about_SpecAzTables SHORT DESCRIPTION Azure tables management LONG DESCRIPTION This module contains all of the functions required for interfacing with Azure tables. EXAMPLES Retrieving rows based on a custom filter ---------------------------------------- $filt = 'fred.bloggs' $customFilter = "(Last_Logged_On eq '$filt')" Get-SpecAzTableByFilter -TableName 'myTable' -TableResourceGroup 'myResourceGroup' -TableStorageAccount 'myStorageAccount' -CustomFilter $customFilter Retrieves rows from the 'myAzureTable' Azure table in the 'myAzureResourceGroup' resource group and 'myAzureStorageAccount' storage account using the custom filter expression "(Last_Logged_On eq 'fred.bloggs')". Retrieve all rows from a table ------------------------------ Get-SPECAzTable -TableName "MyTable" -tableResourceGroup "MyResourceGroup" -tableStorageAccount "MyStorageAccount" This example retrieves all the records from the Azure table named "MyTable" in the storage account "MyStorageAccount" within the resource group "MyResourceGroup". Retrieve a specific row from a table based on a value in a column ----------------------------------------------------------------- "John", "Alice" | Get-SpecAzTableRow -TableName "MyTable" -TableResourceGroup "MyResourceGroup" -TableStorageAccount "MyStorageAccount" -Key "Name" This example uses pipeline input to retrieve rows from the Azure table "MyTable" in the "MyResourceGroup" resource group and "MyStorageAccount" storage account, where the "Name" key matches the values "John" and "Alice". KEYWORDS azure, tables SEE ALSO NA |