
        Logs the specified information to SharePoint lists
        This function writes the supplied parameter values to 2 SharePoint lists,
        one being an overview of the script or automation this function is used in,
        the other a log for each action.
        If the lists don't exist, the function can create them and if they exist but are missing some fields it will add them.
        Overview List;
        The Fields(Columns) in the Overview list have the following passed from the parameters:
        "ProcessName", "CurrentStatus", "Result", "ProcessOwner", "ProcessObjectCount", "ProcessObjectCurrentItem"
        In addition, "RunBy", "HostSystem" are added automatically.
        This is where you can see each process the function used in and its current status.
        The initial run of this function in a process should have the -PassThru switch used and captured (In a variable),
        this will allow you to reference the integer further down the logging using the -ID parameter so that the items added to the Logs list match up with the Overview list.
        Log List;
        The Fields(Columns) in the Log list have the following passed from the parameters;
        "ProcessName", "CurrentStatus", "Result", "ProcessOwner", "ProcessObjectCount", "ProcessObjectCurrentItem", "TargetObject", "CommandRun", "OverviewReferenceId"
        In addition, "RunBy", "HostSystem" are added automatically.
        For each list a default view is created however remember that there is a limit of what you can view in a list on screen,
        make sure to create some kind of reporting or live PowerBI dashboard to display the date in a meaningful way.
    .PARAMETER OverviewList
        Enter the name of overview list, will create a new one if none exists in the current connection
    .PARAMETER LogList
        Enter the name of log list, will create a new one if none exists in the current connection
    .PARAMETER Passthru
        This outputs an object with the ID of the Overview List item
    .PARAMETER SkipCheck
        Specify this switch to skip checking if the Lists and Fields exist, should speed up process slightly.
    .PARAMETER PreBuildLists
        Builds named lists if missing and missing fields without adding or amending the lists
    .PARAMETER ProcessName
        Name of the Script or function this function is used inside of, can be left blank and 'Get-PSCallStack' will be used.
    .PARAMETER CurrentStatus
        The state of the current process
    .PARAMETER Result
        The result of the command or activity
    .PARAMETER ProcessOwner
        Who created the process this function logs
    .PARAMETER ProcessObjectCount
        Count of the items processing
    .PARAMETER ProcessObjectCurrentItem
        The current item in the process
    .PARAMETER TargetObject
        Target of the command i.e. user
    .PARAMETER CommandRun
        What Command is run
        Only pass to this parameter after the first instance of the function in your script as it will act as a hook as to what item in the Overview List the Log List item belongs too,
        this will allow you to reference the 2 in some reporting. i.e. PowerBI.
    .PARAMETER Errors
        Any errors generated can be added here
        Current Step in the Process
    .PARAMETER Notes
        Any notes for this item
        This function is to be used in other automation processes to log their output to SharePoint Lists.
