Write-Verbose "Entering script AppCmdOnTargetMachines.ps1" $AppCmdRegKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp" function Run-Command { param( [string]$command, [bool] $failOnErr = $true ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' if( $psversiontable.PSVersion.Major -le 4) { $result = cmd.exe /c "`"$command`"" } else { $result = cmd.exe /c "$command" } $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' if($failOnErr -and $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw $result } return $result } function Get-AppCmdLocation { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$regKeyPath ) $appCmdNotFoundError = "Cannot find appcmd.exe location. Verify IIS is configured on $env:ComputerName and try operation again." $appCmdMinVersionError = "Version of IIS is less than 7.0 on machine $env:ComputerName. Minimum version of IIS required is 7.0" if(-not (Test-Path -Path $regKeyPath)) { throw $appCmdNotFoundError } $regKey = Get-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyPath $path = $regKey.InstallPath $version = $regKey.MajorVersion if($version -le 6.0) { throw $appCmdMinVersionError } if( -not (Test-Path $path)) { throw $appCmdNotFoundError } return (Join-Path $path appcmd.exe), $version } function Does-WebsiteExists { param([string] $siteName) $appCmdPath, $iisVersion = Get-AppCmdLocation -regKeyPath $AppCmdRegKey $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format(' list site /name:"{0}"',$siteName) $command = "`"$appCmdPath`" $appCmdArgs" Write-Verbose "Checking website exists. Running command : $command" $website = Run-Command -command $command -failOnErr $false if($website -ne $null) { Write-Verbose "Website (`"$siteName`") already exists" return $true } Write-Verbose "Website (`"$siteName`") does not exist" return $false } function Does-BindingExists { param( [string]$siteName, [string]$protocol, [string]$ipAddress, [string]$port, [string]$hostname ) $appCmdPath, $iisVersion = Get-AppCmdLocation -regKeyPath $AppCmdRegKey $appCmdArgs = ' list sites' $command = "`"$appCmdPath`" $appCmdArgs" Write-Verbose "Checking binding exists for website (`"$siteName`"). Running command : $command" $sites = Run-Command -command $command -failOnErr $false $binding = [string]::Format("{0}/{1}:{2}:{3},", $protocol, $ipAddress, $port, $hostname) $isBindingExists = $false foreach($site in $sites) { $site = $site.ToLower() if($site.Contains($siteName.ToLower()) -and $site.Contains($binding.ToLower())) { Write-Verbose "Given binding already exists for the current website (`"$siteName`")." $isBindingExists = $true } elseif($site.Contains($binding.ToLower())) { throw "Given binding already exists for a different website (`"$site`"), change the port and retry the operation." } } Write-Verbose "Does bindings exist for website (`"$siteName`") is : $isBindingExists" return $isBindingExists } function Does-AppPoolExists { param( [string]$appPoolName ) $appCmdPath, $iisVersion = Get-AppCmdLocation -regKeyPath $AppCmdRegKey $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format(' list apppool /name:"{0}"',$appPoolName) $command = "`"$appCmdPath`" $appCmdArgs" Write-Verbose "Checking application exists. Running command : $command" $appPool = Run-Command -command $command -failOnErr $false if($appPool -ne $null) { Write-Verbose "Application Pool (`"$appPoolName`") already exists" return $true } Write-Verbose "Application Pool (`"$appPoolName`") does not exists" return $false } function Enable-SNI { param( [string]$siteName, [string]$sni, [string]$ipAddress, [string]$port, [string]$hostname ) $appCmdPath, $iisVersion = Get-AppCmdLocation -regKeyPath $AppCmdRegKey if( -not ($sni -eq "true" -and $iisVersion -ge 8 -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostname))) { Write-Verbose "Not enabling SNI : sni : $sni, iisVersion : $iisVersion, hostname : $hostname. Possible Reasons: `n 1. IIS Version is less than 8 `n 2. HostName input is not provided `n 3. SNI input is set to false" return } if($ipAddress -eq "All Unassigned") { $ipAddress = "*" } $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format(' set site /"{0}" /bindings.