$script:sqlServerDscHelperModulePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\..\Modules\SqlServerDsc.Common' $script:resourceHelperModulePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\..\Modules\DscResource.Common' Import-Module -Name $script:sqlServerDscHelperModulePath Import-Module -Name $script:resourceHelperModulePath $script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -DefaultUICulture 'en-US' <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the current state of the SQL Server protocol for the specified SQL Server instance. .PARAMETER InstanceName Specifies the name of the SQL Server instance to enable the protocol for. .PARAMETER ProtocolName Specifies the name of network protocol to be configured. Possible values are 'TcpIp', 'NamedPipes', or 'ShareMemory'. .PARAMETER ServerName Specifies the host name of the SQL Server to be configured. If the SQL Server belongs to a cluster or availability group specify the host name for the listener or cluster group. Default value is the current computer name. .PARAMETER SuppressRestart If set to $true then the any attempt by the resource to restart the service is suppressed. The default value is $false. .PARAMETER RestartTimeout Timeout value for restarting the SQL Server services. The default value is 120 seconds. .NOTES The parameters SuppressRestart and RestartTimeout are part of the function Get-TargetResource to be able to return the value that the configuration have set, or the default values if not. If they weren't passed to the function Get-TargetResource we would have to always return $null which would indicate that they are not set at all. #> function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $InstanceName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('TcpIp', 'NamedPipes', 'SharedMemory')] [System.String] $ProtocolName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ServerName = (Get-ComputerName), [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $SuppressRestart = $false, [Parameter()] [System.UInt16] $RestartTimeout = 120 ) $returnValue = @{ InstanceName = $InstanceName ProtocolName = $ProtocolName ServerName = $ServerName SuppressRestart = $SuppressRestart RestartTimeout = $RestartTimeout Enabled = $false ListenOnAllIpAddresses = $false KeepAlive = 0 PipeName = $null HasMultiIPAddresses = $false } $protocolNameProperties = Get-ProtocolNameProperties -ProtocolName $ProtocolName # Getting the server protocol properties by using the computer name. $computerName = Get-ComputerName Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.GetCurrentState -f $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $InstanceName, $computerName ) Import-SqlDscPreferredModule <# Must connect to the local machine name because $ServerName can point to a cluster instance or availability group listener. #> $getServerProtocolObjectParameters = @{ ServerName = $computerName Instance = $InstanceName ProtocolName = $ProtocolName } $serverProtocolProperties = Get-ServerProtocolObject @getServerProtocolObjectParameters if ($serverProtocolProperties) { # Properties that exist on all protocols. $returnValue.Enabled = $serverProtocolProperties.IsEnabled $returnValue.HasMultiIPAddresses = $serverProtocolProperties.HasMultiIPAddresses # Get individual protocol properties. switch ($ProtocolName) { 'TcpIp' { $returnValue.ListenOnAllIpAddresses = $serverProtocolProperties.ProtocolProperties['ListenOnAllIPs'].Value $returnValue.KeepAlive = $serverProtocolProperties.ProtocolProperties['KeepAlive'].Value } 'NamedPipes' { $returnValue.PipeName = $serverProtocolProperties.ProtocolProperties['PipeName'].Value } 'SharedMemory' { <# Left blank intentionally. There are no individual protocol properties for the protocol Shared Memory. #> } } } return $returnValue } <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the desired state of the SQL Server protocol for the specified SQL Server instance. .PARAMETER InstanceName Specifies the name of the SQL Server instance to enable the protocol for. .PARAMETER ProtocolName Specifies the name of network protocol to be configured. Possible values are 'TcpIp', 'NamedPipes', or 'ShareMemory'. .PARAMETER ServerName Specifies the host name of the SQL Server to be configured. If the SQL Server belongs to a cluster or availability group specify the host name for the listener or cluster group. Default value is the current computer name. .PARAMETER Enabled Specifies if the protocol should be enabled or disabled. .PARAMETER ListenOnAllIpAddresses Specifies to listen on all IP addresses. Only used for the TCP/IP protocol, ignored for all other protocols. .PARAMETER KeepAlive Specifies the keep alive duration. Only used for the TCP/IP protocol, ignored for all other protocols. .PARAMETER PipeName Specifies the name of the named pipe. Only used for the Named Pipes protocol, ignored for all other protocols. .PARAMETER SuppressRestart If set to $true then the any attempt by the resource to restart the service is suppressed. The default value is $false. .PARAMETER RestartTimeout Timeout value for restarting the SQL Server services. The default value is 120 seconds. .NOTES If a protocol is disabled that prevents Restart-SqlService to contact the instance to evaluate if it is a cluster then the parameter `SuppressRestart` must be used to override the restart. Same if a protocol is enabled that was previously disabled and no other protocol allows connecting to the instance then the parameter `SuppressRestart` must also be used. #> function Set-TargetResource { [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('SqlServerDsc.AnalyzerRules\Measure-CommandsNeededToLoadSMO', '', Justification = 'The command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule is implicitly called when calling