

Collection of modules to ease system management in the enterprise

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name TMK-CoreModules

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name TMK-CoreModules

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c)Travis M Knight

Package Details


  • Travis M Knight


parallel multithreading multi-threading ping fastping fast-ping findfile find-file ad groups groupmembership group-membership adobject ad-object adouobject ou-object ad-ou-object adsite ad-site network networkinfo network-info progress writeprogress write-progress inlineprogress inline-progress


Copy-WithProgress Find-File Get-ADGroupMembership Get-ADOUObject Get-ADSite Get-NetworkInfo Invoke-Multithreading Test-FastPing Test-SubnetMember Write-InlineProgress


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

* 2017-03-15: tmknight: v1.0.0.0: First commit; Start-Multithreading function
           * 2017-04-28: tmknight: v1.1.0.0: Added Fast-Ping module
           * 2017-05-03: tmknight: v1.2.0.0: Updated Start-Multithreading module
           * 2017-05-22: tmknight: v1.3.0.0: Added Get-ADOUObjects module
           * 2017-05-24: tmknight: v1.4.0.0: Added Get-ADSite module
           * 2017-05-25: tmknight: v1.5.0.0: Added full site details to Get-ADSite function when querying a computer
           * 2017-06-06: tmknight: v1.5.1.0: Added OS version to computer query;
               added mail and display name to user query;
               added validate set to scope and catagory;
               set defaults for objects and operating system;
               prompt to continue if catagory user, objects = "*" and base = subtree
           * 2017-06-12: tmknight: v1.5.2.0: Check for ActiveDirectory module
           * 2017-07-05: tmknight: v1.5.2.1: Error catch for Get-CimInstance issues
           * 2017-09-27: tmknight: v1.5.2.2: Code cleanup
           * 2017-10-17: tmknight: v1.5.2.3: Code cleanup
           * 2017-10-19: tmknight: v1.5.2.4: Code cleanup
           * 2017-10-20: tmknight: v1.5.2.5: Change "Lookup" parameter to switch statement in Start-FastPing module
           * 2017-10-24: tmknight: v1.5.2.6: Add additional user attributes returned in Get-ADOUObjects module
           * 2017-10-25: tmknight: v1.5.3.0: Added Write-InlineProgress module
           * 2017-11-01: tmknight: v1.5.3.1: Refined PC site query to permit query of localhost
           * 2017-11-03: tmknight: v1.5.3.2: Refined Write-InlineProgress to permit decimals
           * 2017-11-30: tmknight: v1.5.3.3: Updates to Get-ADOUObject and Start-Multithreading
           * 2018-02-07: tmknight: v1.5.3.4: Updates to Get-ADOUObject to return additional information when no records found;
               update to Start-Multithreading with added switch to not show progress if desired for silent execution;
               update to Start-Multithreading with paramter verbiage change from LoopObjects to InputObjects
           * 2018-02-14: tmknight: v1.5.3.4: Add logic to force progress to 100% when all operations complete
           * 2018-08-22: tmknight: v1.5.3.5: Several updates to child modules. See individual module notes for list of changes
           * 2018-11-21: tmknight: v1.5.3.6: Add Test-SubnetMember to assess boundary membership.  Included use of this module in Get-ADSite
           * 2018-12-18: tmknight: v1.5.3.7: Rename "Arguments" to "ArgumentList" to be in alignment with other PS modules
           * 2018-04-02: tmknight: Update to Write-InlineProgress to account for vscode-powershell 2.x which now supports Write-Progress
           * 2018-04-16: tmknight: Addition of Find-File module
           * 2018-04-24: tmknight: Rename Get-ADOUObject; update Get-ADOUObject
           * 2018-07-08: tmknight: Update Write-InlineProgress; code host release broke Write-Progress again
           * 2018-08-05: tmknight: v1.5.3.13: Update Start-FastPing to handle IP addresses
           * 2019-11-22: tmknight: v1.5.3.14: Add Get-NetworkInfo which will work in PS core on Linux: Credit
           * 2019-11-22: tmknight: v1.5.3.15: Write-InlineProgress: Number format to zero places.  Fix assessment of $PSHOME to match windows directory path format
           * 2021-02-12: tmknight: v1.5.3.16: Start-Fast-Ping: Correct Port parameter to be optional; no default value
           * 2021-03-16: tmknight: v1.5.4.0: New commandlet Get-ADGroupMembership
           * 2021-03-16: tmknight: v1.5.4.1: Start-MultiThreading code cleanup
           * 2022-04-14: tmknight: v1.5.4.2: Update Get-ADSite to use ActiveDirectory module
           * 2022-07-20: tmknight: v1.5.4.3: Update Find-File to allow UNC path and avoid double-search of source path
           * 2022-07-21: tmknight: v1.5.4.3: Update Write-InlineProgress to randomize temp filename and code cleanup
           * 2022-08-18: tmknight: v1.5.4.4: Update Find-File, Start-MultiThreading and code cleanup
           * 2023-01-06: tmknight: v1.5.5: Remove support for PowerShell v4.0 and change to semantic versioning
           * 2023-01-10: tmknight: v1.5.6: Align Start-FastPing output with Test-NetConnection
           * 2023-01-22: tmknight: v1.6.0: To be more in alignment with verb naming recommendations, rename: Get-OUObject to Get-ADOUObject;
               Start-Fast-Ping to Test-FastPing; Start-MultiThreading to Invoke-Multithreading (aliases created for each)
           * 2023-01-23: tmknight: v1.6.1: Revert breaking change in Invoke-Multithreading
           * 2023-01-27: tmknight: v1.7.0: Rewrite to more cleanly expose functions and eliminate dependency warnings
           * 2023-04-14: tmknight: v1.7.1: Add `Force` switch to Find-File
           * 2023-05-02: tmknight: v1.7.2: Add `Exclude` parameter Find-File
               Improvements to allow Find-File to be more useful in Linux
           * 2023-05-02: tmknight: v1.7.3: Correct array designation in Find-File
           * 2023-05-04: tmknight: v1.7.4: Additional adjustments to Find-File to improve experience
           * 2023-10-27: tmknight: v1.7.5: Refinements to Invoke-Multithreading; code cleanup
           * 2023-10-30: tmknight: v1.7.6: Refinements to Invoke-Multithreading; code cleanup
           * 2023-10-31: tmknight: v1.7.7: Invoke-Multithreading: Correct runspace pool configuration


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.7.7 (current version) 49 10/31/2023
1.7.2 12 5/2/2023
1.7.1 15 4/14/2023
1.7.0 17 1/27/2023