        Small example of how this would look;
        # My Script That does things
        $OverViewLoggingList = Write-NTSPLog -OverviewList "My Logging Overview" -LogList "My Logging Logs" -PassThru `
        -ProcessName "Process Named Doing Things" -CurrentStatus Starting -Result Success -ProcessOwner "Me" `
        -TargetObject "A List of Users" -CommandRun "Starting Process"
        $AllTheUsers = Get-AllTheUsers -AllOfThem
        $Counting = 0
        foreach ($a in $AllTheUsers) {
        Awesome-PowerShellCommand -ImAParameter $a -ErrorAction 'Stop'
        Write-NTSPLog -OverviewList "My Logging Overview" -LogList "My Logging Logs" `
        -ProcessName "Process Named Doing Things" -CurrentStatus InProgress -Result Success -ProcessOwner "Me" `
        -TargetObject $a -CommandRun "I ran this one : 'Awesome-PowerShellCommand -ImAParameter $a -ErrorAction 'Stop''" `
        -ProcessObjectCount $AllTheUsers -ProcessObjectCurrentItem $Counting -ID $OverViewLoggingList
        Write-NTSPLog -OverviewList "My Logging Overview" -LogList "My Logging Logs" `
        -ProcessName "Process Named Doing Things" -CurrentStatus InProgress -Result Failure -ProcessOwner "Me" `
        -TargetObject $a -CommandRun "I ran this one : 'Awesome-PowerShellCommand -ImAParameter $a -ErrorAction 'Stop''" `
        -ProcessObjectCount $AllTheUsers -ProcessObjectCurrentItem $Counting -ID $OverViewLoggingList -Errors $_.Exception.Message
        void, System.String

#Requires -Version 3.0
function Write-SPLog {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Build',
        ConfirmImpact = 'High',
        SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    [OutputType([System.String], ParameterSetName = 'Build')]
    [OutputType([void], ParameterSetName = 'Skip')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = 'Enter the name of overview list, will create a new one if none exists in the current connection')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Build')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Skip')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Build')]
        [ValidateSet('Starting', 'InProgress', 'Completed')]
        [ValidateSet('Failure', 'Warning', 'Success-Warning', 'Success')]
    BEGIN {
        # Embedded Functions Start
        #region Modules
        try {
            Get-Module -Name SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Module: SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline not found"

        function ConvertTo-CapitalSplit {
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            $OutputString = @()
            foreach ($a in ($InputString.ToCharArray())) {
                if ([char]::IsUpper($a)) {
                    $OutputString += " " + $a
                else {
                    $OutputString += $a
            return ($OutputString -Join '').Trim()
        # Embedded Functions End
        # Global Vars Start
        # List of internal names for the fields(Columns) in SharePoint, when adding more make sure to CAPITALIZE the start of a new word to have it split to the displayname
        $OverviewFieldsInternalName = "ProcessName", "Step", "CurrentStatus", "Result", "ProcessOwner", "ProcessObjectCount", "ProcessObjectCurrentItem", "RunBy", "HostSystem", "ConnectedWithAccount", "Errors", "Notes"
        # List of internal names for the fields(Columns) in SharePoint, when adding more make sure to CAPITALIZE the start of a new word to have it split to the displayname
        $LogFieldsInternalName = "ProcessName", "Step", "CurrentStatus", "Result", "ProcessOwner", "ProcessObjectCount", "ProcessObjectCurrentItem", "TargetObject", "CommandRun", "OverviewReferenceId", "RunBy", "HostSystem", "ConnectedWithAccount", "Errors", "Notes"
        # List of Bound Parameters it's ignoring.
        # Overview List
        $OverviewNotChecking = "LocalLogPath", "SkipCheck", "ID", "PassThru", "ErrorAction", "WarningAction", "Verbose", "ErrorVariable", "WarningVariable", "OutVariable", "OutBuffer", "Debug", "Confirm", "LogList", "OverviewList", "TargetObject", "CommandRun"
        # Log List
        $LogNotChecking = "LocalLogPath", "SkipCheck", "ID", "PassThru", "ErrorAction", "WarningAction", "Verbose", "ErrorVariable", "WarningVariable", "OutVariable", "OutBuffer", "Debug", "Confirm", "LogList", "OverviewList"
        # Global Vars End
        # Module Import Start
        try {
            Import-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false -DisableNameChecking
        catch {
            Write-Error -Message "Could not import required module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline, try installing and running again."
        #Module Import End
        #region Lists
        if ($SkipCheck -eq $false) {
            # Overview List Start
            # This generates the status of the running script and and privides a unique ID to correlate between Overview list and logging list items
            # Overview variables
            $ConnectedSite = Get-PnpSite | Select-Object -ExpandProperty url
            $OverviewFields = @()
            foreach ($a in $OverviewFieldsInternalName) {
                $OverviewFields += @{
                    'InternalName' = $a;
                    'DisplayName'  = (ConvertTo-CapitalSplit -InputString $a)
            # Adding From Default Field Items
            $OverviewFields += @{
                'InternalName' = "_DCDateModified";
                'DisplayName'  = "Date Modified"
            # Looking for referenced Overview list
            try {
                Write-Verbose "Testing if $($OverviewList) exists"
                $Global:OverviewListObject = Get-PnPList -Identity $OverviewList -throwExceptionIfListNotFound -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Verbose "Overview List $($OverviewList) found, moving on.."
