
   A PowerShell project by Ben Kennish (ben@kennish.net)
Automatically tames / throttles chosen target processes whenever chosen trigger processes (e.g. video games) are running, then
automatically restores the target processes when the trigger process closes.
----------- TODO list --------------
TODO: allow defining a whitelist of processes NOT to suspend and we suspend everything else
       (running as the user, won't include SYSTEM processes)
       NOTE: very likely to suspend things that will cause problems tho
TODO: if user gives focus to any suspended process (before game has been closed), resume it temporarily.
      this gets quite complicated to do in a way that doesn't potentially increase load on the system
      as it can require repeatedly polling in a while() loop
      OR perhaps just detect when a game loses focus and then unsuspend everything and resuspend them when it gains focus again
      OR they could just manually ctrl-C the script and then run it again before restoring the game app
TODO: if user presses a certain key while it's waiting for a trigger process to close, we could temporarily resume the target processes
      and then suspend them again when they press the key again (or they give focus to the trigger process)
TODO: other ways to improve performance
- run user configurable list of commands when detecting a game e.g. wsl --shutdown
- adjust windows visual settings
      Set registry key for best performance in visual effects
      Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects' -Name 'VisualFXSetting' -Value 2
-Set Power Plan to High Performance
   powercfg /setactive SCHEME_MIN
- Example for setting affinity
   $process = Get-Process -Name 'SomeProcess'
   $process.ProcessorAffinity = 0x0000000F # Adjust based on available cores
TODO: print other global memory usage stats (e.g. total VM, disk cache, etc)

Starts TaskTamer to monitor trigger processes (e.g. video games) and throttles target processes (e.g. suspending them) while trigger processes are running, restoring them when the trigger processes close.
Whenever chosen "trigger" processes (e.g. video games) are running, TaskTamer automatically throttles/tames chosen "target" processes (e.g. web browsers, instant messaging apps, and game launchers), and automatically restores them when the trigger process ends.
The precise nature of the throttle/taming can be defined in the config file (%LOCALAPPDATA%\TaskTamer\config.yaml), including a choice of suspending a process (the default), setting it to Low priority, closing it, or doing nothing. Target processes can also have their windows minimized, have their RAM usage ("working set") trimmed, and be defined as a launcher which means they will not be affected if they were responsible for launching the trigger process.
Suspended target processes are effectively frozen and therefore can't slow down the trigger process (or any other running process) by using CPU or accessing the disk or network in the background. Windows is also more likely to move memory used by target processes from fast RAM to the slower pagefile on disk, which leaves more speedy RAM available for the trigger process to use.
When the trigger process closes, TaskTamer will report how much the RAM usage of the target processes (known as their "working set") decreased during their suspension.
TaskTamer can perform other tricks using the config file (see [Configuration] in README.md) and through various parameters.
Immediately resumes all target processes then run as normal. Handy for when a previous launch of the function failed to resume everything for some reason.
.PARAMETER PollTriggers
Poll the status of the trigger process, rather than waiting to be told by Windows when it has stopped, which allows mointoring memory usage. This can be useful for gathering benchmarking data, but it can have a small performance impact so is disabled by default.
Checks for trigger processes only once, exiting immediately if none are running. If one is running, performs usual operations then exits when the trigger process exits (after resuming the target processes). Useful if you arrange for the function to run every time Windows runs a new process.
Displays a short description of TaskTamer and a list of these possible parameters, then exits.
Enables "what if" mode; the function doesn't actually take any action on target processes but does everything else. Useful for testing and measuring performance benefits of using TaskTamer.
    Start TaskTamer as normal, waiting for a trigger process to run, and then throttling the target processes
Start-TaskTamer -ResumeAll
    Resume all listed target processes and then run as normal
Version: 0.13.0
Author: Ben Kennish
License: GPL-3.0

function Start-TaskTamer
    # these are our command line arguments
    param (

    $Version = '0.13.0'

    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest   # stricter rules = cleaner code :)

    $ErrorView = "DetailedView"  # leverages Get-Error to get much more detailed information for the error.

    # default behavior for non-terminating errors (i.e., errors that don’t normally stop execution, like warnings)
    # global preference variable that affects all cmdlets and functions that you run after this line is executed.
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    # modifies the default value of the -ErrorAction parameter for every cmdlet that has the -ErrorAction parameter
    $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'

        # Are there some processes that we suspended and have yet to resume?
        $suspendedProcesses = $false

        # retrive the path of the folder where the script/module is located
        if (-not ([System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.FriendlyName -like "*.exe"))
            Write-Verbose "Running interpreted"

            if ($null -ne $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module)
                # running as module (.psm1)
                $fullScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Path
                # running as script (.ps1)
                $fullScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

            $scriptFolder = Split-Path -Parent $fullScriptPath
            Write-Verbose "Running compiled"
            # if we try to use the above when running interpreted, the paths are for powershell.exe
            # rather than the script

            # We are likely a compiled executable so we need to get the path like this:
            $fullScriptPath = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName
            $scriptFolder = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($fullScriptPath)

        $lockFilePath = Join-Path -Path $scriptFolder -ChildPath "/lock.pid"
        $configPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptFolder -ChildPath "/config.yaml"
        $templatePath = Join-Path -Path $scriptFolder -ChildPath "/config-template.yaml"
        $pauseIconPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptFolder -ChildPath "/images/pause.ico"
        $playIconPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptFolder -ChildPath "/images/play.ico"
        $shortcutPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptFolder -ChildPath "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($fullScriptPath)).lnk"
        $myDocumentsPath = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')

        # clean up function
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        function Reset-Environment
            # must use Write-Host here
            # Write-Output and Write-Error are not available when application is
            # shutting down

            Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss')] AutoSuspender is shutting down..."

            if ($suspendedProcesses)
                # $launcher is the global var that should be set when $suspendedProcesses is true
                Set-TargetProcessesState -Restore -Launcher $launcher

            if (Test-Path -Path $lockFilePath)
                    Remove-Item -Path $lockFilePath -Force -ErrorAction Continue
                    # cannot use Write-Error here
                    Write-Host "Error deleting ${lockFilePath}: $_"

            Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss')] (Goodbye)> o/"
            $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $originalTitle
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500

        # everyone loves UTF-8, right?
        [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

        # the actual characters (in the comments to the right)
        # cannot be used because PowerShell 5.1 interpreter doesn't
        # like reading in unicode characters during syntax checking
        # (the ones in the comments here are ignored by it)
        $BoxDrawingChars = @{
            TopLeft     = [char]0x250C  # ┌
            TopRight    = [char]0x2510  # ┐
            BottomLeft  = [char]0x2514  # └
            BottomRight = [char]0x2518  # ┘
            Horizontal  = [char]0x2500  # ─
            Vertical    = [char]0x2502  # │
            TTop        = [char]0x252C  # ┬
            TBottom     = [char]0x2534  # ┴
            TLeft       = [char]0x251C  # ├
            TRight      = [char]0x2524  # ┤
            Cross       = [char]0x253C  # ┼
        # Add necessary .NET assemblies for API calls
        # using Add-Type cmdlet (C# code)
        Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    public class ProcessManager
        // suspend/resume functionality...
        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern IntPtr OpenThread(int dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, uint dwThreadId);
        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern uint SuspendThread(IntPtr hThread);
        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern int ResumeThread(IntPtr hThread);
        private static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject);
        private const int THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME = 0x0002;
        public static void SuspendProcess(int pid)
            var process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(pid);
            foreach (System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread thread in process.Threads)
                IntPtr pOpenThread = OpenThread(THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, false, (uint)thread.Id);
                if (pOpenThread != IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (SuspendThread(pOpenThread) == unchecked((uint)-1))
                    // If OpenThread failed, throw an exception
        public static void ResumeProcess(int pid)
            var process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(pid);
            foreach (System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread thread in process.Threads)
                IntPtr pOpenThread = OpenThread(THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, false, (uint)thread.Id);
                if (pOpenThread != IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (ResumeThread(pOpenThread) == -1)
                    // If OpenThread failed, throw an exception
        // minimize windows functionality...
        // Define constants for use with ShowWindow()
        private const int SW_MINIMIZE = 6;
        private const int SW_RESTORE = 9;
        private static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
        private static extern bool IsWindowVisible(IntPtr hWnd);
        private static extern bool IsIconic(IntPtr hWnd);
        // Checks if window is minimized (iconified)
        public static extern int GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out int processId);
        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
        public static extern bool EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc lpEnumFunc, IntPtr lParam);
        // Delegate for enumerating windows
        public delegate bool EnumWindowsProc(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr lParam);
        public static extern IntPtr GetParent(IntPtr hWnd);
        // minimize all the user-facing windows of a specific process
        // would be more efficient to provide it an array of PIDs and run only once
        public static int MinimizeProcessWindows(int pid)
            int numWindowsMinimized = 0;
            EnumWindows((hWnd, lParam) =>
                int processId;
                GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, out processId);
                // if the window belongs to the process we are interested in
                if (processId == pid)
                    // minimize top-level windows that are visible and not already minimized
                    if (IsTopLevelWindow(hWnd) && IsWindowVisible(hWnd) && !IsIconic(hWnd))
                        if (ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE))
                            Console.WriteLine("Process "+pid+" Window "+hWnd+" failed to minimise");
                return true;
            }, IntPtr.Zero);
            return numWindowsMinimized;
        // Helper function to check if the window is a top-level window
        private static bool IsTopLevelWindow(IntPtr hWnd)
            IntPtr hParent = GetParent(hWnd);
            return hParent == IntPtr.Zero; // If the parent is null, it's a top-level window
        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern bool SetProcessWorkingSetSize(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr dwMinimumWorkingSetSize, IntPtr dwMaximumWorkingSetSize);
        // force OS to decrease a process' working set
        public static void TrimWorkingSet(int pid)
            var process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(pid);
            // When both dwMinimumWorkingSetSize and dwMaximumWorkingSetSize are set to -1, Windows will
            // automatically trim the process’s working set to the bare minimum required to keep it
            // running. This operation is often referred to as trimming the working set.
            bool res = SetProcessWorkingSetSize(process.Handle, (IntPtr)(-1), (IntPtr)(-1));
            if (!res)
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(errorCode, "Failed to trim the working set for PID "+pid);
"@ -Language CSharp -Reference "System" #-CompilerOptions "/target:library /platform:x64 /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\v4.0.30319\System.dll" #>

        # Convert a number of bytes into a more human readable string format
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        function ConvertTo-HumanReadable
            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int64]$Bytes,
                [int]$DecimalDigits = 2,

            $units = @("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB")
            $unitIndex = 0

            if ($Bytes -eq 0)
                return "0 B"

            # we use a float variable so it keeps fractional part
            [float]$value = $Bytes

            while ([Math]::Abs($value) -ge 1024 -and $unitIndex -lt $units.Length - 1)
                $value /= 1024

            $formattedResult = "{0:N$($DecimalDigits)} {1}" -f $value, $units[$unitIndex]

            if ($DisplayPlus -and $Bytes -gt 0)
                $formattedResult = "+$formattedResult"

            return $formattedResult

        # extract the width from any "format" -f $data string (e.g. "{2,-10}" returns 10)
        function Get-FormatWidth
            param (

            # Extract the column width using a more flexible regular expression
            # Match pattern: {index,width:format} or {index,width} or {index:format} or {index}
            if ($Format -match '\{\d+,(?<width>-?\d+)')
                # Extract and return the width as an absolute integer
                return [math]::Abs([int]$matches['width'])
            elseif ($Format -match '\{\d+\}')
                # If there is no width but the pattern is a valid positional `{index}`
                Write-Error "No width specified in format string: $Format"
                return $null
                Write-Error "Invalid format string provided: $Format"
                return $null

        # pipeline function to create a fancy table including colours
        function Format-TableFancy
                # pipeline feeds in row-by-row
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                [string[]]$ColumnHeadings, # Array of column header text
                # because this is a mandatory attribute, none of the array elements can be empty strings
                # so just pass a space (" ") if you don't want a visible heading

                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                [string[]]$ColumnFormats, # Array of -f format strings to use for each column

