function Invoke-TmfCustomSecurityAttributeAllowedValue { <# .SYNOPSIS Performs the required actions for a resource type against the connected Tenant. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [string[]] $SpecificResources, [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet] $Cmdlet = $PSCmdlet ) begin { $resourceName = "customSecurityAttributeAllowedValues" if (!$script:desiredConfiguration[$resourceName]) { Stop-PSFFunction -String "TMF.NoDefinitions" -StringValues "CustomSecurityAttributeAllowedValue" return } Test-GraphConnection -Cmdlet $Cmdlet } process { if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return } if ($SpecificResources) { $testResults = Test-TmfCustomSecurityAttributeAlloweValue -SpecificResources $SpecificResources -RawOutput -Cmdlet $Cmdlet } else { $testResults = Test-TmfCustomSecurityAttributeAllowedValue -RawOutput -Cmdlet $Cmdlet } foreach ($result in $testResults) { Beautify-TmfTestResult -TestResult $result -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand switch ($result.ActionType) { "Create" { $requestUrl = "$script:graphBaseUrl/directory/customSecurityAttributeDefinitions/{0}/allowedValues" -f $result.DesiredConfiguration.attributeId $requestMethod = "POST" $requestBody = @{ "id" = $ "isActive" = $result.DesiredConfiguration.isActive } try { $requestBody = $requestBody | ConvertTo-Json -ErrorAction Stop -Depth 8 Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -String "TMF.Invoke.SendingRequestWithBody" -StringValues $requestMethod, $requestUrl, $requestBody Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method $requestMethod -Uri $requestUrl -Body $requestBody | Out-Null } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Error -String "TMF.Invoke.ActionFailed" -StringValues $result.Tenant, $result.ResourceType, $result.ResourceName, $result.ActionType throw $_ } } "Delete" { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'TMF.Invoke.DeleteNotPossible' -StringValues $result.ResourceType, $result.ResourceName } "Update" { $requestUrl = "$script:graphBaseUrl/directory/customSecurityAttributeDefinitions/{0}/allowedValues/{1}" -f $result.DesiredConfiguration.attributeId,$result.GraphResource.Id $requestMethod = "PATCH" $requestBody = @{} foreach ($change in $result.Changes) { switch ($change.Property) { default { foreach ($action in $change.Actions.Keys) { switch ($action) { "Set" { $requestBody[$change.Property] = $change.Actions[$action] } } } } } } if ($requestBody.Keys -gt 0) { try { $requestBody = $requestBody | ConvertTo-Json -ErrorAction Stop Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -String "TMF.Invoke.SendingRequestWithBody" -StringValues $requestMethod, $requestUrl, $requestBody Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method $requestMethod -Uri $requestUrl -Body $requestBody } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Error -String "TMF.Invoke.ActionFailed" -StringValues $result.Tenant, $result.ResourceType, $result.ResourceName, $result.ActionType throw $_ } } } "NoActionRequired" { } default { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String "TMF.Invoke.ActionTypeUnknown" -StringValues $result.ActionType } } Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String "TMF.Invoke.ActionCompleted" -StringValues $result.Tenant, $result.ResourceType, $result.ResourceName, (Get-ActionColor -Action $result.ActionType), $result.ActionType } } end {} } |