
function Get-TenantStorePolicy
        Get the user owned apps and services settings from the organization.
        Uses the Office 365 Management API.

        # URL to "Let users access the Office store" setting.
        [string]$storeUri = '';

        # URL to "Let users start trials on behalf of your organization" setting.
        [string]$iwPurchaseAllowedUri = '';
        #[string]$iwPurchaseFeatureEnabledUri = '';

        # URL to "Let users auto-claim licenses the first time they sign in" setting.
        [string]$autoclaimUri = ''

        # Variable to store the settings.
        $accessOfficeStore = $false;
        $startTrial = $false;
        $autoClaimLicense = $false;
        # Write to log.
        Write-CustomLog -Category "Tenant" -Subcategory "Office Store" -Message ("Getting setting 'Let users access the Office store'") -Level Verbose;

        # Setting - Let users access the Office store.
        $accessOfficeStore = Invoke-Office365ManagementApi -Uri $storeUri -Method 'GET';

        # Write to log.
        Write-CustomLog -Category "Tenant" -Subcategory "Office Store" -Message ("Setting 'Let users access the Office store' is set to '{0}'" -f $accessOfficeStore) -Level Verbose;
        Write-CustomLog -Category "Tenant" -Subcategory "Office Store" -Message ("Getting setting 'Let users start trials on behalf of your organization'") -Level Verbose;

        # Setting - Let users start trials on behalf of your organization.
        $startTrial = Invoke-Office365ManagementApi -Uri $iwPurchaseAllowedUri -Method 'GET';

        # Write to log.
        Write-CustomLog -Category "Tenant" -Subcategory "Office Store" -Message ("Setting 'Let users start trials on behalf of your organization' is set to '{0}'" -f $startTrial) -Level Verbose;
        Write-CustomLog -Category "Tenant" -Subcategory "Office Store" -Message ("Getting setting 'Let users auto-claim licenses the first time they sign in'") -Level Verbose;

        # Setting - Let users auto-claim licenses the first time they sign in.
        $autoclaim = Invoke-Office365ManagementApi -Uri $autoclaimUri -Method 'GET';

        # If autoclaim is enabled.
        if ($autoclaim.tenantPolicyValue -eq 'Enabled')
            # Set the value to false.
            $autoClaimLicense = $true;

        # Write to log.
        Write-CustomLog -Category "Tenant" -Subcategory "Office Store" -Message ("Setting 'Let users auto-claim licenses the first time they sign in' is set to '{0}'" -f $autoClaimLicense) -Level Verbose;

        # Create a custom object.
        $response = [PSCustomObject]@{
            accessOfficeStore = $accessOfficeStore;
            startTrial = $startTrial;
            autoClaimLicense = $autoClaimLicense;
        # Return the settings.
        return $response;