                [string]$ColumnSeparator = $BoxDrawingChars.Vertical


                if ($ColumnHeadings.Length -ne $ColumnFormats.Length)
                    Write-Error "Error: ColumnHeadings and ColumnFormats have different lengths: $(ColumnHeadings.Length) vs $($ColumnFormats.Length)"
                    return 1

                # Print column headers
                $headerRow = @()
                $headerUnderlineRow = @()

                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ColumnHeadings.Length; $i++)
                    $width = Get-FormatWidth -Format $ColumnFormats[$i]
                    $headerCell = ($ColumnFormats[$i] -f $ColumnHeadings[$i])
                    $headerUnderlineCell = ($ColumnFormats[$i] -f [String]::new($BoxDrawingChars.Horizontal, $width))
                    $headerRow += $headerCell
                    $headerUnderlineRow += $headerUnderlineCell

                Write-Host ($headerRow -join $ColumnSeparator) -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Write-Host ($headerUnderlineRow -join [String]::new($BoxDrawingChars.Cross))


                    if ($Row.Length -ne $ColumnHeadings.Length)
                        Write-Host "The number of values in the row ($($Row.Length)) does not match the number of columns defined ($($ColumnHeadings.Length))."
                        return 1

                    # Loop through the cells and apply format and color to individual cells
                    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Row.Length; $i++)
                        $cell = $Row[$i]

                        if ($i -gt 0)
                            Write-Host $ColumnSeparator -NoNewline

                        $writeHostParams = @{}

                        if ($cell -is [PSObject])
                            if ($cell.PSObject.Properties['ForegroundColor'])
                                $writeHostParams['-ForegroundColor'] = $cell.ForegroundColor

                            if ($cell.PSObject.Properties['BackgroundColor'])
                                $writeHostParams['-BackgroundColor'] = $cell.BackgroundColor

                            if (-not $cell.PSObject.Properties['data'])
                                Write-Error "cell is missing data property"
                            $cellData = $cell.data
                        elseif ($cell -is [string])
                            Write-Verbose "cell is a string, not an object"
                            $cellData = $cell
                            Write-Error "cell is neither an object nor a string"

                        # Format the cell using its respective column format string
                        $formattedCellData = $ColumnFormats[$i] -f $cellData

                        Write-Host $formattedCellData -NoNewline @writeHostParams

                    # Start a new line after printing the entire row
                    Write-Host ""
                    throw "ERROR: $_ on line: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber), message: $($_.Exception.Message), in: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName), at position: $($_.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine)"

                $footerUnderlineRow = @()

                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ColumnHeadings.Length; $i++)
                    $width = Get-FormatWidth -Format $ColumnFormats[$i]
                    $footerUnderlineCell = ($ColumnFormats[$i] -f [String]::new($BoxDrawingChars.Horizontal, $width))
                    $footerUnderlineRow += $footerUnderlineCell
                Write-Host ($footerUnderlineRow -join [String]::new($BoxDrawingChars.TBottom))


        # Display a subtotal row for the previous processes
        # if there was more than 1 with same name
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        function Write-Subtotal
            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int]$SameProcessCount,
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$LastProcessName,
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int64]$SameProcessRamTotal,
                [Nullable[int64]]$SameProcessRamDeltaTotal = $null,
                [string]$ForegroundColor = "",

            if ($ForegroundColor -eq "")
                if ($targetProcessesConfig[$LastProcessName]['show_subtotal_only'])
                    $ForegroundColor = "Gray"
                    $ForegroundColor = "Yellow"

            if ($SameProcessCount -gt 1 -or $targetProcessesConfig[$LastProcessName]['show_subtotal_only'])
                # only show subtotal when there is 2+ processes or if we are only showing subtotals (so we want to show the 'subtotal' for 1 process too)
                if ($null -ne $SameProcessRamDeltaTotal)
                    if ($Launcher)
                        $row = @(
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = $LastProcessName },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor; Data = "TOTAL:" },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $SameProcessRamTotal) },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $SameProcessRamDeltaTotal -DisplayPlus) },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = "<Ignored Launcher>" }
                        $row = @(
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor; Data = $LastProcessName },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor; Data = "TOTAL:" },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor; Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $SameProcessRamTotal) },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = (Get-BytesColour -Bytes $SameProcessRamDeltaTotal -NegativeIsPositive); Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $SameProcessRamDeltaTotal -DisplayPlus) },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor; Data = "" }
                    if ($Launcher)
                        # this may not get hit at all anymore as we are excluding launchers from display in the table
                        $row = @(
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = $LastProcessName },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor; Data = "TOTAL:" },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $SameProcessRamTotal) },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = "<Ignored Launcher>" }
                        $row = @(
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor; Data = $LastProcessName },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor; Data = "TOTAL:" },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = (Get-BytesColour -Bytes $SameProcessRamTotal); Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $SameProcessRamTotal) },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor; Data = "" }
                Write-Output -NoEnumerate $row

        # return the colour in which to display a number of bytes according to certain rules
        function Get-BytesColour
            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int64]$Bytes,
                [switch]$NegativeIsPositive # if set, the more negative a number is, the better it is.

            if ($NegativeIsPositive -and $Bytes -gt 0)
                return "Red"
            if (-not $NegativeIsPositive -and $Bytes -lt 0)
                return "Red"

            $colours = @("DarkGray", "Gray", "Cyan", "Green", "Magenta")
            $unitIndex = 0

            # TODO: you could make this standardised using different powers of 10
            if ([Math]::Abs($bytes) -ge 1024 * 1024)  # >= 1MB
            if ([Math]::Abs($bytes) -ge 10 * 1024 * 1024) # >= 10MB
            if ([Math]::Abs($bytes) -ge 100 * 1024 * 1024) # >= 100MB
            if ([Math]::Abs($bytes) -ge 1024 * 1024 * 1024) # >= 1GB

            return $colours[$unitIndex]


        # Suspend / resume target processes
        # other approved verbs, "Optimize", "Limit"
        # TODO: i think we want to send arrays of processes with the same name to this
        # function. it'll make subtotalling easier and also terminating.
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        function Set-TargetProcessesState
            [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Throttle')]
            param (
                [string]$Launcher = "",

