
# TabExpansionPlusPlus

# Save off the previous tab completion so it can be restored if this module
# is removed.
$oldTabExpansion = $function:TabExpansion
$oldTabExpansion2 = $function:TabExpansion2

[bool]$updatedTypeData = $false

$MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.OnRemove =
    if ($null -ne $oldTabExpansion)
        Set-Item function:\TabExpansion $oldTabExpansion
    if ($null -ne $oldTabExpansion2)
        Set-Item function:\TabExpansion2 $oldTabExpansion2

#region Exported utility functions for completers

# Helper function to create a new completion results
function New-CompletionResult
    param([Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

          [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

          [Parameter(Position=2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

          $CompletionResultType = [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue,
          [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
          [switch] $NoQuotes = $false

        $toolTipToUse = if ($ToolTip -eq '') { $CompletionText } else { $ToolTip }
        $listItemToUse = if ($ListItemText -eq '') { $CompletionText } else { $ListItemText }

        # If the caller explicitly requests that quotes
        # not be included, via the -NoQuotes parameter,
        # then skip adding quotes.

        if ($CompletionResultType -eq [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue -and -not $NoQuotes)
            # Add single quotes for the caller in case they are needed.
            # We use the parser to robustly determine how it will treat
            # the argument. If we end up with too many tokens, or if
            # the parser found something expandable in the results, we
            # know quotes are needed.

            $tokens = $null
            $null = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput("echo $CompletionText", [ref]$tokens, [ref]$null)
            if ($tokens.Length -ne 3 -or
                ($tokens[1] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.StringExpandableToken] -and
                 $tokens[1].Kind -eq [System.Management.Automation.Language.TokenKind]::Generic))
                $CompletionText = "'$CompletionText'"
        return New-Object System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult `


# This is a simple wrapper of Get-Command gets commands with a given
# parameter ignoring commands that use the parameter name as an alias.
function Get-CommandWithParameter
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='AllCommandSet', Position=0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CmdletSet', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CmdletSet', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]



        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Get-Command', [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = { & $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters | Where-Object { $_.Parameters[$ParameterName] -ne $null } }
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($myInvocation.CommandOrigin)

function Set-CompletionPrivateData


        $ExpirationSeconds = 604800

    $Cache = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Value = $Value
        ExpirationTime = (Get-Date).AddSeconds($ExpirationSeconds)
    $completionPrivateData[$key] = $Cache

function Get-CompletionPrivateData

    { return $completionPrivateData }

    $cacheValue = $completionPrivateData[$key]
    if ((Get-Date) -lt $cacheValue.ExpirationTime) {
        return $cacheValue.Value

function Get-CompletionWithExtension
    param([string]   $lastWord,
          [string[]] $extensions)

    [System.Management.Automation.CompletionCompleters]::CompleteFilename($lastWord) |
        Where-Object {
            # Use ListItemText because it won't be quoted, CompletionText might be
            [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.ListItemText) -in $extensions

function New-CommandTree
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Default')]
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Argument')]

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Default')]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Argument')]


        [Parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName='Default')]
        [Parameter(Position=1, ParameterSetName='ScriptBlockSet')]

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory, ParameterSetName='ScriptBlockSet')]

    $actualSubCommands = $null
    if ($null -ne $SubCommands)
        $actualSubCommands = [NativeCommandTreeNode[]](& $SubCommands)

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
        'Default' {
            New-Object NativeCommandTreeNode $Completion,$Tooltip,$actualSubCommands
        'Argument' {
            New-Object NativeCommandTreeNode $Completion,$Tooltip,$true
        'ScriptBlockSet' {
            New-Object NativeCommandTreeNode $CompletionGenerator,$actualSubCommands

function Get-CommandTreeCompletion
    param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, [NativeCommandTreeNode[]]$CommandTree)

    $commandElements = $commandAst.CommandElements

    # Skip the first command element - it's the command name
    # Iterate through the remaining elements, stopping early
    # if we find the element that matches $wordToComplete.
    for ($i = 1; $i -lt $commandElements.Count; $i++)
        if (!($commandElements[$i] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst]))
            # Ignore arguments that are expressions. In some rare cases this
            # could cause strange completions because the context is incorrect, e.g.:
            # $c = 'advfirewall'
            # netsh $c firewall
            # Here we would be in advfirewall firewall context, but we'd complete as
            # though we were in firewall context.

