function Remove-CACertificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove certificate/request from certificate authority. .DESCRIPTION Return list of removed certificates/requests. .PARAMETER Id Request id to remove. .PARAMETER State State of certificate/request (revoked, expired, denied, failed). .PARAMETER Date Date to get certificate up-to. Default is today. .EXAMPLE Remove-CACertificate -State 'Revoked'; .EXAMPLE Remove-CACertificate -State 'Revoked' -Date (Get-Date).AddDays(-30); #> [cmdletbinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.ArrayList])] param ( # State of certificate/request (revoked, expired, denied, failed). [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('Revoked', 'Expired', 'Denied', 'Failed')] [string]$State, # Date to remove certificate up-to. Default is today. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateScript({ $_ -le (Get-Date) })] [DateTime]$Date = (Get-Date), # Confirm the action. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$Confirm = $true ) BEGIN { # Write to log. $customProgress = Write-CustomProgress -Activity $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -CurrentOperation 'Removing certificates/requests from certificate authority'; # Object array for the result. $result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList; # Ask user to confirm. if ($true -eq $Confirm) { # Get user input. $userInput = Get-UserInput -Question 'Do you want to continue with removing certificate/requests in the AD CS? (Answer: Yes or No)' -Options 'Yes', 'No'; # If the user input is not 'Yes'. if ($userInput -ne 'Yes') { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message 'User did not confirm the action' -Level Verbose; # Exit script. exit 1; } } # Get the common name of the certificate authority. $caCommonName = Get-CACommonName; # Get hostname of the certificate authority. $hostname = $env:COMPUTERNAME # Construct CA config string. $caConfigString = ('{0}\{1}' -f $hostname, $caCommonName); # Certificates to remove. $certificatesToRemove = @(); # Splatting. $getCertificateSplat = @{}; # If date is set. if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Date')) { # Add to the splat. $getCertificateSplat.Add('Date', $Date); } # Result. $result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList; } PROCESS { # If state is not set. if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('State')) { # Add all states. $certificatesToRemove += Get-CACertificate -State 'Revoked' @getCertificateSplat; $certificatesToRemove += Get-CACertificate -State 'Expired' @getCertificateSplat; $certificatesToRemove += Get-CACertificate -State 'Denied' @getCertificateSplat; $certificatesToRemove += Get-CACertificate -State 'Failed' @getCertificateSplat; } # If state is revoked. elseif ($State -eq 'Revoked') { # Get revoked certificates. $certificatesToRemove = Get-CACertificate -State 'Revoked' @getCertificateSplat; } # If state is expired. elseif ($State -eq 'Expired') { # Get expired certificates. $certificatesToRemove = Get-CACertificate -State 'Expired' @getCertificateSplat; } # If state is denied. elseif ($State -eq 'Denied') { # Get denied requests. $certificatesToRemove = Get-CACertificate -State 'Denied' @getCertificateSplat; } # If state is failed. elseif ($State -eq 'Failed') { # Get failed requests. $certificatesToRemove = Get-CACertificate -State 'Failed' @getCertificateSplat; } # Try to create a new instance of ICertAdmin2 interface. try { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Trying to instantiate ICertAdmin2 interface') -Level Verbose; # Instantiate ICertAdmin2 interface. $caAdmin = New-Object -ComObject CertificateAuthority.Admin; # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Successfully instantiate ICertAdmin2 interface') -Level Verbose; } # Something went wrong. catch { # Throw exception. throw ('Failed to instantiate ICertAdmin2 interface. {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message); } # Foreach certificate to remove. foreach ($certificate in $certificatesToRemove) { # Try to remove the certificate. try { # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Trying to remove certificate/request with id {0}' -f $certificate.RequestID) -Level Verbose; # Remove the certificate from the database. $null = $caAdmin.DeleteRow($caConfigString, 0, 0, 0, $certificate.RequestID); # Write to log. Write-CustomLog -Message ('Successfully removed certificate/request') -Level Verbose; # Depending on the state. switch ($certificate.State) { # If the state is revoked. 'Revoked' { # Write to event log. Write-CustomEventLog -EventId 122 -AdditionalMessage (Out-String -InputObject $certificate); } # If the state is expired. 'Expired' { # Write to event log. Write-CustomEventLog -EventId 121 -AdditionalMessage (Out-String -InputObject $certificate); } # If the state is denied. 'Denied' { # Write to event log. Write-CustomEventLog -EventId 123 -AdditionalMessage (Out-String -InputObject $certificate); } # If the state is failed. 'Failed' { # Write to event log. Write-CustomEventLog -EventId 124 -AdditionalMessage (Out-String -InputObject $certificate); } } # Add to result. $null = $result.Add($certificate); } # Something went wrong. catch { # Write to event log. Write-CustomEventLog -EventId 125 -AdditionalMessage (Out-String -InputObject $certificate); # Throw exception. throw ('Failed to remove certificate/request with id {0}. {1}' -f $certificate.RequestID, $_.Exception.Message); } } } END { # Write to log. Write-CustomProgress @customProgress; # Return the result. return $result; } } |