                [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Throttle', Mandatory = $true)]

                [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Restore', Mandatory = $true)]
                [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Restore')]

            $totalRamUsage = 0

            # vars that track groups of proccesses with the same name
            $lastProcessName = ""
            $sameProcessCount = 0
            $sameProcessRamTotal = 0
            $sameProcessRamDeltaTotal = $null

            # used to track how the RAM usage of target processes changed during their suspension
            if ($Restore -and -not $NoDeltas)
                $totalRamDelta = 0
                $sameProcessRamDeltaTotal = 0
                $NoDeltas = $true  # force NoDeltas to true (so its not unset when $Throttle)

            # using Write-Host not Write-Output as this function can be called while
            # the script is terminating and then has no access to Write-Output pipeline

            # NB: for a -Restore, we don't look at suspendedProcesses array but just do another process scan
            # this might result in trying to resume new processes that weren't suspended (by us)
            # (probably doesn't matter but it's not very elegant)

            # TODO: group into processes that have the same name
            $runningTargetProcesses = Get-Process | Where-Object { $targetProcessesConfig.ContainsKey($_.Name) }

            foreach ($proc in $runningTargetProcesses)
                #TODO: these might be useful properties:
                # $proc.PagedMemorySize64
                # $proc.PriorityBoostEnabled
                # $proc.MainWindowTitle
                # $proc.MainWindowHandle
                # see also: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.diagnostics.process?view=net-8.0

                # sanity checking to make sure we aren't about to suspend a trigger process
                # $runningTriggerProcesses.Name returns an array of all process names
                # TODO: think about the reliability of this
                # e.g. what if a new trigger process starts between the first one and this test
                # should we just check that no processes are defined as both trigger and target?

                #$runningTriggerProcesses will be falsey if we are doing a -ResumeAll

                if ($runningTriggerProcesses -and $runningTriggerProcesses.Name -contains $proc.Name)
                    Write-Warning "Ignoring target process $($proc.Name) ($($proc.Id)) as it is one of the running trigger processes."
                    continue  # to next target process

                $proc.Refresh()  # refresh the stats for the process

                if ($proc.HasExited)
                    Write-Verbose "Ignoring PID $($proc.Id) as already exited."
                    #TODO: write info and account for exited processes with ram deltas
                    # because their memory usage is not 0 bytes

                if ($Throttle)
                    # store current RAM usage for this PID before we suspend it
                    $pidRamUsagesPreSuspension[$proc.Id] = $proc.WorkingSet64

                # ignore launcher processes completely when resuming
                if ($Restore -and $proc.Name -eq $Launcher)

                # if this process has a different name to the last one
                if ($proc.Name -ne $lastProcessName)
                    if ($lastProcessName -ne "")   # if this isn't the very first process
                        # display subtotal for the previous group of processes with the same name
                        if ($lastProcessName -eq $Launcher)
                            Write-Subtotal `
                                -SameProcessCount $sameProcessCount `
                                -LastProcessName $lastProcessName `
                                -SameProcessRamTotal $sameProcessRamTotal `
                                -SameProcessRamDeltaTotal $sameProcessRamDeltaTotal `
                                -ForegroundColor "DarkGray" `
                            Write-Subtotal `
                                -SameProcessCount $sameProcessCount `
                                -LastProcessName $lastProcessName `
                                -SameProcessRamTotal $sameProcessRamTotal `
                                -SameProcessRamDeltaTotal $sameProcessRamDeltaTotal


                    # store info on this new process name group
                    $lastProcessName = $proc.Name
                    $sameProcessCount = 1
                    $sameProcessRamTotal = $proc.WorkingSet64

                    if (-not $NoDeltas)
                        $sameProcessRamDeltaTotal = $proc.WorkingSet64 - $pidRamUsagesPreSuspension[$proc.Id]
                    # this process has same name as last one. continuing adding the subtotals
                    $sameProcessRamTotal += $proc.WorkingSet64

                    if (-not $NoDeltas)
                        $sameProcessRamDeltaTotal += ($proc.WorkingSet64 - $pidRamUsagesPreSuspension[$proc.Id])

                # this process is a launcher that was used to spawn the trigger process
                if ($proc.Name -eq $Launcher)
                    Write-Verbose "$($proc.Name) ignored - launcher for trigger process"

                    if ($NoDeltas)
                        $row = @(
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = $proc.Name },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = $proc.Id },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $proc.WorkingSet64) },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = "<Ignoring Launcher: $($launchers[$Launcher])>" }
                        $row = @(
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = $proc.Name },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = $proc.Id },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $proc.WorkingSet64) },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = "n/a" },
                            [PSCustomObject] @{ ForegroundColor = "DarkGray"; Data = "<Ignored Launcher: $($launchers[$Launcher])>" }

                    if (-not $targetProcessesConfig[$proc.Name]['show_subtotal_only'])
                        Write-Output -NoEnumerate $row
                    continue # to next process

                $totalRamUsage += $proc.WorkingSet64
                if (-not $NoDeltas)
                    $totalRamDelta += ($proc.WorkingSet64 - $pidRamUsagesPreSuspension[$proc.Id])

                $windowTitle = ""
                if ($proc.MainWindowTitle)
                    $windowTitle = "[$($proc.MainWindowTitle)]"

                if ($NoDeltas)
                    $row = @(
                        [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = $proc.Name },
                        [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = $proc.Id },
                        [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $proc.WorkingSet64); ForegroundColor = (Get-BytesColour -Bytes $proc.WorkingSet64) },
                        [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = $windowTitle }
                    $row = @(
                        [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = $proc.Name },
                        [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = $proc.Id },
                        [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $proc.WorkingSet64) },
                        [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes ($proc.WorkingSet64 - $pidRamUsagesPreSuspension[$proc.Id]) -DisplayPlus); ForegroundColor = (Get-BytesColour -Bytes ($proc.WorkingSet64 - $pidRamUsagesPreSuspension[$proc.Id]) -NegativeIsPositive) },
                        [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = $windowTitle }
                if (-not $targetProcessesConfig[$proc.Name]['show_subtotal_only'])
                    Write-Output -NoEnumerate $row

                if (!$WhatIf)
                        switch ($targetProcessesConfig[$proc.Name]['action'])
                            # valid values: suspend, priority_low, priority_below_normal, close, none
                                if ($Throttle)
                                elseif ($Restore)
                                # TODO: we only want to close the parent process and let it close the children
                                # TODO: (optionally?) rerun the process
                                # (store the cmd line before closing)
                            if ($Throttle)
                                Write-Verbose "Stopping process $($proc.Id)..."
                                Stop-Process -Id $proc.Id