        if ($commandElements[$i].Value -eq $wordToComplete)
            $CommandTree = $CommandTree |
                Where-Object { $_.Command -like "$wordToComplete*" -or $_.CompletionGenerator -ne $null }

        foreach ($subCommand in $CommandTree)
            if ($subCommand.Command -eq $commandElements[$i].Value)
                if (!$subCommand.Argument)
                    $CommandTree = $subCommand.SubCommands

    if ($null -ne $CommandTree)
        $CommandTree | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_.Command)
                $toolTip = if ($_.Tooltip) { $_.Tooltip } else { $_.Command }
                New-CompletionResult -CompletionText $_.Command -ToolTip $toolTip
                & $_.CompletionGenerator $wordToComplete $commandAst

#endregion Exported utility functions for completers

#region Exported functions

# Register a ScriptBlock to perform argument completion for a
# given command or parameter.
# Argument completion can be extended without needing to do any
# parsing in many cases. By registering a handler for specific
# commands and/or parameters, PowerShell will call the handler
# when appropriate.
# There are 2 kinds of extensions - native and PowerShell. Native
# refers to commands external to PowerShell, e.g. net.exe. PowerShell
# completion covers any functions, scripts, or cmdlets where PowerShell
# can determine the correct parameter being completed.
# When registering a native handler, you must specify the CommandName
# parameter. The CommandName is typically specified without any path
# or extension. If specifying a path and/or an extension, completion
# will only work when the command is specified that way when requesting
# completion.
# When registering a PowerShell handler, you must specify the
# ParameterName parameter. The CommandName is optional - PowerShell will
# first try to find a handler based on the command and parameter, but
# if none is found, then it will try just the parameter name. This way,
# you could specify a handler for all commands that have a specific
# parameter.
# A handler needs to return instances of
# System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult.
# A native handler is passed 2 parameters:
# param($wordToComplete, $commandAst)
# $wordToComplete - The argument being completed, possibly an empty string
# $commandAst - The ast of the command being completed.
# A PowerShell handler is passed 5 parameters:
# param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
# $commandName - The command name
# $parameterName - The parameter name
# $wordToComplete - The argument being completed, possibly an empty string
# $commandAst - The parsed representation of the command being completed.
# $fakeBoundParameter - Like $PSBoundParameters, contains values for some of the parameters.
# Certain values are not included, this does not mean a parameter was
# not specified, just that getting the value could have had unintended
# side effects, so no value was computed.
# .PARAMETER ParameterName
# The name of the parameter that the Completion parameter supports.
# This parameter is not supported for native completion and is
# mandatory for script completion.
# .PARAMETER CommandName
# The name of the command that the Completion parameter supports.
# This parameter is mandatory for native completion and is optional
# for script completion.
# .PARAMETER Completion
# A ScriptBlock that returns instances of CompletionResult. For
# native completion, the script block parameters are
# param($wordToComplete, $commandAst)
# For script completion, the parameters are:
# param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
# .PARAMETER Description
# A description of how the completion can be used.
function Register-ArgumentCompleter
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="NativeSet", Mandatory)]
        [string[]]$CommandName = "",

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="PowerShellSet", Mandatory)]
        [string]$ParameterName = "",




    $fnDefn = $ScriptBlock.Ast -as [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst]
    if (!$Description)
        # See if the script block is really a function, if so, use the function name.
        $Description = if ($fnDefn -ne $null) { $fnDefn.Name } else { "" }

    if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName -ne (& { $MyInvocation.ScriptName }))
        # Make an unbound copy of the script block so it has access to TabExpansionPlusPlus when invoked.
        # We can skip this step if we created the script block (Register-ArgumentCompleter was
        # called internally).
        if ($fnDefn -ne $null){
            $ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock.Ast.Body.GetScriptBlock()  # Don't reparse, just get a new ScriptBlock.
        else {
            $ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock.Ast.GetScriptBlock()  # Don't reparse, just get a new ScriptBlock.

    foreach ($command in $CommandName)
        if ($command -and $ParameterName)
            $command += ":"

        $key = if ($Native) { 'NativeArgumentCompleters' } else { 'CustomArgumentCompleters' }
        $tabExpansionOptions[$key]["${command}${ParameterName}"] = $ScriptBlock

