
        Generates a password based on a series of characters in a random order
        Generates a password based on a series of characters in a random order
    .PARAMETER length
        Length of the password to generate
        Additional information about the function.

function Generate-Password {
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Enter length of the password you would like to generate in numbers')]
        [int]$length = 10
    begin {
        try {
            $CurrentConfig = Get-ModuleConfig
            $TelmetryArgs = @{
                ModuleName = $CurrentConfig.ModuleName
                ModulePath = $CurrentConfig.ModulePath
                ModuleVersion = $CurrentConfig.ModuleVersion
                CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
                URI = ''
            if ($CurrentConfig.BasicTelemetry -eq 'True') {
                $TelmetryArgs.Add('Minimal', $true)
            Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage start -ClearTimer
        } catch {
            Write-Verbose "Failed to load telemetry"
    process {
        Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage 'In-Progress'    
        $SourceData = $NULL; For ($a = 33; $a –le 126; $a++) { $SourceData += , [char][byte]$a } # Converts numbers to legal character bytes for output
        For ($loop = 1; $loop –le $length; $loop++) {
            # Loops for the amount of length specified
            $Password += ($SourceData | Get-Random) # Gets a random character from list and stores it for output
        $Props = @{ 'Password' = $Password } # Creates the property for the output object
        $Password = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props # creates the output object
        Write-Output $Password
        Invoke-TelemetryCollection @TelmetryArgs -Stage End -ClearTimer
} # End of the function