                Write-Verbose "Checking if required fields are present.."
                # Checking existing overview list fields - start
                # Gets all the fields in the view
                $OverviewListFields = Get-PnPField -List $OverviewListObject.Title
                # Compares fields currently in the view with the ones we've specifed
                $OverviewCompare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $OverviewListFields.internalname -DifferenceObject $OverviewFieldsInternalName | Where-Object SideIndicator -EQ '=>'
                if (([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($OverviewCompare) -eq $false) -or ($OverviewCompare.count -ge 0)) {
                    Write-Verbose "Found missing Fields"
                    foreach ($a in $OverviewCompare.inputobject) {
                        Write-Verbose "Missing field $($a)"
                        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Adding missing Field '$($a)'")) {
                            try {
                                Write-Verbose "Adding missing Field $($a)"
                                $null = Add-PnPField -List $OverviewListObject.Title -InternalName $a -DisplayName $(ConvertTo-CapitalSplit -InputString $a) -Type Text -AddToDefaultView:$true -ErrorAction Stop
                            catch {
                                Write-Error -Message 'Failed to add missing Field, breaking..'
                else {
                    Write-Verbose "All Fields present"
                Write-Verbose "Pre-flight checks complete"
                # Checking existing overview list fields - end
            catch [InvalidOperationException] {
                Write-Verbose "Failed to connect, breaking.."
            catch {
                Write-Verbose "Could not find Overview list : $($OverviewList)"
                try {
                    Write-Verbose "Creating List : $($OverviewList)"
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create new Overview List '$($OverviewList)'`nin the site $($ConnectedSite)")) {
                        $null = New-PnPList -Title $OverviewList -Template 100 -ErrorAction 'Stop'
                        $Global:OverviewListObject = Get-PnPList -Identity $OverviewList -ErrorAction Stop
                    else {
                    Write-Verbose "Overview List $($OverviewList) created.."
                catch {
                    Write-Verbose "Failed to create Overview list : $($OverviewList), breaking.."
                    Write-Error -Message $($_.Exception.Message)
                # Creating Fields and setting default values
                # Default Field Value = Required
                try {
                    # Modifying default value
                    Write-Verbose "Setting default field 'Title' to not required"
                    # Setting default field Title to not required.
                    $null = Set-PnPField -List $OverviewListObject.Title -Identity "Title" -Values @{ "Required" = $false }
                Catch {
                    Write-Error -Message 'Failed to set the dafault value of "Title", breaking..'
                # Adding Required Fields
                foreach ($Field in $OverviewFields) {
                    try {
                        $null = Add-PnPField -List $OverviewListObject.Title @Field -Type Text -ErrorAction Stop
                    Catch {
                        Write-Error -Message "Failed to add Overview List Field $($Field.InternalName), breaking.."
                # Creating default view
                try {
                    # Creating View
                    Write-Verbose "Creating Default View"
                    $OverviewFieldsInternalName += "_DCDateModified"
                    $null = Add-PnPView -List $OverviewListObject.Title -Title $($OverviewListObject.Title + " Default View") -SetAsDefault -Fields $OverviewFieldsInternalName -RowLimit 5000 -ErrorAction Stop
                Catch {
                    Write-Error -Message $($_.Exception.Message)
                    Write-Error -Message 'Failed to set Overview List default Field values, breaking..'
            # Overview List End
            # Log List Start
            # Log List variables
            $LogFields = @()
            foreach ($a in $LogFieldsInternalName) {
                $LogFields += @{
                    'InternalName' = $a;
                    'DisplayName'  = (ConvertTo-CapitalSplit -InputString $a)
            # Adding From Default Field Items
            $LogFields += @{
                'InternalName' = "_DCDateModified";
                'DisplayName'  = "Date Modified"
            # Looking for referenced Log list
            try {
                Write-Verbose "Testing if $($LogList) exists"
                $Global:LogListObject = Get-PnPList -Identity $LogList -throwExceptionIfListNotFound -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Verbose "Log List $($LogList) found, moving on.."