        $tabExpansionDescriptions["${command}${ParameterName}$Native"] = $Description

# Tests the registered argument completer
# Invokes the registered parameteter completer for a specified command to make it easier to test
# a completer
# Test-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-Verb -ParameterName Verb -WordToComplete Sta
# Test what would be completed if Get-Verb -Verb Sta<Tab> was typed at the prompt
# Test-ArgumentCompleter -NativeCommand Robocopy -WordToComplete /
# Test what would be completed if Robocopy /<Tab> was typed at the prompt
function Test-ArgumentCompleter
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1, ParameterSetName='PS')]
        [string] $CommandName
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=2, ParameterSetName='PS')]
        [string] $ParameterName
        [Hashtable] $FakeBoundParameters = @{}
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1, ParameterSetName='NativeCommand')]
        [string] $NativeCommand
        [Parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName='NativeCommand')]
        [Parameter(Position=3, ParameterSetName='PS')]
        [string] $WordToComplete = ''


    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NativeCommand')
        $Tokens = $null
        $Errors = $null
        $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($NativeCommand, [ref] $Tokens, [ref] $Errors)
        $commandAst = $ast.EndBlock.Statements[0].PipelineElements[0]
        $command = $commandAst.GetCommandName()
        $completer = $tabExpansionOptions.NativeArgumentCompleters[$command]
        if (-not $Completer)
            throw "No argument completer registered for command '$Command' (from $NativeCommand)"
        & $completer $WordToComplete $commandAst
    else {
        $completer = $tabExpansionOptions.CustomArgumentCompleters["${CommandName}:$ParameterName"]
        if (-not $Completer)
            throw "No argument completer registered for '${CommandName}:$ParameterName'"
        & $completer $CommandName $ParameterName $WordToComplete $commandAst $FakeBoundParameters

# Retrieves a list of argument completers that have been loaded into the
# PowerShell session.
# The name of the argument complete to retrieve. This parameter supports
# wildcards (asterisk).
# Get-ArgumentCompleter -Name *Azure*;
function Get-ArgumentCompleter
    param([string[]]$Name = '*')

    if (!$updatedTypeData)
        # Define the default display properties for the objects returned by Get-ArgumentCompleter
        [string[]]$properties = "Command", "Parameter"
        Update-TypeData -TypeName 'TabExpansionPlusPlus.ArgumentCompleter' -DefaultDisplayPropertySet $properties -Force
        $updatedTypeData = $true

    function WriteCompleters
        function WriteCompleter($command, $parameter, $native, $scriptblock)
            foreach ($n in $Name)
                if ($command -like $n)
                    $c = $command
                    if ($command -and $parameter) { $c += ':' }
                    $description = $tabExpansionDescriptions["${c}${parameter}${native}"]
                    $completer = [pscustomobject]@{
                        Command = $command
                        Parameter = $parameter
                        Native = $native
                        Description = $description
                        ScriptBlock = $scriptblock
                        File = if ($scriptblock.File) { Split-Path -Leaf -Path $scriptblock.File }

                    Write-Output $completer


        foreach ($pair in $tabExpansionOptions.CustomArgumentCompleters.GetEnumerator())
            if ($pair.Key -match '^(.*):(.*)$')
                $command = $matches[1]
                $parameter = $matches[2]
                $parameter = $pair.Key
                $command = ""

            WriteCompleter $command $parameter $false $pair.Value

        foreach ($pair in $tabExpansionOptions.NativeArgumentCompleters.GetEnumerator())
            WriteCompleter $pair.Key '' $true $pair.Value

    WriteCompleters | Sort -Property Native,Command,Parameter

# Register a ScriptBlock to perform argument completion for a
# given command or parameter.
# The name of the option.
# The value to set for Option. Typically this will be $true.
function Set-TabExpansionOption

        $Value = $true)

    $tabExpansionOptions[$option] = $value

#endregion Exported functions

#region Internal utility functions

# This function checks if an attribute argument's name can be completed.
# For example:
# [Parameter(<TAB>
# [Parameter(Po<TAB>
# [CmdletBinding(DefaultPa<TAB>
function TryAttributeArgumentCompletion

    $results = @()
    $matchIndex = -1

        # We want to find any NamedAttributeArgumentAst objects where the Ast extent includes $offset
        $offsetInExtentPredicate = {
            return $offset -gt $ast.Extent.StartOffset -and
                   $offset -le $ast.Extent.EndOffset
        $asts = $ast.FindAll($offsetInExtentPredicate, $true)

        $attributeType = $null
        $attributeArgumentName = ""
        $replacementIndex = $offset
        $replacementLength = 0