                                Write-Warning "Unable to 'close' $($proc.Name) : unimplemented."
                                if ($Throttle)
                                    # TODO: keep track of previous priority so we can restore it

                                Write-Warning "Unable to 'deprioritize' $($proc.Name) : unimplemented."
                                Write-Verbose "Doing nothing to process '$($proc.Name)' as action='none'."
                                throw "Unknown action '$($targetProcessesConfig[$proc.Name]['action'])' defined for process '$($proc.Name)'"
                        $verb = "suspend"
                        if ($Restore)
                            $verb = "resume"

                        # NB: remember Write-Error won't work from within the script's finally block
                        # TODO: perhaps we should be returning this output so that the context calling this function
                        # can do what it likes with it. but Write-Output doesn't work to pass it in a pipeline iirc
                        Write-Host "ERROR: Failed to $($verb) $($proc.Name) ($($proc.Id)):"
                        Write-Host "$_"

                    if ($Throttle -and $targetProcessesConfig[$proc.Name]['trim_working_set'])
                        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
                        Write-Host "$($proc.Name) ($($proc.Id)) RAM trimmed to $(ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $proc.WorkingSet64)" -ForegroundColor Magenta

                $lastProcessName = $proc.Name

            # write subtotal row for the last process group (if there were >1 processes)
            if ($lastProcessName -eq $Launcher)
                Write-Subtotal `
                    -SameProcessCount $sameProcessCount `
                    -LastProcessName $lastProcessName `
                    -SameProcessRamTotal $sameProcessRamTotal `
                    -SameProcessRamDeltaTotal $sameProcessRamDeltaTotal `
                    -ForegroundColor "DarkGray" `
                Write-Subtotal `
                    -SameProcessCount $sameProcessCount `
                    -LastProcessName $lastProcessName `
                    -SameProcessRamTotal $sameProcessRamTotal `
                    -SameProcessRamDeltaTotal $sameProcessRamDeltaTotal

            # write final total row
            if (-not $NoDeltas)
                $row = @(
                    [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = "<TOTAL>"; ForegroundColor = "Yellow" },
                    [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = "+++++"; ForegroundColor = "Yellow" },
                    [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $totalRamUsage); ForegroundColor = "Yellow"; },
                    [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $totalRamDelta -DisplayPlus); ForegroundColor = (Get-BytesColour -Bytes $totalRamDelta -NegativeIsPositive) },
                    [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = ""; ForegroundColor = "Yellow" }
                Write-Output -NoEnumerate $row
                $row = @(
                    [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = "<TOTAL>"; ForegroundColor = "Yellow"; },
                    [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = "+++++"; ForegroundColor = "Yellow" },
                    [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = (ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $totalRamUsage); ForegroundColor = (Get-BytesColour -Bytes $totalRamUsage) },
                    [PSCustomObject] @{ Data = ""; ForegroundColor = "Yellow" }
                Write-Output -NoEnumerate $row


        # Rainbowified text!
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        function Write-HostRainbow
            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Text

            # Define the colors for each character position
            $colors = @(

            # Loop over each character in the input string
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Text.Length; $i++)
                # Determine the color to use based on the character index
                $color = $colors[$i % $colors.Length]
                # Print the character with the specified color
                Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $color $Text[$i]

        # Search back through a process's parents (and older ancestor processes)
        # for a recognised launcher
        # returns the process name of the launcher that's running
        # (e.g. Steam, EpicGamesLauncher) else null
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        function Find-Launcher
            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

            # Start with the provided process
            $currentProcess = $Process

            # Iterate backwards through the parent processes
            while ($currentProcess)
                    # Check if the current process is in the launcher hashtable
                    if ($launchers.ContainsKey($currentProcess.Name.ToLower()))
                        Write-Verbose "Found launcher: $($currentProcess.Name) ($($launchers[$currentProcess.Name.ToLower()])) for process: $($Process.Name)"
                        return $currentProcess.Name

                    # Get the parent process ID
                    $parentProcessId = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $($currentProcess.Id)").ParentProcessId

                    # Break if there is no parent (reached the top of the process tree)
                    if (-not $parentProcessId)
                        Write-Verbose "No parent process found for '$($Process.Name)'."

                    # Get the parent process
                    $currentProcess = Get-Process -Id $parentProcessId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                    if (-not $currentProcess)
                        Write-Verbose "Parent process (PID: $parentProcessId) no longer running for '$($process.Name)'."

                    # Optionally output the current checking process
                    Write-Verbose "Checking parent process: $($currentProcess.Name)"
                    # Get the call stack
                    $callStack = Get-PSCallStack
                    throw "An error occurred while retrieving information about the process: $($currentProcess.Name) on line $($callStack[0].ScriptLineNumber) : $_"

