.DESCRIPTION This game is between a user and the computer, where the user tries to determine the number the computer has randomly chosen by using clues. .VERSION 3.0 .GUID 1d4c86bf-1dab-44e8-afc4-4a4e28577e20 .AUTHOR Tommy Maynard @thetommymaynard .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> Function Start-1to100Game { <# .SYNOPSIS This game is between a user and the computer, where the user tries to determine the number the computer has randomly chosen by using clues. .DESCRIPTION The computer chooses a random number between 1 and 100, by default, and the user has to attempt to guess the number. After each guess, the computer will indicate whether the user should choose a higher lower number on their next guess. .NOTES Name: Start-1to100Game Author: Tommy Maynard Comments: Last Edit: 07/03/2014 [1.1], 08/01/2014 [2.0], 12/15/2016 [3.0] Version 1.1 - Added replay option (Version 1.1 is first version uploaded to TechNet Gallery) Version 2.0 - Made script an advanced function - Removed clearing of variables (unneeded since it's a function) - Changed how to quit: Yes and No vs. Replay and Quit (Y and N vs. R and Q) - Added 3rd nested Do-While so that only R and Q can be entered (in the past, if something else was entered the game would start again) - Added average number of attempts per game (uses formatting to only return 2 decimal places) Version 3.0 - Added the ability to choose minimum and maximum numbers: The number no longer *has* to be 1 and 100. - Results are outputted to a formatted table; it's rebuilt after each attempt to solve. - All game stats are not included unless the ShowTotals switch parameter is included. - Game title, that shows on first game, includes dynamic number of asterisks, and includes the minimum and maximum numbers: 1 and 100, 1 and 10, 20 and 40, etc. - Added OutVariable parameter to Read-Host to collect the value of a "bad entry," such as a letter, special character, etc. Read-Host is cast as [int]. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [int]$Minimum = 1, [Parameter(Position=1)] [int]$Maximum = 100, [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowTotals ) Begin { $Continue = $true If (($Minimum -gt $Maximum) -or ($Minimum -eq $Maximum)) { Write-Error -Exception "The Minimum value ($Minimum) cannot be greater than, or equal to, the Maximum value ($Maximum)." $Continue = $false } } # End Begin Process { If ($Continue) { # Display game title. $Title = "The $Minimum to $Maximum Game" "$('*' * $Title.Length)`r`n$Title`r`n$('*' * $Title.Length)" $Plays = 0 If ($ShowTotals) {$ObjectTotal = @()} Do { # Get computer's number and set attempts. $CompNumber = Get-Random -Minimum $Minimum -Maximum ($Maximum + 1) $Attempts = 0 $Object = @() $InGameAttempt = 1 Do { # Begin game. try { Remove-Variable -Name FailedUserNumber -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue [int]$UserNumber = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter a number from $Minimum to $Maximum" -OutVariable FailedUserNumber If ($UserNumber -gt ($Minimum - 1) -and $UserNumber -lt ($Maximum + 1)) { # Lower. If ($UserNumber -gt $CompNumber) { $Object += [PSCustomObject]@{ Attempt = $InGameAttempt ++ UserNumber = $UserNumber Message = 'Lower' } $Object | Format-Table -AutoSize # Higher. } ElseIf ($UserNumber -lt $CompNumber) { $Object += [PSCustomObject]@{ Attempt = $InGameAttempt ++ UserNumber = $UserNumber Message = 'Higher' } $Object | Format-Table -AutoSize # Winner. } Else { $Object += [PSCustomObject]@{ Attempt = $InGameAttempt ++ UserNumber = $UserNumber Message = 'Winner' } $Object | Format-Table -AutoSize $Winner = $true } # Too High. } ElseIf ($UserNumber -gt $Maximum) { $Object += [PSCustomObject]@{ Attempt = $InGameAttempt ++ UserNumber = $UserNumber Message = 'Too High' } $Object | Format-Table -AutoSize # Too Low. } ElseIf ($UserNumber -lt $Minimum) { $Object += [PSCustomObject]@{ Attempt = $InGameAttempt ++ UserNumber = $UserNumber Message = 'Too Low' } $Object | Format-Table -AutoSize } } catch { # Not an integer. $Object += [PSCustomObject]@{ Attempt = $InGameAttempt ++ UserNumber = [string]$FailedUserNumber Message = 'Bad entry' } $Object | Format-Table -AutoSize } $Attempts += 1 } Until ($UserNumber -eq $CompNumber) ##### Display Winning Results If ($Winner) { If ($ShowTotals) { # Complete total calculations. $Plays += 1 $TotalAttempts += $Attempts If ($TotalAttempts % $Plays -eq 0) { $AveragePerAttempt = $TotalAttempts / $Plays } Else { $AveragePerAttempt = '{0:N2}' -f ($TotalAttempts / $Plays) } # Create total calculations object. $ObjectTotal += [PSCustomObject]@{ Game = $Plays MatchNumber = "$CompNumber <--> $UserNumber" CompNumber = $CompNumber UserFinalNumber = $UserNumber Attempts = $Attempts TotalAttempts = $TotalAttempts AverageAttempts = $AveragePerAttempt } $ObjectTotal | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property Game,MatchNumber,Attempts,TotalAttempts,AverageAttempts } # Prompt to play again. Do { $Replay = Read-Host -Prompt '(R)eplay or (Q)uit' } Until ($Replay -eq 'R' -or $Replay -eq 'Q') } # End If ($Winner). } Until ($Replay -eq 'Q') } # End If ($Continue). } # End Process End { } # End End. } # End Function: Start-to1to100Game. |