
enum Ensure

class StatusCakeContactGroup

    [Ensure] $Ensure
    [PSCredential] $ApiCredential = [PSCredential]::Empty
    [bool] $DesktopAlert
    [string[]] $Email
    [string] $Boxcar
    [string] $Pushover
    [string] $PingUrl
    [string[]] $mobile
    [int] $MaxRetries = 10
    [DscProperty(NotConfigurable)] # if it exists, we use this to update it
    [nullable[int]] $ContactID = $null
    # Sets the desired state of the resource.
    [void] Set()
        $refObject = $this.Get()

        if($this.Ensure -eq "Absent" -and $refObject.ContactID -ne 0)
            # we needed to delete it"
            Write-Verbose ("Deleting Contact Group " + $refObject.ContactID)
            $status = $this.GetApiResponse(('/ContactGroups/Update/?ContactID=' + $this.ContactID), "DELETE", $null)
            # we either need to create or update
            if($refObject.ContactID -eq 0)
                Write-Verbose ("Creating Contact Group " + $this.GroupName)
                $status = $this.GetApiResponse(('/ContactGroups/Update/'), "PUT", $this.GetObjectToPost())
                # modify
                Write-Verbose ("Modifying Contact Group " + $refObject.ContactID)
                $status = $this.GetApiResponse(('/ContactGroups/Update/?ContactID=' + $this.ContactID), "PUT", $this.GetObjectToPost($refObject.ContactID))

    # Tests if the resource is in the desired state.
    [bool] Test()
        $contactOK = $true # assume it's fine
        $refObject = $this.Get()
        Write-Verbose ("Checking Contact Group ID " + $this.ContactID)

        # do they differ?
        $diff = Compare-Object $refObject $this   # this is pretty much useless
        if($null -ne $diff)
            Write-Verbose "Found differences in shallow compare"
            $contactOK = $false
            Write-Verbose "Found no differences by shallow compare"

        if($this.Boxcar -ne $refObject.Boxcar)
            Write-Verbose "Boxcar spec differs"
            $contactOK = $false

        if($this.Pushover -ne $refObject.Pushover)
            Write-Verbose "Pushover spec has changed"
            $contactOK = $false

        if($this.PingUrl -ne $refObject.PingUrl)
            Write-Verbose "PingUrl spec has changed"
            $contactOK = $false

        if($this.DesktopAlert -eq $refObject.DesktopAlert)
            Write-Verbose "Desktop alert spec has changed"
            $contactOK = $false
        if($this.Email -ne $refObject.Email)
            Write-Verbose "Email list has changed"
            $contactOK = $false

        if($ -ne $
            Write-verbose "Mobile Numbers have changed"
            $contactOK = $false
        return $contactOK

    # Gets the resource's current state.
    [StatusCakeContactGroup] Get()
        # does it exist?
        $scContact = $this.GetApiResponse("/ContactGroups/", "GET", $null) | Where-Object { $_.Groupname -eq $this.GroupName }
        $returnobject = [StatusCakeContactGroup]::new()

        if(($scContact | Measure-Object | Select-Object -expand Count) -gt 1)
            throw "Multiple Ids found with the same name. StatusCakeDSC uses Test Name as a unique key, and cannot continue"
        if($null -ne $sccontact)
            # it exists in StatusCake
            Write-Verbose ("I found a contact group with ID " +  $scContact.contactID)
            $returnobject.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $returnObject.ContactID = $sccontact.ContactId
            $this.ContactID = $sccontact.ContactID
            $returnobject.GroupName = $scContact.Groupname
            $returnobject.Email = $scContact.Emails
            $returnobject.Boxcar = $scContact.Boxcar
            $returnobject.DesktopAlert = ($scContact.DesktopAlert -eq 1)
            $ = $scContact.mobiles
            $returnobject.Pushover = $scContact.pushover
            $returnObject.PingUrl = $scContact.PingUrl 
            # it does not exist in Statuscake
            Write-Verbose "I found no contact group with this name in StatusCake"
            $returnObject.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
            $returnObject.ContactID = 0  # null is known to misbehave, so let's set this to 0
            $returnobject.GroupName = $this.GroupName
            $returnObject.Email = $this.Email
            $returnObject.Boxcar = $this.Boxcar
            $returnObject.DesktopAlert = $this.DesktopAlert
            $ = $
            $returnobject.Pushover = $this.Pushover
            $returnobject.PingUrl = $this.PingUrl
        return $returnobject

    [Object] GetApiResponse($stem, $method = 'GET', $body = $null)
        if($null -ne $body)
            Write-Verbose ($body | convertto-json -depth 4)

        $creds = @{}
        if($this.ApiCredential -eq [PSCredential]::Empty)
            # no Api Key provided, grab 'em off the disk
            if(-not (Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\StatusCakeDSC\.securecreds" ))
                throw "No credentials specified and no .securecreds file found"
                # needs a "find the creds file" function, I suspect
                $creds = Get-Content "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\StatusCakeDSC\.securecreds" | ConvertFrom-Json 

                # needs converting for secure creds
                $secapikey = ConvertTo-SecureString $creds.ApiKey 
                $this.ApiCredential = [PSCredential]::new($creds.UserName, $secapikey)

        $headers = @{
                API = $this.ApiCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password; 
                username = $this.ApiCredential.UserName;

        if($method -ne 'GET')
            $httpresponse = $this.InvokeWithBackoff({
                Invoke-RestMethod "$stem" `
                -method $method -body $body -headers $headers `
                -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" `
                -MaximumRedirection 0 
            $httpresponse = $this.InvokeWithBackoff({
                Invoke-RestMethod "$stem" `
                -method GET -headers $headers 

        if(($httpresponse.issues | Measure-Object | Select-Object -expand Count) -gt 0 ) {
            throw ($httpresponse.Issues | out-string)

        return $httpresponse

    [Object] InvokeWithBackoff([scriptblock]$ScriptBlock) {
        $backoff = 1
        $retrycount = 0
        $returnvalue = $null
        while($returnvalue -eq $null -and $retrycount -lt $this.MaxRetries) {
            try {
                $returnvalue = Invoke-Command $ScriptBlock
                Write-Verbose ($error | Select-Object -first 1 )
                Start-Sleep -MilliSeconds ($backoff * 500)
                $backoff = $backoff + $backoff
                Write-Verbose "invoking a backoff: $backoff. We have tried $retrycount times"
        return $returnvalue

    [Object] GetObjectToPost($contactID)
        $da = 0
        if($this.DesktopAlert -eq $true)
            Write-Verbose "Setting Desktop alert property to 1"
            $da = 1

        $r =  @{
            GroupName = $this.GroupName
            Desktopalert = $da
            Email = ($this.Email -join ",")

        if($null -ne $this.Boxcar)
            $r | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Boxcar -Value $this.Boxcar

        if($null -ne $this.Pushover)
            $r | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Pushover -Value $this.Pushover

        if($null -ne $this.PingUrl)
            $r | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PingUrl -Value $this.PingUrl

        if($this.Mobile.Length -ne 0)
            $r | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Mobile -Value ($ -join ",")

        if($contactID -ne 0)
            $r | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ContactID -Value $contactID    
            Write-Verbose "Adding ContactID: $contactID to outgoing body"        
        return $r

    [Object] GetObjectToPost()
        return $this.GetObjectToPost(0)