Compare-TargetResourceState')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $InstanceName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('TcpIp', 'NamedPipes', 'SharedMemory')] [System.String] $ProtocolName, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ServerName = (Get-ComputerName), [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $Enabled, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $ListenOnAllIpAddresses, [Parameter()] [System.Int32] $KeepAlive, [Parameter()] [System.String] $PipeName, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $SuppressRestart = $false, [Parameter()] [System.UInt16] $RestartTimeout = 120 ) $protocolNameProperties = Get-ProtocolNameProperties -ProtocolName $ProtocolName <# Compare the current state against the desired state. Calling this will also import the necessary module to later call Get-ServerProtocolObject which uses the SMO class ManagedComputer. #> $propertyState = Compare-TargetResourceState @PSBoundParameters # Get all properties that are not in desired state. $propertiesNotInDesiredState = $propertyState.Where( { -not $_.InDesiredState }) if ($propertiesNotInDesiredState.Count -gt 0) { # Getting the server protocol properties by using the computer name. $computerName = Get-ComputerName Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.SetDesiredState -f $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $InstanceName, $computerName ) <# Must connect to the local machine name because $ServerName can point to a cluster instance or availability group listener. #> $getServerProtocolObjectParameters = @{ ServerName = $computerName Instance = $InstanceName ProtocolName = $ProtocolName } $serverProtocolProperties = Get-ServerProtocolObject @getServerProtocolObjectParameters if ($serverProtocolProperties) { $isRestartNeeded = $false # Check if Enable property need updating. if ($propertiesNotInDesiredState.Where( { $_.ParameterName -eq 'Enabled' })) { $serverProtocolProperties.IsEnabled = $Enabled if ($Enabled) { Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.ProtocolHasBeenEnabled -f $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $InstanceName ) } else { Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.ProtocolHasBeenDisabled -f $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $InstanceName ) } $isRestartNeeded = $true } # Set individual protocol properties. switch ($ProtocolName) { 'TcpIp' { # Check if ListenOnAllIpAddresses property need updating. if ($propertiesNotInDesiredState.Where( { $_.ParameterName -eq 'ListenOnAllIpAddresses' })) { Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.ParameterHasBeenSetToNewValue -f 'ListenOnAllIpAddresses', $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $ListenOnAllIpAddresses ) $serverProtocolProperties.ProtocolProperties['ListenOnAllIPs'].Value = $ListenOnAllIpAddresses } # Check if KeepAlive property need updating. if ($propertiesNotInDesiredState.Where( { $_.ParameterName -eq 'KeepAlive' })) { Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.ParameterHasBeenSetToNewValue -f 'KeepAlive', $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $KeepAlive ) $serverProtocolProperties.ProtocolProperties['KeepAlive'].Value = $KeepAlive } } 'NamedPipes' { # Check if PipeName property need updating. if ($propertiesNotInDesiredState.Where( { $_.ParameterName -eq 'PipeName' })) { Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.ParameterHasBeenSetToNewValue -f 'PipeName', $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $PipeName ) $serverProtocolProperties.ProtocolProperties['PipeName'].Value = $PipeName } } 'SharedMemory' { <# Left blank intentionally. There are no individual protocol properties for the protocol Shared Memory. #> } } $serverProtocolProperties.Alter() } else { $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.FailedToGetSqlServerProtocol New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage } if (-not $SuppressRestart -and $isRestartNeeded) { <# This is using the $ServerName to be able to restart a cluster instance or availability group listener. #> $restartSqlServiceParameters = @{ ServerName = $ServerName InstanceName = $InstanceName Timeout = $RestartTimeout OwnerNode = Get-ComputerName } Restart-SqlService @restartSqlServiceParameters } elseif ($isRestartNeeded) { Write-Warning -Message $script:localizedData.RestartSuppressed } } else { Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.ProtocolIsInDesiredState -f $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $InstanceName ) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Determines the current state of the SQL Server protocol for the specified SQL Server instance. .PARAMETER InstanceName Specifies the name of the SQL Server instance to enable the protocol for. .PARAMETER ProtocolName Specifies the name of network protocol to be configured. Possible values are 'TcpIp', 'NamedPipes', or 'ShareMemory'. .PARAMETER ServerName Specifies the host name of the SQL Server to be configured. If the SQL Server belongs to a cluster or availability group specify the host name for the listener or cluster group. Default value is the current computer name. .PARAMETER Enabled Specifies if the protocol should be enabled or disabled. .PARAMETER ListenOnAllIpAddresses Specifies to listen on all IP addresses. Only used for the TCP/IP protocol, ignored for all other protocols. .PARAMETER KeepAlive Specifies the keep alive duration. Only used for the TCP/IP protocol, ignored for all other protocols. .PARAMETER PipeName Specifies the name of the named pipe. Only used for the Named Pipes protocol, ignored for all other protocols. .PARAMETER SuppressRestart If set to $true then the any attempt by the resource to restart the service is suppressed. The default value is $false. .PARAMETER RestartTimeout Timeout value for restarting the SQL Server services. The default value