
    The resource is used to initialize, format and mount the partition/volume to a folder
    access path.
    The disk to add the partition/volume to is selected by specifying the DiskId and
    optionally DiskIdType.
    The DiskId value can be a Disk Number, Unique Id, Guid, Location, FriendlyName or SerialNumber.
    **Important: The Disk Number is not a reliable method of selecting a disk because
    it has been shown to change between reboots in some environments.
    It is recommended to use the Unique Id if possible.**
    The Disk Number, Unique Id, Guid, Location, FriendlyName and SerialNumber can be identified for a
    disk by using the PowerShell command:
    Get-Disk | Select-Object -Property FriendlyName,DiskNumber,UniqueId,Guid,Location,SerialNumber
    Note: The Guid for a disk is only assigned once the partition table for the disk
    has been created (e.g. the disk has been initialized). Therefore to use this method
    of disk selection the disk must have been initialized by some other method.
    ## Known Issues
    ### Null Location
    The Location for a disk may be null for some types of disk,
    e.g. file-based virtual disks. Physical disks or Virtual disks provided via a
    hypervisor or other hardware virtualization platform should not be affected.
    Key - String
    Specifies the access path folder to the assign the disk volume to.
.PARAMETER NoDefaultDriveLetter
    Write - Boolean
    Specifies no automatic drive letter assignment to the partition: Defaults to True
    Required - String
    Specifies the disk identifier for the disk to modify.
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Number, UniqueId, Guid, Location, FriendlyName, SerialNumber
    Specifies the identifier type the DiskId contains. Defaults to Number.
    Write - UInt64
    Specifies the size of new volume.
    Write - String
    Define volume label if required.
.PARAMETER AllocationUnitSize
    Write - UInt32
    Specifies the allocation unit size to use when formatting the volume.
    Write - String
    Allowed values: NTFS, ReFS
    Specifies the file system format of the new volume.
This configuration will wait for disk 2 to become available, and then make the disk available as
two new formatted volumes mounted to folders c:\SQLData and c:\SQLLog, with c:\SQLLog using all
available space after c:\SQLData has been created.
Configuration DiskAccessPath_InitializeDataDiskWithAccessPath
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName StorageDsc
    Node localhost
        WaitForDisk Disk2
             DiskId = 2
             RetryIntervalSec = 60
             RetryCount = 60
        DiskAccessPath DataVolume
             DiskId = 2
             AccessPath = 'c:\SQLData'
             Size = 10GB
             FSLabel = 'SQLData1'
             DependsOn = '[WaitForDisk]Disk2'
        DiskAccessPath LogVolume
             DiskId = 2
             AccessPath = 'c:\SQLLog'
             FSLabel = 'SQLLog1'
             DependsOn = '[DiskAccessPath]DataVolume'
This configuration will wait for disk 2 with Unique Id '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' to become
available, and then make the disk available as two new formatted volumes mounted to folders
c:\SQLData and c:\SQLLog, with c:\SQLLog using all available space after c:\SQLData has been created.
Configuration DiskAccessPath_InitializeDataDiskWithAccessPathUsingUniqueId
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName StorageDsc
    Node localhost
        WaitForDisk Disk2
             DiskId = '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' # Disk 2
             DiskIdType = 'UniqueId'
             RetryIntervalSec = 60
             RetryCount = 60
        DiskAccessPath DataVolume
             DiskId = '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' # Disk 2
             DiskIdType = 'UniqueId'
             AccessPath = 'c:\SQLData'
             Size = 10GB
             FSLabel = 'SQLData1'
             DependsOn = '[WaitForDisk]Disk2'
        DiskAccessPath LogVolume
             DiskId = '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' # Disk 2
             DiskIdType = 'UniqueId'
             AccessPath = 'c:\SQLLog'
             FSLabel = 'SQLLog1'
             DependsOn = '[DiskAccessPath]DataVolume'