                Write-Verbose "Checking if required fields are present.."
                # Checking existing Log list fields - start
                # Gets all the fields in the view
                $LogListFields = Get-PnPField -List $LogListObject.Title
                # Compares fields currently in the view with the ones we've specifed
                $LogCompare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $LogListFields.internalname -DifferenceObject $LogFieldsInternalName | Where-Object SideIndicator -EQ '=>'
                if (([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LogCompare) -eq $false) -or ($LogCompare.count -ge 0)) {
                    Write-Verbose "Found missing Fields"
                    foreach ($a in $LogCompare.inputobject) {
                        Write-Verbose "Missing field $($a)"
                        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Adding missing Field '$($a)'")) {
                            try {
                                Write-Verbose "Adding missing Field $($a)"
                                $null = Add-PnPField -List $LogListObject.Title -InternalName $a -DisplayName $(ConvertTo-CapitalSplit -InputString $a) -Type Text -AddToDefaultView:$true -ErrorAction Stop
                            catch {
                                Write-Error -Message 'Failed to add missing Field, breaking..'
                else {
                    Write-Verbose "All Fields present"
                Write-Verbose "Pre-flight checks complete"
                # Checking existing Log list fields - end
            catch [InvalidOperationException] {
                Write-Verbose "Failed to connect, breaking.."
            catch {
                Write-Verbose "Could not find Log list : $($LogList)"
                try {
                    Write-Verbose "Creating List : $($LogList)"
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Create new Log List '$($LogList)'`nin the site $($ConnectedSite)")) {
                        $Null = New-PnPList -Title $LogList -Template 100 -ErrorAction 'Stop' | Out-Null
                        $Global:LogListObject = Get-PnPList -Identity $LogList -ErrorAction Stop
                    else {
                    Write-Verbose "Log List $($LogList) created.."
                catch {
                    Write-Verbose "Failed to create Overview list : $($LogList), breaking.."
                    Write-Error -Message $($_.Exception.Message)
                # Creating Fields and setting default values
                # Default Field Value = Required
                try {
                    # Modifying default value
                    Write-Verbose "Setting default field 'Title' to not required"
                    # Setting default field Title to not required.
                    $null = Set-PnPField -List $LogListObject.Title -Identity "Title" -Values @{ "Required" = $false }
                Catch {
                    Write-Error -Message $($_.Exception.Message)
                    Write-Error -Message 'Failed to set the dafault value of "Title", breaking..'
                # Adding Required Fields
                foreach ($Field in $LogFields) {
                    try {
                        $null = Add-PnPField -List $LogListObject.Title @Field -Type Text -ErrorAction Stop
                    Catch {
                        Write-Error -Message "Failed to add Overview List Field $($Field.InternalName), breaking.."
                # Creating default view
                try {
                    # Creating View
                    Write-Verbose "Creating Default View"
                    $LogFieldsInternalName += "_DCDateModified"
                    $null = Add-PnPView -List $LogListObject.Title -Title $($LogListObject.Title + " Default View") -SetAsDefault -Fields $LogFieldsInternalName -RowLimit 5000 -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-Verbose "Default View Created"
                Catch {
                    Write-Error -Message $($_.Exception.Message)
                    Write-Error -Message 'Failed to set Log List default Field values, breaking..'
