
function Set-TmdsAdministratorRole {

    param (
            ParameterSetName = 'ById',
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [Alias('RoleId', 'Id')]

        # Controls whether or not the role is allowed to access all computers.

        # Controls whether or not the role is allowed management of Workload Security Link.

        #Controls whether or not the role is allowed migration to Workload Security.

        #Controls whether or not the role is allowed to use the user interface.

        # Controls whether or not the role is allowed to use the web service API.

        # Controls whether or not the role is allowed to access all policies.

        # Controls whether or not the role can only manipulate users with equal or lesser rights.

        # List of computer group IDs that the role can access. A group ID of '0' allows access to computers not in a computer group. Note that groups must be identified individually and that access to sub-groups is not automatically granted. Ignored if 'allComputers' is true.

        # List of computer IDs that the role can access. Ignored if 'allComputers' is true.

        # Description of the administrator role.

        # Name of the administrator role.

        # List of policy IDs that the role can access. Ignored if 'allPolicies' is true.

    process {
        foreach ($id in $AdministratorRoleId) {
            $Resource = "roles/$id"
            [hashtable]$body = @{}
            switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
                'allComputers' { $body['allComputers'] = $allComputers }
                'allowManageWorkloadSecurityLink' { $body['allowManageWorkloadSecurityLink'] = $allowManageWorkloadSecurityLink }
                'allowMigration' { $body['allowMigration'] = $allowMigration }
                'allowUserInterface' { $body['allowUserInterface'] = $allowUserInterface }
                'allowWebService' { $body['allowWebService'] = $allowWebService }
                'allPolicies' { $body['allPolicies'] = $allPolicies }
                'canOnlyManipulateUsersWithEqualOrLesserRights' { $body['canOnlyManipulateUsersWithEqualOrLesserRights'] = $canOnlyManipulateUsersWithEqualOrLesserRights }
                'computerGroupIDs' { $body['computerGroupIDs'] = $computerGroupIDs }
                'computerIDs' { $body['computerIDs'] = $computerIDs }
                'description' { $body['description'] = $description }
                'name' { $body['name'] = $name }
                'policyIDs' { $body['policyIDs'] = $policyIDs }

            Write-Verbose "Resource is $Resource"
            $params = @{
                'Resource' = $Resource
                'Method'   = "Post"
                'Body'     = ($body | ConvertTo-Json)

            Write-Verbose "Invoking API call"
            Invoke-TmdsApiCall @params