        $attributeArg = $asts | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.NamedAttributeArgumentAst] } | Select-Object -First 1
        if ($null -ne $attributeArg)
            $attributeAst = [System.Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAst]$attributeArg.Parent
            $attributeType = $attributeAst.TypeName.GetReflectionAttributeType()
            $attributeArgumentName = $attributeArg.ArgumentName
            $replacementIndex = $attributeArg.Extent.StartOffset
            $replacementLength = $attributeArg.ArgumentName.Length
            $attributeAst = $asts | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAst] } | Select-Object -First 1
            if ($null -ne $attributeAst)
                $attributeType = $attributeAst.TypeName.GetReflectionAttributeType()

        if ($null -ne $attributeType)
            $results = $attributeType.GetProperties('Public,Instance') |
                Where-Object {
                    # Ignore TypeId (all attributes inherit it)
                    $_.Name -like "$attributeArgumentName*" -and $_.Name -ne 'TypeId' } |
                Sort-Object -Property Name |
                ForEach-Object {
                    $propType = [Microsoft.PowerShell.ToStringCodeMethods]::Type($_.PropertyType)
                    $propName = $_.Name
                    New-CompletionResult $propName -ToolTip "$propType $propName" -CompletionResultType Property

            return [PSCustomObject]@{
                Results = $results
                ReplacementIndex = $replacementIndex
                ReplacementLength = $replacementLength
    catch {}

# This function completes native commands options starting with - or --
# works around a bug in PowerShell that causes it to not complete
# native command options starting with - or --
function TryNativeCommandOptionCompletion

    $results = @()
    $replacementIndex = $offset
    $replacementLength = 0
    # We want to find any Command element objects where the Ast extent includes $offset
        $offsetInOptionExtentPredicate = {
            return $offset -gt $ast.Extent.StartOffset -and
                   $offset -le $ast.Extent.EndOffset -and
        $option = $ast.Find($offsetInOptionExtentPredicate, $true)
        if ($option -ne $null)
            $command = $option.Parent -as [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst]
            if ($command -ne $null)
                $nativeCommand = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($command.CommandElements[0].Value)
                $nativeCompleter = $tabExpansionOptions.NativeArgumentCompleters[$nativeCommand]

                if ($nativeCompleter)
                    $results = @(& $nativeCompleter $option.ToString() $command)
                    if ($results.Count -gt 0)
                        $replacementIndex = $option.Extent.StartOffset
                        $replacementLength = $option.Extent.Text.Length

    return [PSCustomObject]@{
        Results = $results
        ReplacementIndex  = $replacementIndex
        ReplacementLength = $replacementLength

#endregion Internal utility functions

# This function is partly a copy of the V3 TabExpansion2, adding a few
# capabilities such as completing attribute arguments and excluding hidden
# files from results.
function global:TabExpansion2
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ScriptInputSet')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ScriptInputSet', Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [string] $inputScript,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ScriptInputSet', Mandatory, Position = 1)]
        [int] $cursorColumn,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet', Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $ast,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet', Mandatory, Position = 1)]
        [System.Management.Automation.Language.Token[]] $tokens,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet', Mandatory, Position = 2)]
        [System.Management.Automation.Language.IScriptPosition] $positionOfCursor,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ScriptInputSet', Position = 2)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AstInputSet', Position = 3)]
        [Hashtable] $options = $null

    if ($null -ne $options)
        $options += $tabExpansionOptions
        $options = $tabExpansionOptions

    if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptInputSet')
        $results = [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput(
            <#inputScript#>  $inputScript,
            <#cursorColumn#> $cursorColumn,
            <#options#>      $options)
        $results = [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput(
            <#ast#>              $ast,
            <#tokens#>           $tokens,
            <#positionOfCursor#> $positionOfCursor,
            <#options#>          $options)

    if ($results.CompletionMatches.Count -eq 0)
        # Built-in didn't succeed, try our own completions here.
        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptInputSet')
            $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($inputScript, [ref]$tokens, [ref]$null)
            $cursorColumn = $positionOfCursor.Offset

        # workaround PowerShell bug that case it to not invoking native completers for - or --
        # making it hard to complete options for many commands
        $nativeCommandResults = TryNativeCommandOptionCompletion -ast $ast -offset $cursorColumn
        if ($null -ne $nativeCommandResults)
            $results.ReplacementIndex = $nativeCommandResults.ReplacementIndex
            $results.ReplacementLength = $nativeCommandResults.ReplacementLength
            if ($results.CompletionMatches.IsReadOnly)
                # Workaround where PowerShell returns a readonly collection that we need to add to.
                $collection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]
                $results.GetType().GetProperty('CompletionMatches').SetValue($results, $collection)
            $nativeCommandResults.Results | ForEach-Object {
                $results.CompletionMatches.Add($_) }

