# # Script module for module 'TcXaeMgmt' # Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # Summary: TcXaeMgmt is supported on Windows PowerShell 5.1 or later and PowerShell 6.0+ / 7.0+ $isCore = ($PSVersionTable.Keys -contains "PSEdition") -and ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Desktop') Write-Verbose "IsCore: $isCore" $psVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion Write-Verbose "PSVersion: $psVersion" if ($psVersion -ge [Version]'7.4') { $script:Framework = 'net6.0' $script:FrameworkToRemove = 'net462','net80' } elseif ($psVersion -ge [Version]'7.3') { $script:Framework = 'net6.0' $script:FrameworkToRemove = 'net462','net80' } elseif ($psVersion -ge [Version]'7.2') { $script:Framework = 'netstandard2.0' $script:FrameworkToRemove = 'net462','net80' } elseif ($psVersion -ge [Version]'7.0') { $script:Framework = 'netstandard2.0' $script:FrameworkToRemove = 'net462','net80' } elseif ($psVersion -ge [Version]'6.0') { $script:Framework = 'netstandard2.0' $script:FrameworkToRemove = 'net462','net80' } else { $script:Framework = 'netstandard2.0' $script:FrameworkToRemove = 'net462','net80' } # Set up some helper variables to make it easier to work with the module $script:PSModule = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module $script:PSModuleRoot = $script:PSModule.ModuleBase $script:PSMainAssembly = 'TwinCAT.Management.dll' ## CONSTRUCT A PATH TO THE CORRECT ASSEMBLY $pathToAssembly = [io.path]::combine($PSScriptRoot, $script:Framework, $script:PSMainAssembly) $pathToFramework = Join-Path -Path $script:PSModuleRoot -ChildPath $script:Framework $pathToAssembly = Join-Path -Path $pathToFramework -ChildPath $script:PSMainAssembly ## Remove framework binaries that are not needed #$FrameworkToRemovePath = Join-Path -Path $script:PSModuleRoot -ChildPath $script:FrameworkToRemove #if (Test-Path $FrameworkToRemovePath) #{ # Remove-Item $FrameworkToRemovePath -Force -Recurse #} # NOW LOAD THE APPROPRIATE ASSEMBLY Write-Verbose "Loading assembly '$pathToAssembly'" $importedModule = Import-Module -Name $pathToAssembly -PassThru #Set-Alias # New-Alias -Name AdsRead -Value Read-TcValue -Scope Global -Force # New-Alias -Name AdsWrite -Value Write-TcValue -Scope Global -Force # New-Alias -Name AdsReadWrite -Value Send-TcReadWrite -Scope Global -Force |