[protocol=''https'',bindingInformation=''{1}:{2}:{3}''].sslFlags:"1"',$siteName, $ipAddress, $port, $hostname) $command = "`"$appCmdPath`" $appCmdArgs" Write-Verbose "Enabling SNI by setting SslFlags=1 for binding. Running command : $command" Run-Command -command $command } function Add-SslCert { param( [string]$port, [string]$certhash, [string]$hostname, [string]$sni, [string]$iisVersion, [string]$ipAddress ) if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($certhash)) { Write-Verbose "CertHash is empty. Returning" return } if($ipAddress -eq "All Unassigned") { $ipAddress = "" } $result = $null $isItSameBinding = $false $addCertCmd = [string]::Empty #SNI is supported IIS 8 and above. To enable SNI hostnameport option should be used if($sni -eq "true" -and $iisVersion -ge 8 -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostname)) { $showCertCmd = [string]::Format("netsh http show sslcert hostnameport={0}:{1}", $hostname, $port) Write-Verbose "Checking if SslCert binding is already present. Running command : $showCertCmd" $result = Run-Command -command $showCertCmd -failOnErr $false $isItSameBinding = $result.Get(4).Contains([string]::Format("{0}:{1}", $hostname, $port)) $addCertCmd = [string]::Format("netsh http add sslcert hostnameport={0}:{1} certhash={2} appid={{{3}}} certstorename=MY", $hostname, $port, $certhash, [System.Guid]::NewGuid().toString()) } else { $showCertCmd = [string]::Format("netsh http show sslcert ipport={0}:{1}", $ipAddress, $port) Write-Verbose "Checking if SslCert binding is already present. Running command : $showCertCmd" $result = Run-Command -command $showCertCmd -failOnErr $false $isItSameBinding = $result.Get(4).Contains([string]::Format("{0}:{1}", $ipAddress, $port)) $addCertCmd = [string]::Format("netsh http add sslcert ipport={0}:{1} certhash={2} appid={{{3}}} certstorename=MY", $ipAddress, $port, $certhash, [System.Guid]::NewGuid().toString()) } $isItSameCert = $result.Get(5).ToLower().Contains($certhash.ToLower()) if($isItSameBinding -and $isItSameCert) { Write-Verbose "SSL cert binding is already present. Returning" return } Write-Verbose "Setting SslCert for website." Run-Command -command $addCertCmd } function Create-Website { param( [string]$siteName, [string]$physicalPath ) $appCmdPath, $iisVersion = Get-AppCmdLocation -regKeyPath $AppCmdRegKey $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format(' add site /name:"{0}" /physicalPath:"{1}"',$siteName, $physicalPath) $command = "`"$appCmdPath`" $appCmdArgs" Write-Verbose "Creating website. Running command : $command" Run-Command -command $command } function Create-AppPool { param( [string]$appPoolName ) $appCmdPath, $iisVersion = Get-AppCmdLocation -regKeyPath $AppCmdRegKey $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format(' add apppool /name:"{0}"', $appPoolName) $command = "`"$appCmdPath`" $appCmdArgs" Write-Verbose "Creating application Pool. Running command : $command" Run-Command -command $command } function Run-AdditionalCommands { param( [string]$additionalCommands ) $appCmdCommands = $additionalCommands.Trim('"').Split([System.Environment]::NewLine, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) $appCmdPath, $iisVersion = Get-AppCmdLocation -regKeyPath $AppCmdRegKey foreach($appCmdCommand in $appCmdCommands) { if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($appCmdCommand.Trim(' '))) { $command = "`"$appCmdPath`" $appCmdCommand" Write-Verbose "Running additional command. $command" Run-Command -command $command } } } function Update-Website { param( [string]$siteName, [string]$appPoolName, [string]$physicalPath, [string]$authType, [string]$userName, [string]$password, [string]$addBinding, [string]$protocol, [string]$ipAddress, [string]$port, [string]$hostname ) $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format(' set site /"{0}"', $siteName) if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($appPoolName)) { $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format('{0} -applicationDefaults.applicationPool:"{1}"', $appCmdArgs, $appPoolName) } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($physicalPath)) { $tmpPhysicalPath = $physicalPath.Replace("%SystemDrive%", "$env:SystemDrive") Write-Verbose "Checking website physical path exists $tmpPhysicalPath" if(!(Test-Path -Path $tmpPhysicalPath)) { Write-Verbose "Creating website physical path $tmpPhysicalPath" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tmpPhysicalPath } $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format("{0} -[path='/'].[path='/'].physicalPath:`"{1}`"", $appCmdArgs, $physicalPath) } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($userName) -and $authType -eq "WebsiteWindowsAuth") { $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format("{0} -[path='/'].[path='/'].userName:{1}", $appCmdArgs, $userName) } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($password) -and $authType -eq "WebsiteWindowsAuth") { $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format("{0} -[path='/'].[path='/'].password:{1}", $appCmdArgs, $password) } if($ipAddress -eq "All Unassigned") { $ipAddress = "*" } if($addBinding -eq "true") { $isBindingExists = Does-BindingExists -siteName $siteName -protocol $protocol -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -hostname $hostname if($isBindingExists -eq $false) { $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format("{0} /+bindings.[protocol='{1}',bindingInformation='{2}:{3}:{4}']", $appCmdArgs, $protocol, $ipAddress, $port, $hostname) } } $appCmdPath, $iisVersion = Get-AppCmdLocation -regKeyPath $AppCmdRegKey $command = "`"$appCmdPath`" $appCmdArgs" Write-Verbose "Updating website properties. Running command : $command" Run-Command -command $command } function Update-AppPool { param( [string]$appPoolName, [string]$clrVersion, [string]$pipeLineMode, [string]$identity, [string]$userName, [string]$password ) $appCmdArgs = ' set config -section:system.applicationHost/applicationPools' if($clrVersion -ieq "No Managed Code") { $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format('{0} /[name=''"{1}"''].managedRuntimeVersion:', $appCmdArgs, $appPoolName) } elseif(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($clrVersion)) { $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format('{0} /[name=''"{1}"''].managedRuntimeVersion:{2}', $appCmdArgs, $appPoolName, $clrVersion) } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($pipeLineMode)) { $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format('{0} /[name=''"{1}"''].managedPipelineMode:{2}', $appCmdArgs, $appPoolName, $pipeLineMode) } if($identity -eq "SpecificUser" -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($userName) -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($password)) { $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format('{0} /[name=''"{1}"''].processModel.identityType:SpecificUser /[name=''"{1}"''].processModel.userName:"{2}" /[name=''"{1}"''].processModel.password:"{3}"',` $appCmdArgs, $appPoolName, $userName, $password) } elseif ($identity -eq "SpecificUser" -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($userName)) { $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format('{0} /[name=''"{1}"''].processModel.identityType:SpecificUser /[name=''"{1}"''].processModel.userName:"{2}"',` $appCmdArgs, $appPoolName, $userName) } else { $appCmdArgs = [string]::Format('{0} /[name=''"{1}"''].processModel.identityType:{2}', $appCmdArgs, $appPoolName, $identity) } $appCmdPath, $iisVersion = Get-AppCmdLocation -regKeyPath $AppCmdRegKey $command = "`"$appCmdPath`" $appCmdArgs" Write-Verbose "Updating application pool properties. Running command : $command" Run-Command -command $command } function Create-And-Update-Website { param( [string]$siteName, [string]$appPoolName, [string]$physicalPath, [string]$authType, [string]$userName, [string]$password, [string]$addBinding, [string]$protocol, [string]$ipAddress, [string]$port, [string]$hostname ) $doesWebsiteExists = Does-WebsiteExists -siteName $siteName if( -not $doesWebsiteExists) { Create-Website -siteName $siteName -physicalPath $physicalPath } Update-Website -siteName $siteName -appPoolName $appPoolName -physicalPath $physicalPath -authType $authType -userName $userName -password $password ` -addBinding $addBinding -protocol $protocol -ipAddress $ipAddress -port $port -hostname $hostname } function Create-And-Update-AppPool { param( [string]$appPoolName, [string]$clrVersion, [string]$pipeLineMode, [string]$identity, [string]$userName, [string]$password ) $doesAppPoolExists = Does-AppPoolExists -appPoolName $appPoolName if(-not $doesAppPoolExists) { Create-AppPool -appPoolName $appPoolName } Update-AppPool -appPoolName $appPoolName -clrVersion $clrVersion -pipeLineMode $pipeLineMode -identity $identity -userName $userName -password $password } function Execute-Main { param ( [string]$CreateWebsite, [string]$WebsiteName, [string]$WebsitePhysicalPath, [string]$WebsitePhysicalPathAuth, [string]$WebsiteAuthUserName, [string]$WebsiteAuthUserPassword, [string]$AddBinding, [string]$Protocol, [string]$IpAddress, [string]$Port, [string]$HostName, [string]$ServerNameIndication, [string]$SslCertThumbPrint, [string]$CreateAppPool, [string]$AppPoolName, [string]$DotNetVersion, [string]$PipeLineMode, [string]$AppPoolIdentity, [string]$AppPoolUsername, [string]$AppPoolPassword, [string]$AppCmdCommands ) Write-Verbose "Entering Execute-Main function" Write-Verbose "CreateWebsite= $CreateWebsite" Write-Verbose "WebsiteName = $WebsiteName" Write-Verbose "WebsitePhysicalPath = $WebsitePhysicalPath" Write-Verbose "WebsitePhysicalPathAuth = $WebsitePhysicalPathAuth" Write-Verbose "WebsiteAuthUserName = $WebsiteAuthUserName" Write-Verbose "WebSiteAuthUserPassword = $WebSiteAuthUserPassword" Write-Verbose "AddBinding = $AddBinding" Write-Verbose "Protocol = $Protocol" Write-Verbose "IpAddress = $IpAddress" Write-Verbose "Port = $Port" Write-Verbose "HostName = $HostName" Write-Verbose "ServerNameIndication = $ServerNameIndication" Write-Verbose "CreateAppPool = $CreateAppPool" Write-Verbose "AppPoolName = $AppPoolName" Write-Verbose "DotNetVersion = $DotNetVersion" Write-Verbose "PipeLineMode = $PipeLineMode" Write-Verbose "AppPoolIdentity = $AppPoolIdentity" Write-Verbose "AppPoolUsername = $AppPoolUsername" Write-Verbose "AppPoolPassword = $AppPoolPassword" Write-Verbose "AppCmdCommands = $AppCmdCommands" if($CreateAppPool -ieq "true") { Create-And-Update-AppPool -appPoolName $AppPoolName -clrVersion $DotNetVersion -pipeLineMode $PipeLineMode -identity $AppPoolIdentity -userName $AppPoolUsername -password $AppPoolPassword } if($CreateWebsite -ieq "true") { Create-And-Update-Website -siteName $WebsiteName -appPoolName $AppPoolName -physicalPath $WebsitePhysicalPath -authType $WebsitePhysicalPathAuth -userName $WebsiteAuthUserName ` -password $WebsiteAuthUserPassword -addBinding $AddBinding -protocol $Protocol -ipAddress $IpAddress -port $Port -hostname $HostName if($Protocol -ieq "https" -and $AddBinding -ieq "true") { $appCmdPath, $iisVersion = Get-AppCmdLocation -regKeyPath $AppCmdRegKey Add-SslCert -ipAddress $IpAddress -port $Port -certhash $SslCertThumbPrint -hostname $HostName -sni $ServerNameIndication -iisVersion $iisVersion Enable-SNI -siteName $WebsiteName -sni $ServerNameIndication -ipAddress $IpAddress -port $Port -hostname $HostName } } Run-AdditionalCommands -additionalCommands $AppCmdCommands Write-Verbose "Exiting Execute-Main function" } |