
function Install-M365Dependency
        Install PowerShell required modules.
        Install PowerShell modules from Microsoft required to run the project.
    .PARAMETER Reinstall
        If the modules should be forced reinstalled.
    .PARAMETER Modules
        Modules to install.
        # Install required modules.
        # Dont reinstall required modules.
        Install-M365Dependency -Reinstall $false;
        # Install required modules with specific versions.
        Install-M365Dependency -Modules ([PSCustomObject]@{
            'Microsoft.Graph.Authentication' = '1.2.0';
            'Microsoft.Graph.Groups' = '1.0.0';
            'Microsoft.Graph.Users' = '3.0.0';
            'Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement' = 'latest';
            'Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns' = '1.0.5';

        # If the modules should be reinstalled.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool]$Reinstall = $true,

        # Modules to install.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [PSCustomObject]$Modules = $Script:Modules

        # If we should reinstall the modules.
        if ($true -eq $Reinstall)
            # Foreach module.
            foreach ($module in $Modules.PSObject.Properties)
                # Get module name.
                $moduleName = $module.Name;

                # Try to uninstall.
                    # Write to log.
                    Write-CustomLog -Category 'Module' -Subcategory $moduleName -Message ('Uninstalling PowerShell module') -Level Verbose;

                    # Remove module from session.
                    $null = Remove-Module -Name $moduleName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue;

                    # Uninstall module.
                    $null = Uninstall-Module -Name $moduleName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -AllVersions -Confirm:$false;
                # Something went wrong removing the module.
                    # Write warning.
                    Write-CustomLog -Category 'Module' -Subcategory $moduleName -Message ('Something went wrong uninstalling PowerShell module') -Level Warning;

        # Get all installed modules.
        $installedModules = Get-Module -ListAvailable;
        # Write to log.
        Write-CustomLog -Category 'Module' -Message ('Trusting PowerShell repository PSGallery') -Level Verbose;

        # Trust the PSGallery.
        $null = Set-PSRepository -InstallationPolicy Trusted -Name PSGallery;

        # Loop through all required modules.
        foreach ($module in $Modules.PSObject.Properties)
            # Get module name and version.
            $moduleName = $module.Name;
            $moduleVersion = $module.Value;

            # Boolean to check if module is installed.
            $moduleInstalled = $false;

            # Loop through all installed modules.
            foreach ($installedModule in $installedModules)
                # Check if module is installed.
                if ($installedModule.Name -eq $moduleName)
                    # Set boolean.
                    $moduleInstalled = $true;

                    # Break foreach loop.

            # If module is not installed.
            if ($false -eq $moduleInstalled)
                # Try to install the module.
                    # If latest version should be installed.
                    if ('latest' -eq $moduleVersion)
                        # Write to log.
                        Write-CustomLog -Category 'Module' -Subcategory $moduleName -Message ('Trying to install PowerShell module') -Level Verbose;

                        # Install module.
                        $null = Install-Module -Name $moduleName `
                            -Force `
                            -Scope CurrentUser `
                            -AcceptLicense `
                            -SkipPublisherCheck `
                            -Confirm:$false `
                            -ErrorAction Stop `
                            -WarningAction SilentlyContinue;
                    # Else specific version should be installed.
                        # Write to log.
                        Write-CustomLog -Category 'Module' -Subcategory $moduleName -Message ("Trying to install PowerShell module using version '{0}'" -f $moduleVersion) -Level Verbose;

                        # Install module with specific version.
                        $null = Install-Module -Name $moduleName `
                            -Force `
                            -Scope CurrentUser `
                            -AcceptLicense `
                            -SkipPublisherCheck `
                            -Confirm:$false `
                            -RequiredVersion $moduleVersion `
                            -ErrorAction Stop `
                            -WarningAction SilentlyContinue;

                    # Write to log.
                    Write-CustomLog -Category 'Module' -Subcategory $moduleName -Message ('Successfully installed PowerShell module') -Level Verbose;
                # Something went wrong installing the module
                    # Throw exception.
                    throw ("Something went wrong while installing PowerShell module, exception is '{0}'" -f $_);
            # Module is installed.
                # Write to log.
                Write-CustomLog -Category 'Module' -Subcategory $moduleName -Message ('PowerShell module is already installed') -Level Verbose;
        # Implement fix for Pnp.Online