            Write-Verbose "No launcher found for game: $($gameProcess.Name)."
            return $null

        function Write-Usage
            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host "AutoSuspender $Version" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host @"
    Whenever chosen trigger processes (e.g. video games) are running,
    AutoSuspender automatically suspends chosen target processes (e.g. web
    browsers and instant messaging apps), and automatically resumes them when the
    trigger process ends.
    Suspended target processes are effectively frozen / sleeping and therefore
    can't slow down the trigger process by using the CPU in the background.
    Windows is also more likely to move memory used by target processes from fast
    RAM (known as their "working set") to the slower pagefile on disk, which leaves
    more lovely speedy RAM available for the trigger process (e.g. video game) to
    When the trigger process closes, AutoSuspender will report how much the RAM
    usage of the target processes dropped during their suspension.
    It can also keep track of the trigger processes memory usage using the
    -TriggerProcessPollInterval command line argument.
    Command line arguments
        Enables "what if" mode; AutoSuspender doesn't actually suspend or resume any processes or minimise windows but does everything else. Useful for testing and measuring performance benefits of using AutoSuspender.
        Resumes all target processes then run as normal. Handy for when a previous invocation of the function failed to resume everything for some reason.
        Checks for trigger processes only once, exiting immediately if none are running. If one is running, performs usual operations then exits when the trigger process exits (after resuming the target processes). You might use this if you arrange for the function to run every time Windows runs a new process.
        Poll the status of the trigger process, rather than waiting to be told by Windows when it has stopped. This method enables checking memory usage which can be useful for gathering benchmarking data, but it can have a small performance impact so is disabled by default.
        Trim the working set of all target processes immediately after they are suspended. Although this can free up a lot of RAM for the trigger process, the target processes will likely be considerably slower once resumed, regardless of whether the trigger process used or benefited from the RAM.
        Displays a short description of AutoSuspender and a list of possible command line arguments


        # if there are any keys in the read buffer, keep reading them
        # until either the character $KeyCharacter is found, or until
        # there are no more keys in the buffer.
        # returns $true if $KeyCharacter was found, else $false
        function Test-KeyPress
            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

            while ([Console]::KeyAvailable)
                $keyPressed = [Console]::ReadKey($true)

                if ($keyPressed.KeyChar -eq $KeyCharacter)
                    return $true
            return $false

        # wait for the supplied number of seconds for the user to press the supplied character
        # return true if they pressed it or false if they didn't
        function Wait-ForKeyPress
            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

                # if set, we don't poll but just report if key was pressed at end
                # can lead to unresponsive feeling if $Seconds is high

            if ($WaitFullDuration)
                # sleep the whole duration
                Start-Sleep -Seconds $Seconds
                return Test-KeyPress -KeyCharacter $KeyCharacter
                $endTime = (Get-Date).AddSeconds($Seconds)

                while ((Get-Date) -lt $endTime)
                    if (Test-KeyPress -KeyCharacter $KeyCharacter)
                        return $true
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200  # polling interval 200ms
            return $false


        # Function to validate if a TargetPath (e.g. within a Windows Shortcut) has an existing target file
        # the Target Path might have quotation marks around and spaces within the first argument
        # and might include additional command line arguments
        function Test-CmdLineTarget
            param (

            Write-Verbose "Test-CmdLineTarget testing..."
            Write-Verbose $CmdLine

            # Use PowerShell's command-line parsing to properly handle quoted paths
            #$cmdArgs = [System.Management.Automation.CommandLine]::ParseCommandLine($CmdLine)

            # Create the ProcessStartInfo object
            $startInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
            $startInfo.Arguments = $CmdLine

            # Parse the arguments
            # FIXME: this doesnt work properly when there are quoted args with surrounding " marks
            $cmdArgs = $startInfo.Arguments.Split(' ')

            Write-Host "Parsed Arguments:"
            Write-Host $cmdArgs

            # The first element of $cmdArgs should be the target file
            $targetFile = $cmdArgs[0]
            Write-Verbose "targetFile: $targetFile"

            # Check if the file exists
            if (Test-Path $targetFile)
                return $true
            return $false

        # merge two hashmaps into a new one
        # in PowerShell 7 we'd just use the '+' operator
        function Merge-Hashmaps
            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

            # necessary as Hashtables are passed by reference
            $merged = $Default.Clone()

            if ($null -ne $Override)
                foreach ($key in $Override.Keys)
                    $merged[$key] = $Override[$key]
            return $merged

        # =============================================================================
        # =============================================================================
        # =============================================================================
        # =============================================================================
        # =============================================================================
        # =============================================================================
        # =============================================================================
        # =============================================================================
        # =============================================================================
        # =============================================================================

        # this prevents issues with external PS code when this script is compiled to a .exe:
        Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force

        # Define cleanup actions. NB: cannot seem to get this to execute if terminal window is closed
        $cleanupAction = {
            Write-Verbose "Cleaning up..."

            # not sure whether this is strictly necessary
            Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier PowerShell.Exiting -ErrorAction Continue


            # ensures the script does indeed stop now
            # optional, but if we are cleaning up, we probably want to insist on closure
            Stop-Process -Id $PID

            Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

        $null = Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier PowerShell.Exiting -Action {
            Write-Verbose "[PowerShell.Exiting] event triggered"
            & $cleanupAction

        if ($Help)

        $title = "TaskTamer v$Version"

        $originalTitle = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle
        $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $title

        $boxLength = $title.Length + 2

        # Draw the pretty name box
        Write-Host ("{0}{1}{2}" -f 
            ([String]::new($BoxDrawingChars.Horizontal, $boxLength)),
            $BoxDrawingChars.TopRight) -ForegroundColor Yellow

        Write-Host ($BoxDrawingChars.Vertical + " ") -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-HostRainbow $title
        Write-Host (" " + $BoxDrawingChars.Vertical) -ForegroundColor Yellow

        Write-Host ("{0}{1}{2}" -f 
            ([String]::new($BoxDrawingChars.Horizontal, $boxLength)), 
            $BoxDrawingChars.BottomRight) -ForegroundColor Yellow

        # Check if any unexpected arguments were provided
        # (they get leftover within $args)
        if ($args.Count -gt 0)
            Write-Error "Unexpected argument(s): $($args -join ', ')" -ErrorAction Continue

        # a hash table used to map process PIDs to RAM (bytes) usages
        # used to save RAM usage of target processes just before they are suspended
        $pidRamUsagesPreSuspension = @{}

        $existingValidShortcut = $false
        $shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell

        # Delete any existing broken shortcut
        if (Test-Path -Path $shortcutPath)
            Write-Verbose "Existing Windows shortcut detected at $shortcutPath"
            $existingValidShortcut = $true

        if (-not $existingValidShortcut)
            $shortcutLink = $shell.CreateShortcut($shortcutPath)
            $shortcutLink.TargetPath = $fullScriptPath
            $shortcutLink.WorkingDirectory = $scriptFolder
            $shortcutLink.IconLocation = $pauseIconPath

