# Localized resources for DSC_SqlServerAgentAlert ConvertFrom-StringData @' GetSqlAlerts = Getting SQL Agent Alerts. SqlAlertPresent = SQL Agent Alert '{0}' is present. SqlAlertAbsent = SQL Agent Alert '{0}' is absent. UpdateSeverity = Updating severity to '{0}' for SQL Agent Alert '{1}'. UpdateMessageId = Updating message id to '{0}' for SQL Agent Alert '{1}'. UpdateAlertSeverityError = Unable to update the severity for '{2}' to '{3}' on {0}\\{1}. UpdateAlertMessageIdError = Unable to update the message id for '{2}' to '{3}' on {0}\\{1}. AddSqlAgentAlert = Adding SQL Agent Alert '{0}'. CreateAlertSetError = Unable to create the SQL Agent Alert '{0}' on {1}\\{2}. DropAlertSetError = Unable to drop the SQL Agent Alert '{0}' on {1}\\{2}. DeleteSqlAgentAlert = Deleting SQL Agent Alert '{0}'. TestingConfiguration = Determines if the SQL Agent Alert is in the desired state. ConnectServerFailed = Unable to connect to {0}\\{1}. MultipleParameterError = Only one of Severity or MessageId can be specified, SQL Agent Alert '{0}' contains both. '@ |