

Provides easy to use file and mail logging. Documentation of module at https://github.com/echalone/TUN/blob/master/PowerShell/Modules/TUN.Logging/TUN.Logging.md

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name TUN.Logging

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name TUN.Logging

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2020 - Markus Szumovski (ThingsUNeed)

Package Details


  • Markus Szumovski


Logging Logs LogFile LogFiles Log-File Log-Files Mailing Mails Log-Mail LogMails LogMail Log-Mails Linux Windows Core PowershellCore Powershell-Core PS3 PS4 PS5 PS6 PS7


Get-HasLogDebug Get-HasLogError Get-HasLogHost Get-HasLogInformation Get-HasLogOutput Get-HasLogVerbose Get-HasLogWarning Get-HasMailLogDebug Get-HasMailLogError Get-HasMailLogHost Get-HasMailLogInformation Get-HasMailLogOutput Get-HasMailLogVerbose Get-HasMailLogWarning Get-TUNLoggingVersion Send-Log Set-ForceLogSend Start-Log Start-MailLog Stop-Log Write-DebugLog Write-ErrorLog Write-HostLog Write-InformationLog Write-OutputLog Write-VerboseLog Write-WarningLog


Release Notes

V 1.0.0: Initial version
V 1.0.1: Updated module information
V 1.0.2: Moved markdown link from HelpInfoUri to description
V 1.0.3: Fixed icon link
V 1.0.4: Bumped required module version
V 1.0.5: Bugfixes for logging from console or function, added logging of user
V 1.1.0: Bugfixes for Linux, now compatible with Linux Powershell Core
V 1.1.1: Bugfixing fallback color
V 1.1.2: Updated markdown help and added examples
V 1.1.3: Changed output of error messages slightly to show more error details
V 1.1.4: Bumped version number in markdown readme
V 1.1.7: Only initialize script-wide logging variables if they haven''t already been initialized by another logging module import from a parent script/call
V 1.1.8: Removed -Force switch from import example


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.1.8 (current version) 265 8/1/2023
1.1.6 6 8/1/2023
1.1.5 6 8/1/2023
1.1.4 8 7/27/2023
1.1.3 8 7/27/2023
1.1.2 1,260 1/29/2021
1.1.1 78 8/19/2020
1.0.5 19 8/13/2020
1.0.4 129 6/18/2020
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