function Test-EntraConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Test if entra connection is valid. .DESCRIPTION Return true or false based on if a valid connection to Entra is established. .EXAMPLE Test-EntraConnection; #> [cmdletbinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param ( ) BEGIN { # Write to log. $customProgress = Write-CustomProgress -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -CurrentOperation 'Test Microsoft Entra connection'; # Boolean to store result. [bool]$connected = $false; # Required Entra scopes. $requiredScopes = @( 'Policy.Read.All', 'GroupMember.Read.All', 'User.Read.All', 'RoleManagement.Read.All', 'Mail.Send' ); } PROCESS { # Try to get entra context. try { # Get entra context. $entraContext = Get-EntraContext -ErrorAction Stop; # If context is not null. if($null -ne $entraContext) { # Required scopes is in the context. $requiredScopesValid = $true; # Foreach required scope. foreach ($requiredScope in $requiredScopes) { # If scope is not in the context. if ($requiredScope -notin $entraContext.Scopes) { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('The required scope "{0}" is not in the context' -f $requiredScope) -Level 'Verbose'; # Set to false. $requiredScopesValid = $false; } } # If all required scopes is in the context. if ($requiredScopesValid) { # Set to true. $connected = $true; } } } catch { # Set to false. $connected = $false; } } END { # Write to log. Write-CustomProgress @customProgress; # Return result. return $connected; } } |