModuleName = (Get-CallingModule), [Parameter()] [switch] $DoNotFlush ) begin { $telemetryInstance = Get-THTelemetryConfiguration -ModuleName $ModuleName if ($null -eq $telemetryInstance) { Initialize-THTelemetry -ModuleName $ModuleName $telemetryInstance = Get-THTelemetryConfiguration -ModuleName $ModuleName } if ($MetricsHash) { $Metrics = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, double]' foreach ($kvp in $MetricsHash.GetEnumerator()) { $Metrics.Add([string]$kvp.Key, [double]$kvp.Value) } } if ($PropertiesHash) { $Properties = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, string]' foreach ($kvp in $PropertiesHash.GetEnumerator()) { $Properties.Add([string]$kvp.Key, [string]$kvp.Value) } } } process { try { if ($Properties -and $Metrics) { $telemetryInstance.SendEvent($EventName, $Properties, $Metrics) } elseif ($Properties) { $telemetryInstance.SendEvent($EventName, $Properties) } elseif ($Metrics) { $telemetryInstance.SendEvent($EventName, $null, $Metrics) } else { $telemetryInstance.SendEvent($EventName) } } catch { Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Unable to send event $EventName to ApplicationInsights" -Exception $_.Exception } } end { if ($DoNotFlush) { return } try { $telemetryInstance.Flush() } catch { Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Unable to flush telemetry client. Messages may be delayed." -Exception $_.Exception } } } |