        $attributeResults = TryAttributeArgumentCompletion $ast $cursorColumn
        if ($null -ne $attributeResults)
            $results.ReplacementIndex = $attributeResults.ReplacementIndex
            $results.ReplacementLength = $attributeResults.ReplacementLength
            if ($results.CompletionMatches.IsReadOnly)
                # Workaround where PowerShell returns a readonly collection that we need to add to.
                $collection = new-object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]
                $results.GetType().GetProperty('CompletionMatches').SetValue($results, $collection)
            $attributeResults.Results | ForEach-Object {
                $results.CompletionMatches.Add($_) }

    if ($options.ExcludeHiddenFiles)
        foreach ($result in @($results.CompletionMatches))
            if ($result.ResultType -eq [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ProviderItem -or
                $result.ResultType -eq [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ProviderContainer)
                    $item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $result.CompletionText -ErrorAction Stop
                    # If Get-Item w/o -Force fails, it is probably hidden, so exclude the result
                    $null = $results.CompletionMatches.Remove($result)
    if ($options.AppendBackslash -and
        $results.CompletionMatches.ResultType -contains [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ProviderContainer)
        foreach ($result in @($results.CompletionMatches))
            if ($result.ResultType -eq [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ProviderContainer)
                $completionText = $result.CompletionText
                $lastChar = $completionText[-1]
                $lastIsQuote = ($lastChar -eq '"' -or $lastChar -eq "'")
                if ($lastIsQuote)
                    $lastChar = $completionText[-2]

                if ($lastChar -ne '\')
                    $null = $results.CompletionMatches.Remove($result)

                    if ($lastIsQuote)
                        $completionText =
                            $completionText.Substring(0, $completionText.Length - 1) +
                            '\' + $completionText[-1]
                        $completionText = $completionText + '\'

                    $updatedResult = New-Object System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult `
                        ($completionText, $result.ListItemText, $result.ResultType, $result.ToolTip)

    if ($results.CompletionMatches.Count -eq 0)
        # No results, if this module has overridden another TabExpansion2 function, call it
        # but only if it's not the built-in function (which we assume if function isn't
        # defined in a file.
        if ($oldTabExpansion2 -ne $null -and $oldTabExpansion2.File -ne $null)
            return (& $oldTabExpansion2 @PSBoundParameters)

    return $results

# Main

Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Management.Automation;

public class NativeCommandTreeNode
    private NativeCommandTreeNode(NativeCommandTreeNode[] subCommands)
        SubCommands = subCommands;

    public NativeCommandTreeNode(string command, NativeCommandTreeNode[] subCommands)
        : this(command, null, subCommands)

    public NativeCommandTreeNode(string command, string tooltip, NativeCommandTreeNode[] subCommands)
        : this(subCommands)
        this.Command = command;
        this.Tooltip = tooltip;

    public NativeCommandTreeNode(string command, string tooltip, bool argument)
        : this(null)
        this.Command = command;
        this.Tooltip = tooltip;
        this.Argument = true;

    public NativeCommandTreeNode(ScriptBlock completionGenerator, NativeCommandTreeNode[] subCommands)
        : this(subCommands)
        this.CompletionGenerator = completionGenerator;

    public string Command { get; private set; }
    public string Tooltip { get; private set; }
    public bool Argument { get; private set; }
    public ScriptBlock CompletionGenerator { get; private set; }
    public NativeCommandTreeNode[] SubCommands { get; private set; }

# Custom completions are saved in this hashtable
$tabExpansionOptions = @{
    CustomArgumentCompleters = @{}
    NativeArgumentCompleters = @{}
# Descriptions for the above completions saved in this hashtable
$tabExpansionDescriptions = @{}
# And private data for the above completions cached in this hashtable
$completionPrivateData = @{}

Export-ModuleMember Get-ArgumentCompleter, Register-ArgumentCompleter,
                    Set-TabExpansionOption, Test-ArgumentCompleter, New-CompletionResult,
                    Get-CommandWithParameter, Set-CompletionPrivateData, Get-CompletionPrivateData,
                    Get-CompletionWithExtension, New-CommandTree, Get-CommandTreeCompletion

foreach ($file in dir $PSScriptRoot\*.ArgumentCompleters.ps1)
    . $file.FullName