
Function get-TeamPermissions{
        Author = "Jos Lieben ("
        CompanyName = "Lieben Consultancy"
        Copyright = ""
        -teamName: the name of the Team to scan
        -teamSiteUrl: the URL of the Team (or any sharepoint location) to scan (e.g. if name is not unique)
        -expandGroups: if set, group memberships will be expanded to individual users
            Default (output to Out-GridView)
            Any combination of above is possible



    $global:tenantName = (New-GraphQuery -Method GET -Uri '$top=999' -NoPagination | Where-Object -Property isInitial -EQ $true).id.Split(".")[0]
    $currentUser = New-GraphQuery -Uri '' -NoPagination -Method GET
    Write-Host "Performing scan using: $($currentUser.userPrincipalName)"

    $spoBaseAdmUrl = "https://$($tenantName)"
    Write-Host "Using Sharepoint base URL: $spoBaseAdmUrl"

    $sites = Get-PnPTenantSite -Connection (Get-SpOConnection -Type Admin -Url $spoBaseAdmUrl) | Where-Object {`
        ($Null -ne $teamName -and $_.Title -eq $teamName) -or ($Null -ne $teamSiteUrl -and $_.Url -eq $teamSiteUrl)

    if($sites.Count -gt 1){
        Throw "Failed to find a single Team using $teamName. Found: $($sites.Url -join ","). Please use the Url to specify the correct Team"
    }elseif($sites.Count -eq 0 -or $Null -eq $sites){
        Throw "Failed to find a Team using $teamName $teamSiteUrl. Please check the name and try again"
        $site = $sites[0]

    $wasOwner = $False
    if($site.Owners -notcontains $currentUser.userPrincipalName){
        Write-Host "Adding you as site collection owner to ensure all permissions can be read..."
        Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity $site.Url -Owners $currentUser.userPrincipalName -Connection (Get-SpOConnection -Type Admin -Url $spoBaseAdmUrl) -WarningAction Stop -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Host "Owner added and marked for removal upon scan completion"
        $wasOwner = $True
        Write-Host "Site collection ownership verified :)"

    if($site.GroupId.Guid -eq "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"){
        $groupId = $Null
        Write-Warning "Site is not connected to a group and is likely not a Team site."
        $groupId = $site.GroupId.Guid
        Write-Host "Site is connected to a group with ID: $groupId"

    $spoWeb = Get-PnPWeb -Connection (Get-SpOConnection -Type User -Url $site.Url) -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "Scanning root $($spoWeb.Url)..."
    $spoSiteAdmins = Get-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin -Connection (Get-SpOConnection -Type User -Url $site.Url)
    $global:permissions = @{
        $spoWeb.Url = @()

    #language specific permission name translation
        "nl-NL" { $fullControl = "Volledig beheer"}
        Default { $fullControl = "Full Control"}

    foreach($spoSiteAdmin in $spoSiteAdmins){
        if($spoSiteAdmin.PrincipalType -ne "User" -and $expandGroups){
            $members = $Null; $members = Get-PnPGroupMembers -name $spoSiteAdmin.Title -parentId $spoSiteAdmin.Id -siteConn (Get-SpOConnection -Type User -Url $site.Url) | Where-Object {$_}
            foreach($member in $members){
                New-PermissionEntry -Path $spoWeb.Url -Permission (get-permissionEntry -entity $member -object $spoWeb -permission $fullControl -Through "GroupMembership" -parent $spoSiteAdmin.Title)
            New-PermissionEntry -Path $spoWeb.Url -Permission (get-permissionEntry -entity $spoSiteAdmin -object $spoWeb -permission $fullControl -Through "DirectAssignment")

    get-PnPObjectPermissions -Object $spoWeb

    $permissionRows = @()
    foreach($row in $global:permissions.Keys){
        foreach($permission in $global:permissions.$row){
            $permissionRows += [PSCustomObject]@{
                "ID" = $permission.RowId
                "Path" = $row
                "Object"    = $permission.Object
                "Name" = $permission.Name
                "Identity" = $permission.Identity
                "Email" = $permission.Email
                "Type" = $permission.Type
                "Permission" = $permission.Permission
                "Through" = $permission.Through
                "Parent" = $permission.Parent

        $basePath = Join-Path -Path (get-location).Path -ChildPath "TeamPermissions.@@@"
        $basePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent) -ChildPath "TeamPermissions.@@@"

    foreach($format in $outputFormat){
            "HTML" { 
                $targetPath = $basePath.Replace("@@@","html")
                if((Test-Path -Path $targetPath)){
                    $curHtml = Get-Content -Path $targetPath
                    $curHtml = "<html><head><style>table {border-collapse: collapse;}table, th, td {border: 1px solid black;}</style></head><body><h1>Team Permissions Report</h1></body></html>"
                $table = $permissionRows | ConvertTo-Html -Property "ID","Path","Object","Name","Identity","Email","Type","Permission","Through","Parent" -Fragment
                $curHtml -replace "</body>","<p><h2>$($spoWeb.Url)</h2>$table</body>" | Out-File -FilePath $targetPath -Force -Encoding UTF8 -Confirm:$False
                Write-Host "HTML report saved to $targetPath"
            "XLSX" { 
                $targetPath = $basePath.Replace("@@@","xlsx")
                $permissionRows | Export-Excel -Path $targetPath -WorksheetName "TeamPermissions" -TableName "TeamPermissions" -TableStyle Medium10 -Append -AutoSize
                Write-Host "XLSX report saved to $targetPath"
            "CSV" { 
                $targetPath = $basePath.Replace("@@@","csv")
                $permissionRows | Export-Csv -Path "TeamPermissions.csv" -NoTypeInformation  -Append
                Write-Host "CSV report saved to $targetPath"

            "Default" { $permissionRows | out-gridview }

        Write-Host "Cleanup: Removing you as site collection owner..."
        Remove-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin -Owners $currentUser.userPrincipalName -Connection (Get-SpOConnection -Type User -Url $site.Url)
        Write-Host "Cleanup: Owner removed"