            Write-Host "Windows shortcut created at $shortcutPath"

        # Clean up the Shell COM object
        [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($shell) | Out-Null
        $shell = $null

        # read YAML config file
        #Enable-Module -Name "powershell-yaml"

        $configYamlHeader = @"
# AutoSuspender config file (YAML format)
# Generated originally from a v$Version template
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $configPath))
            # read in the text of the templateFile, remove the header, replace with our header, then save
            # (?s) dotall mode to make . match newline characters

            Write-Host "Creating config.yaml from config-template.yaml..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            ((Get-Content -Path $templatePath -Raw) -replace "(?s)# @=+\s.*?=+@", $configYamlHeader) | Out-File -FilePath $configPath -Force

        $config = Get-Content -Path $configPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml

        if ($config -isnot [Hashtable])
            throw "Config YAML file conversion created $($config.GetType().Name), expected Hashtable"

        # TODO: sanity check the presence of certain config parameters?
        # TODO: flag up any unrecognised config parameters?

        # build merged config hashtable for target processes using defaults
        $targetProcessesConfig = @{}

        $config['target_processes'].Keys | ForEach-Object {
            $targetProcessesConfig[$_] = Merge-Hashmaps -Default $config['target_process_defaults'] -Override $config['target_processes'][$_]

        Write-Verbose "targetProcessesConfig (merged)..."
        Write-Verbose ($targetProcessesConfig | ConvertTo-Yaml)

        $launchers = @{}
        $targetProcessesConfig.Keys | Where-Object { $targetProcessesConfig[$_]['is_launcher'] -eq $true } | ForEach-Object { $launchers[$_] = $_ }
        # TODO: set the value to a nice descriptive name for the launcher?

        Write-Verbose '$launchers:'
        Write-Verbose ($launchers | ConvertTo-Json)

        if ($config['show_notifications'])
            #Enable-Module -Name "BurntToast"
            $notificationsHeader = New-BTHeader -Id 'AutoSuspender' -Title 'AutoSuspender'

    if ($config['play_sounds'])
        $audioPlayer = New-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer

        #Write-Warning "Something BAD happened"
        #return $null
        #return "Throwing hot potato"

        if ($WhatIf)
            Write-Host "ATTENTION: 'What If' mode enabled! No suspending, resuming, or minimising will occur" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Verbose "scriptPath: $scriptFolder"
        Write-Verbose "PollTriggers: $PollTriggers"
        Write-Host ""

        # we set this variable before potentially calling for a -Restore
        # to avoid an error
        $runningTriggerProcesses = @()

        if (Test-Path -Path $lockFilePath)
            $pidInLockFile = Get-Content -Path $lockFilePath
            Write-Verbose "Lock file exists and contains '$($pidInLockFile)'"

            if ($pidInLockFile -and -not (Get-Process -Id $pidInLockFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
                Write-Output "Previous AutoSuspender didn't close properly. Assuming crash and resuming all processes..."

                $columnHeadings = @("NAME", "PID", "RAM", "WINDOW")
                $columnFormats = @("{0,-17}", "{0,-6}", "{0,10}", "{0,-10}")
                Set-TargetProcessesState -Restore -NoDeltas | Format-TableFancy -ColumnHeadings $columnHeadings -ColumnFormats $columnFormats

                $ResumeAll = $false
                Remove-Item -Path $lockFilePath -Force
                Write-Host "AutoSuspender is already running. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red

        if ($ResumeAll)
            Write-Output "Resuming all processes ('-ResumeAll')..."
            $columnHeadings = @("NAME", "PID", "RAM", "WINDOW")
            $columnFormats = @("{0,-17}", "{0,-6}", "{0,10}", "{0,-10}")
            Set-TargetProcessesState -Restore -NoDeltas | Format-TableFancy -ColumnHeadings $columnHeadings -ColumnFormats $columnFormats

        # create lockfile with our PID in
        $PID | Out-File -FilePath $lockFilePath -Force

        # did we sit idle last time around the while() loop?
        $wasIdleLastLoop = $false

        while ($true)
            if (-not ($wasIdleLastLoop))
                if ($CheckOnce)
                    Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss')] Checking for trigger processes..."
                    Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss')] Listening for trigger processes {Press Q to Quit}..."

            $wasIdleLastLoop = $true

            # NB: hashtables are case insensitive w.r.t. their keys by default
            $runningTriggerProcesses = Get-Process | Where-Object { $config['trigger_processes'].ContainsKey($_.Name) }

            if ($runningTriggerProcesses)
                $wasIdleLastLoop = $false
                $launcher = ""

                foreach ($runningTriggerProcess in $runningTriggerProcesses)
                    Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss')] **** Trigger process detected: $($runningTriggerProcess.Name) ($($runningTriggerProcess.Id))"

                    if (-not $runningTriggerProcess.PriorityBoostEnabled)
                        Write-Warning "This trigger process is not runining with PriorityBoost enabled"

                    if ($config['show_notifications'])
                        New-BurntToastNotification -Text "$($runningTriggerProcess.Name) is running", "Minimising and suspending target processes to improve performance." -AppLogo $pauseIconPath -UniqueIdentifier "AutoSuspender" -Sound IM -Header $notificationsHeader

                if ($config['play_sounds'])
                    $audioPlayer.SoundLocation = $suspendSoundPath

                    $launcher = Find-Launcher -Process $runningTriggerProcess
                    if ($launcher)
                        Write-Output "**** Detected running using launcher '$launcher' ($($launchers[$launcher]))"
                        #TODO: insert launcher specific configuration/optimisation here?

                if ($config['low_priority_waiting'])
                    $scriptProcess = Get-Process -Id $PID
                    $scriptProcessPreviousPriority = $scriptProcess.PriorityClass

                    Write-Host "Setting AutoSuspender to a lower priority"
                    $scriptProcess.PriorityClass = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass]::BelowNormal
                    # ProcessPriorityClass]::Idle is what Task Manager calls "Low"

                # Minimise windows of all target processes
                # FIXME: doesn't work for certain apps (e.g. Microsoft Store apps like WhatsApp)
                Write-Host "Minimising target process windows..."