            # Log List - End
            Write-Verbose "All pre-checks complete"
        if ($PreBuildLists -eq $false) {
            # Building output to each list - Start
            $CreationTimeStamp = Get-Date
            $ConnectionMadeBy = (Get-PnPConnection).PSCredential.UserName
            # Overview List - Start
            # Get non blank parameters that are not part of not checking list
            $OverviewBoundParamsCompare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $($PSBoundParameters.Keys) -DifferenceObject $OverviewNotChecking | Where-Object SideIndicator -EQ '<='
            # Adding the selected parameters in to an HashTable
            $OverviewOutputItems = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable
            foreach ($a in $OverviewBoundParamsCompare) {
                $item = @{
                    $($a.InputObject) = $PSBoundParameters.Item($a.InputObject)
                $OverviewOutputItems += $item
            # Adding Default static Field items
            $OverviewOutputItems += @{ "ConnectedWithAccount" = $ConnectionMadeBy; "RunBy" = $env:USERNAME; "HostSystem" = $env:COMPUTERNAME; "_DCDateModified" = $CreationTimeStamp }
            # Finally adding the paramter values to the Overview SharePoint List
            if (($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "ID") -eq $false) {
                try {
                    Write-Verbose "Adding/Updating the Overview List"
                    $Global:IDOutput = Add-PnPListItem -List $PSBoundParameters.Item("OverviewList") -Values $OverviewOutputItems -ErrorAction Stop
                    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IDOutput)) {
                        Write-Error -Message "List Item not created, have you build the Lists?`nRemove -SkipCheck and try again, this will build the list for you." -Category InvalidOperation
                    Write-Verbose "Added to the Overview List successfully"
                    if ($Passthru) {
                        $IDOutput | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id
                catch {
                    Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)"
            else {
                try {
                    Write-Verbose "Adding/Updating the Overview List"
                    $Null = Set-PnPListItem -Identity $PSBoundParameters.Item("ID") -List $PSBoundParameters.Item("OverviewList") -Values $OverviewOutputItems -SystemUpdate -ErrorAction Stop
                    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IDOutput)) {
                        Write-Error -Message "List Item not created, have you build the Lists?`nRemove -SkipCheck and try again, this will build the list for you." -Category InvalidOperation
                    Write-Verbose "Added to the Overview List successfully"
                    if ($Passthru) {
                        $IDOutput | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id
                catch {
                    Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)"
            # Overview List -End
            # Log List - Start
            # Get none blank parameters that are not part of not checking list
            $LogBoundParamsCompare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $($PSBoundParameters.Keys) -DifferenceObject $LogNotChecking | Where-Object SideIndicator -EQ '<='
            # Adding the selected parameters in to an Hashtable
            $LogOutputItems = New-Object System.Collections.Hashtable
            foreach ($a in $LogBoundParamsCompare) {
                $item = @{
                    $($a.InputObject) = $PSBoundParameters.Item($a.InputObject)
                $LogOutputItems += $item
            # Adding Default static Field items
            $LogOutputItems += @{ "ConnectedWithAccount" = $ConnectionMadeBy; "RunBy" = $env:USERNAME; "HostSystem" = $env:COMPUTERNAME; "_DCDateModified" = $CreationTimeStamp }
            # Finally adding the paramter values to the Log SharePoint List
            if (($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "ID") -eq $false) {
                try {
                    Write-Verbose "Adding to the Log List"
                    $LogOutputItems += @{ "OverviewReferenceId" = $IDOutput.ID }
                    $LogListCheck = Add-PnPListItem -List $PSBoundParameters.Item("LogList") -Values $LogOutputItems -ErrorAction Stop
                    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LogListCheck)) {
                        Write-Error -Message "List Item not created, have you build the Lists?`nRemove -SkipCheck and try again, this will build the list for you." -Category InvalidOperation
                    Write-Verbose "Added to the Log List successfully"
                catch {
                    Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)"
            else {
                try {
                    Write-Verbose "Adding to the Log List"
                    $LogOutputItems += @{ "OverviewReferenceId" = $($PSBoundParameters.Item("ID")) }
                    $LogListCheck = Add-PnPListItem -List $PSBoundParameters.Item("LogList") -Values $LogOutputItems -ErrorAction Stop
                    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LogListCheck)) {
                        Write-Error -Message "List Item not created, have you build the Lists?`nRemove -SkipCheck and try again, this will build the list for you." -Category InvalidOperation
                    Write-Verbose "Added to the Log List successfully"
                catch {
                    Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)"
            #Log List - End
            # Building output to each list - End
    END {