is 120 seconds. #> function Test-TargetResource { [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('SqlServerDsc.AnalyzerRules\Measure-CommandsNeededToLoadSMO', '', Justification = 'The command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule is implicitly called when calling Compare-TargetResourceState')] [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $InstanceName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('TcpIp', 'NamedPipes', 'SharedMemory')] [System.String] $ProtocolName, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ServerName = (Get-ComputerName), [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $Enabled, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $ListenOnAllIpAddresses, [Parameter()] [System.Int32] $KeepAlive, [Parameter()] [System.String] $PipeName, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $SuppressRestart = $false, [Parameter()] [System.UInt16] $RestartTimeout = 120 ) $protocolNameProperties = Get-ProtocolNameProperties -ProtocolName $ProtocolName Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.TestDesiredState -f $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $InstanceName, $ServerName ) $propertyState = Compare-TargetResourceState @PSBoundParameters if ($false -in $propertyState.InDesiredState) { $testTargetResourceReturnValue = $false Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.NotInDesiredState -f $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $InstanceName ) } else { $testTargetResourceReturnValue = $true Write-Verbose -Message ( $script:localizedData.InDesiredState -f $protocolNameProperties.DisplayName, $InstanceName ) } return $testTargetResourceReturnValue } <# .SYNOPSIS Compares the properties in the current state with the properties of the desired state and returns a hashtable with the comparison result. .PARAMETER InstanceName Specifies the name of the SQL Server instance to enable the protocol for. .PARAMETER ProtocolName Specifies the name of network protocol to be configured. Possible values are 'TcpIp', 'NamedPipes', or 'ShareMemory'. .PARAMETER ServerName Specifies the host name of the SQL Server to be configured. Default value is the current computer name. .PARAMETER Enabled Specifies if the protocol should be enabled or disabled. .PARAMETER ListenOnAllIpAddresses Specifies to listen on all IP addresses. Only used for the TCP/IP protocol, ignored for all other protocols. .PARAMETER KeepAlive Specifies the keep alive duration. Only used for the TCP/IP protocol, ignored for all other protocols. .PARAMETER PipeName Specifies the name of the named pipe. Only used for the Named Pipes protocol, ignored for all other protocols. .PARAMETER SuppressRestart If set to $true then the any attempt by the resource to restart the service is suppressed. The default value is $false. .PARAMETER RestartTimeout Timeout value for restarting the SQL Server services. The default value is 120 seconds. #> function Compare-TargetResourceState { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $InstanceName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('TcpIp', 'NamedPipes', 'SharedMemory')] [System.String] $ProtocolName, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ServerName = (Get-ComputerName), [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $Enabled, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $ListenOnAllIpAddresses, [Parameter()] [System.Int32] $KeepAlive, [Parameter()] [System.String] $PipeName, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $SuppressRestart, [Parameter()] [System.UInt16] $RestartTimeout ) if ($ProtocolName -eq 'SharedMemory') { <# If the protocol is Shared Memory, assert that no other individual protocol properties are passed. #> $assertBoundParameterParameters = @{ BoundParameterList = $PSBoundParameters <# Since SharedMemory does not have any individual properties this mandatory property is being used to compare against. #> MutuallyExclusiveList1 = @( 'ProtocolName' ) # These must not be passed for Shared Memory. MutuallyExclusiveList2 = @( 'KeepAlive' 'ListenOnAllIpAddresses' 'PipeName' ) } } else { <# If the protocol is set to TCP/IP or Named Pipes, assert that one or more of their individual protocol properties are not passed together. #> $assertBoundParameterParameters = @{ BoundParameterList = $PSBoundParameters # Individual properties for TCP/IP. MutuallyExclusiveList1 = @( 'KeepAlive' 'ListenOnAllIpAddresses' ) # Individual properties for Named Pipes. MutuallyExclusiveList2 = @( 'PipeName' ) } } Assert-BoundParameter @assertBoundParameterParameters $getTargetResourceParameters = @{ InstanceName = $InstanceName ProtocolName = $ProtocolName ServerName = $ServerName SuppressRestart = $SuppressRestart RestartTimeout = $RestartTimeout } <# We remove any parameters not passed by $PSBoundParameters so that Get-TargetResource can also evaluate $PSBoundParameters correctly. Need the @() around the Keys property to get a new array to enumerate. #> @($getTargetResourceParameters.Keys) | ForEach-Object -Process { if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($_)) { $getTargetResourceParameters.Remove($_) } } $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters $propertiesToEvaluate = @( 'Enabled' ) # Get individual protocol properties to evaluate. switch ($ProtocolName) { 'TcpIp' { $propertiesToEvaluate += 'ListenOnAllIpAddresses' $propertiesToEvaluate += 'KeepAlive' } 'NamedPipes' { $propertiesToEvaluate += 'PipeName' } 'SharedMemory' { <# Left blank intentionally. There are no individual protocol properties for the protocol Shared Memory. #> } } $compareTargetResourceStateParameters = @{ CurrentValues = $getTargetResourceResult DesiredValues = $PSBoundParameters Properties = $propertiesToEvaluate } return Compare-ResourcePropertyState @compareTargetResourceStateParameters } |