                foreach ($proc in Get-Process | Where-Object { $targetProcessesConfig.ContainsKey($_.Name) -and $targetProcessesConfig[$_.Name]['minimize'] })

                        $numWindowsMinimised = 0;
                        if (!$WhatIf)
                                $numWindowsMinimised = [ProcessManager]::MinimizeProcessWindows($proc.Id)
                                if ($numWindowsMinimised)
                                    Write-Output "Minimised: $($proc.Name) ($($proc.Id)) [$($numWindowsMinimised) windows]"
                                Write-Verbose "Error minimising windows for PID $($proc.ID): $_"
                        Write-Error "!!!! Failed to minimise: $($proc.Name) ($($proc.Id)). Error: $_";

                # Wait a short time before suspending to ensure minimize commands have been processed
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250

                Write-Host "Suspending target processes..."
                $columnHeadings = @("NAME", "PID", "RAM", "WINDOW")
                $columnFormats = @("{0,-17}", "{0,-6}", "{0,10}", "{0,-10}")

                Set-TargetProcessesState -Throttle -Launcher $launcher | Format-TableFancy -ColumnHeadings $columnHeadings -ColumnFormats $columnFormats

                if ($PollTriggers)
                    Write-Verbose "Polling the trigger processes to get their memory usage"

                # Wait for the trigger process(es) to exit
                foreach ($runningTriggerProcess in $runningTriggerProcesses)
                    Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss')] **** Waiting for trigger process $($runningTriggerProcess.Name) ($($runningTriggerProcess.Id)) to exit..."

                    if ($PollTriggers)
                        $peakWorkingSet = 0
                        $peakPagedMemorySize = 0

                        while (!$runningTriggerProcess.HasExited)

                            # we use 'Max' just in case we end up running this just after the process has exited
                            $peakWorkingSet = [Math]::Max($runningTriggerProcess.PeakWorkingSet64, $peakWorkingSet)
                            $peakPagedMemorySize = [Math]::Max($runningTriggerProcess.PeakPagedMemorySize64, $peakPagedMemorySize)

                            Write-Debug "$($runningTriggerProcess.Name) Peak WS: $(ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $peakWorkingSet)"
                            Write-Debug "$($runningTriggerProcess.Name) Peak Paged: $(ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $peakPagedMemorySize)"

                            Start-Sleep -Seconds 2  #hardcoded now

                        Write-Host "$($runningTriggerProcess.Name) Peak WS: $(ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $peakWorkingSet)"
                        Write-Host "$($runningTriggerProcess.Name) Peak Paged: $(ConvertTo-HumanReadable -Bytes $peakPagedMemorySize)"

                    Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss')] **** $($runningTriggerProcess.Name) ($($runningTriggerProcess.Id)) exited"

                    # FIXME: if there is more than one trigger process running, we will checking the memory stats of them in order
                    # and once the first exits, the others might exit too and their stats will be invalid

                Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss')] **** All trigger processes have exited"

                if ($config['low_priority_waiting'])
                    Write-Host "Restoring AutoSuspender priority class"
                    $scriptProcess.PriorityClass = $scriptProcessPreviousPriority

                # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                if ($config['show_notifications'])
                    # FIXME: will only give the name of the last trigger process to exit
                    New-BurntToastNotification -Text "$($runningTriggerProcess.Name) exited", "Resuming target processes." -AppLogo $playIconPath -UniqueIdentifier "AutoSuspender" -Sound IM -Header $notificationsHeader

            if ($config['play_sounds'])
                $audioPlayer.SoundLocation = $resumeSoundPath

                # FIXME: if you open a game and then you open another game before closing the first, closing the first
                # will result in resuming the suspended processes and then, 2s later, suspending them all again
                # which isn't very efficient. However most people don't run multiple games at once so
                # this isn't a priority to fix

                Write-Host "Restoring target processes..."

                $columnHeadings = @("NAME", "PID", "RAM", "CHANGE", "WINDOW")
                $columnFormats = @("{0,-17}", "{0,-6}", "{0,10}", "{0,11}", "{0,-10}")
                Set-TargetProcessesState -Restore -Launcher $launcher | Format-TableFancy -ColumnHeadings $columnHeadings -ColumnFormats $columnFormats

                $suspendedProcesses = $false

                # Overwatch config file patch for 'BroadcastMarginLeft'
                # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                if ($config['overwatch2_config_patch'] -and ($runningTriggerProcess.Name -eq "Overwatch"))
                        $ow2ConfigFile = Join-Path -Path $myDocumentsPath -ChildPath "\Overwatch\Settings\Settings_v0.ini"
                        Write-Host "overwatch2ConfigPatch set. Examining $ow2ConfigFile ..."

                        # sleep to give extra time for OW2 to save and release lock on the file
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

                        $contents = Get-Content -Path $ow2ConfigFile -Raw

                        $newContents = $contents -replace '(?m)^BroadcastMarginLeft\s*=.*$', 'BroadcastMarginLeft = "1.000000"'
                        if ($contents -ne $newContents)
                            # FIXME: bug w.r.t. ShowIntro = "0" ended up on the ini file repeated times
                            # but possibly it was caused by writing conflict between Overwatch and this function
                            Write-Host "**** Patching $ow2ConfigFile to fix 'BroadcastMarginLeft'..."
                            Set-Content -Path $ow2ConfigFile -Value $newContents -Encoding UTF8NoBOM
                            Write-Host "No patching required"
                        Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                        Write-Host "At line: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber) in $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName)"
                        Write-Host $_.InvocationInfo.Line

                if ($CheckOnce)
                if ($CheckOnce)
                    Write-Output "No trigger process detected."

            if (-not ($wasIdleLastLoop))
                Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss')] Sleeping for 3 seconds... {Press Q to Quit}"

            if (Wait-ForKeyPress -Seconds 3 -KeyCharacter "Q")
                break # out of while()
        Write-Host "Caught!"
        #Write-Host "Error occurred at line: $($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber)"
        #Write-Host "Detailed Error Info:"

        Write-Host "Line: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"
        Write-Host "Command: $($_.InvocationInfo.InvocationName)"
        Write-Host $_
        Write-Host "Finally...."