ConvertFrom-StringData @'
GetConfiguration = Getting the current state for the instance {0}. SetConfiguration = Setting the desired state for the instance {0}. TestConfiguration = Determining the current state for the instance '{0}'. NotConnectedToComputerManagement = Was unable to connect to ComputerManagement '{0}'. NotConnectedToWMI = Was unable to connect to WMI information '{0}' in '{1}'. NotInDesiredState = Desired state does not match the current state. Expected the trace flags '{0}', but current state has trace flags '{1}'. ClearNotInDesiredState = Desired state does not match the current state. Expected no trace flags, but current state has trace flags '{0}'. TraceFlagPresent = Trace flag {0} is present, but should be absent. TraceFlagNotPresent = Trace flag {0} is absent, but should be present. InDesiredState = The trace flags are in the desired state. NoTraceFlagParameter = There were no parameters passed, there is nothing to set. ClearingAllTraceFlags = Removing all existing trace flags. DebugParsingStartupParameters = {0}: Parsing the startup parameters: {1} DebugFoundTraceFlags = {0}: Found the trace flags: {1} DebugReturningTraceFlags = {0}: Returning the trace flag values: {1} DebugNoTraceFlags = {0}: No trace flags were found in the startup parameters. DebugSetStartupParameters = {0}: Setting the startup parameters to: {1} '@ |