
function Connect-SWAppliance {
    Connect to a SonicWall appliance.
    Connects to a SonicWall appliance using the SonicOS REST API.
    .PARAMETER Server
    IP or DNS name of the SonicWall appliance.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    PSCredential to use for the authentication.
    Port to connect to the SonicOS API.
    .PARAMETER Insecure
    When set Connect-SWAppliance try to make the connection using HTTP instead of HTTPS.
    Connect-SWAppliance -Server
    Basic use, connects to SonicWall appliance. If there's not a -Credential parameter the function asks for it.
    Connect-SWAppliance -Server -Credential $credential -Port 4433
    Connects to SonicWall appliance using a prebuild PSCredential object using port 4433.
    Connect-SWAppliance -Server -Credential $credential -Insecure:$true
    Insecure mode, only for test purposes. Tries to connect to SonicWall appliance using HTTP.

    param (
        # SonicWall Appliance IP or FQDN

        # Credential object to connect to SonicWall Appliance

        # Port to connect to the appliance

        # Connect using HTTP

    begin {
        # Declaring resource of the function
        $Resource = 'auth'

        # Declaring used rest method
        $Method = 'post'

    process {
        ### Building the URL
        # Generate the protocol
        if (!$Insecure){
            $Protocol = 'https'

            # Disable Ssl verification to bypass autogenerated certicate

            # Force the use of TLS1.2
            [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
        else {
            $Protocol = 'http'

        # Add custom port to address if necessary
        if (!$Port) {
            $Address = $Server
        else {
            $Address = "$($Server):$($Port)"

        # Base URL for API calls
        $BaseApiUrl = '/api/sonicos/'
        $SWBaseUrl = "$($Protocol)://$($Address)$($BaseApiUrl)"

        # Generate the credential pair
        $CredPair =  "$($Credential.UserName):$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)"
        $EncodedCredPair = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($CredPair))

        # Remove variable with plain text password
        Remove-Variable -Name CredPair

        # Generate headers for the request
        $Headers = @{
            Authorization = "Basic $EncodedCredPair"

        # Connect to the appliance
        Try {
            Write-Verbose "Trying to authenticate to $SWBaseUrl."
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($SWBaseUrl)$($Resource)" -Headers $Headers -Method $Method | Out-Null
            # Set an environmental variable with the base URL of the connection to reuse in the rest of the PSSonicWall functions
            $env:SWConnection = $SWBaseUrl
        Catch {
            Throw $_