function Get-SmartsheetWorkspaces() { $Uri = "{0}/workspaces" -f $BaseURI $Headers = Get-Headers try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers return $ } catch { Throw $response.message } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a list of Smartsheet Workspaces. #> } function Add-SmartsheetWorkspace() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Name, [psobject[]]$Folders, [psobject[]]$Reports, [psobject[]]$Sheets, [psobject[]]$Sights, [psobject[]]$Templates, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IncludeAll')] [switch]$IncludeAll, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeAttachments, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeBrands, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeCellLinks, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeData, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeDiscussions, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeFilters, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeForms, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeRuleRecipients, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeRules, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeShares, [switch]$ExcludeCellLinksRemap, [switch]$ExcludeReportsRemap, [switch]$ExcludeSheetHyperlinkRemap, [switch]$ExcludeSightsRemap ) $Uri = "{0}/workspaces" -f $BaseURI $Headers = Get-Headers $Includes = $null $Excludes = $null if ($IncludeAll) { $Includes = "all" } else { if ($IncludeAttachments) { $Includes = "attachments" } if ($IncludeCellLinks) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},cellLinks" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "cellLinks" } } if ($IncludeBrands) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},brands" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "brands" } } if ($IncludeData) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},data" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "data" } } if ($IncludeDiscussions) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},discussions" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "discussions" } } if($IncludeFilters) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},filters" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "filters" } } if ($IncludeForms) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},forms" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "forms" } } if ($IncludeRuleRecipients) { if ($includes) { $Includes = "{)},ruleRecipients" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "ruleRecipients" } } if ($IncludeRules) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},rules" -f $Includes } else { $includes = "rules" } } if ($IncludeShares) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},shares" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "shares" } } if ($ExcludeCellLinksRemap) { $Excludes = "cellLinks" } if ($ExcludeReportsRemap) { if ($Excludes) { $Excludes = "{0},reports" -f $Excludes } else { $Excludes = "reports" } } if ($ExcludeSheetHyperlinkRemap) { $Excludes = "{0},sheetHyperLinks" -f $Excludes } else { $Excludes = "sheetHyperLinks" } if ($ExcludeSightsRemap) { if ($Excludes) { $Excludes = "{0},sights" -f $Excludes } else { $Excludes = "sights" } } } if ($includes) { $Uri = "{0}?include={1}" -f $Url, $Includes } if ($Excludes) { if ($Includes) { $Url = "{0}&skipRemap={1}" -f $Excludes } else { $Uri = "{0}?skipRemap={1}" -f $Uri, $Excludes } } $payload = @{ name = $Name } if ($Folders) { $payload.Add("folders", $Folders) } if ($Reports) { $Payload.Add("reports", $Reports) } if ($Sheets) { $payload.Add("sheets", $Sheets) } if ($Sights) { $payload.Add("sights", $Sights) } if ($Templates) { $payload.Add("templates", $Templates) } $Body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Body $Body return $response } catch { Throw $response.message } <# .SYNOPSIS Add a new Smartsheet Workspace. .DESCRIPTION Add a new Smartsheet Workspace to the given account using the settings provided. .PARAMETER Name The name of the Workspace. .PARAMETER Folders An array of folder objects to add to the Workspace. .PARAMETER Reports An array of report objects to add to the Workspace. .PARAMETER Sheets An array of sheet objects to add to the Workspace. .PARAMETER Sights An array dashboards to add to the Workspace. .PARAMETER Templates An array templates to add to the Workspace. .PARAMETER IncludeAll Include all of the below elements in the Workspace. .PARAMETER IncludeAttachments Include attachments. .PARAMETER IncludeBrands Include brands. .PARAMETER IncludeCellLinks Include cell links. .PARAMETER IncludeData Include data. .PARAMETER IncludeDiscussions Include discussions. .PARAMETER IncludeFilters Include filters. .PARAMETER IncludeForms Include forms. .PARAMETER IncludeRuleRecipients Include recipients. .PARAMETER IncludeRules Include rules. .PARAMETER IncludeShares Include shares. .PARAMETER ExcludeCellLinksRemap Exclude cell link remaps. .PARAMETER ExcludeReportsRemap Exclude reports remaps. .PARAMETER ExcludeSheetHyperlinkRemap Exclude Sheet Hyperlink remaps. .PARAMETER ExcludeSightsRemap Exclude dashboard remaps. .OUTPUTS Object containing a Workspace object for the newly created workspace. #> } function Get-SmartsheetWorkspace() { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [Alias('WorkspaceId')] [UInt64]$Id, [switch]$IncludeSource, [switch]$IncludeDistributionLink, [switch]$IncludeOwnerInfo, [switch]$IncludeSheetVersion, [switch]$IncludePermaLinks, [switch]$LoadNestedFolder ) $Uri = "{0}/workspaces/{1}" -f $BaseURI, $Id $Headers = Get-Headers $includes = $null if ($IncludeSource) { $Includes = "source" } if ($IncludeDistributionLink) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},distributionLinks" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "distributionLinks" } } if ($IncludeSheetVersion) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},sheetVersion" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "sheetVersion" } } if ($IncludePermaLinks) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},permalinks" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "permalinks" } } if ($IncludeOwnerInfo) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},ownerInfo" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "ownerInfo" } } $LoadALL = $false if ($LoadNestedFolder) { $LoadALL = $true } if ($includes) { $Uri = "{0}?include={1}" -f $Uri, $Includes } if ($LoadALL) { if ($includes) { $Uri = "{0}?loadAll={1}" -f $Uri, $LoadAll } else { $Uri = "{0}?loadAll={1}" -f $Uri, $LoadALL } } try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers return $response } catch { throw $response.message } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a workspace. .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a workspace object. .PARAMETER WorkspaceId The ID of the workspace to retrieve. .PARAMETER IncludeSource Include the Source object indicating which object the folder was created from, if any. .PARAMETER IncludeDistributionLink INclude distribution links, .PARAMETER IncludeOwnerInfo Include owner information. .PARAMETER IncludeSheetVersion Include sheet version .PARAMETER IncludePermaLinks Include permalinks. .OUTPUTS A workspace object. #> } function Remove-SmartSheetWorkspace() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [Alias("WorkspaceId")] [UInt64]$Id ) Begin { $Headers = Get-Headers } Process { $WorkspaceName = (Get-Workspace -WorkspaceId $Id).Name $URI = "{0}/workspaces/{1}" -f $BaseURI, $Id if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove", "Workspace:$WorkspaceName")) { try { Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers } catch { throw $response.message } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a Smartsheet workspace. .DESCRIPTION Deletes the specified workspace. .PARAMETER Id The Id of thw workspace to delete. #> } function Set-SmartSheetWorkspace() { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [Alias("WorkspaceId")] [Uint64]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Name ) $Uri = "{0}/workspaces/{1}" -f $BaseURI, $Id $Headers = Get-Headers $payload = @{ name = $Name } $Body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Body $Body return $response.result } catch { throw $response.message } <# .SYNOPSIS Rename a workspace .DESCRIPTION Rename a workspace with teh specified name. .PARAMETER Id The Id of thw workspace to rename. .PARAMETER Name The new name of the workspace. .OUTPUTS Object containing the renamed workspace. #> } function Copy-SmartsheetWorkspace() { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='default')] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [Alias("WorkspaceId")] [Uint64]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$NewName, [Uint64]$DestinationId, [ValidateSet("Folder","Home","Workspace")] [ValidateScript( { ($_ -in "Folder","Workspace") -and $DestinationId } )] [string]$DestinationType, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IncludeAll')] [switch]$IncludeAll, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeAttachments, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeBrands, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeCellLinks, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeData, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeDiscussions, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeFilters, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeForms, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeRuleRecipients, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeRules, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='includeSome')] [switch]$IncludeShares, [switch]$ExcludeCellLinksRemap, [switch]$ExcludeReportsRemap, [switch]$ExcludeSheetHyperlinkRemap, [switch]$ExcludeSightsRemap ) $Uri = "{0}/workspaces/{1}/copy" -f $BaseURI, $Id $Includes = $null $Excludes = $null if ($IncludeAll) { $Includes = "all" } else { if ($IncludeAttachments) { $Includes = "attachments" } if ($IncludeCellLinks) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},cellLinks" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "cellLinks" } } if ($IncludeBrands) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},brands" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "brands" } } if ($IncludeData) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},data" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "data" } } if ($IncludeDiscussions) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},discussions" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "discussions" } } if($IncludeFilters) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},filters" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "filters" } } if ($IncludeForms) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},forms" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "forms" } } if ($IncludeRuleRecipients) { if ($includes) { $Includes = "{)},ruleRecipients" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "ruleRecipients" } } if ($IncludeRules) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},rules" -f $Includes } else { $includes = "rules" } } if ($IncludeShares) { if ($Includes) { $Includes = "{0},shares" -f $Includes } else { $Includes = "shares" } } if ($ExcludeCellLinksRemap) { $Excludes = "cellLinks" } if ($ExcludeReportsRemap) { if ($Excludes) { $Excludes = "{0},reports" -f $Excludes } else { $Excludes = "reports" } } if ($ExcludeSheetHyperlinkRemap) { $Excludes = "{0},sheetHyperLinks" -f $Excludes } else { $Excludes = "sheetHyperLinks" } if ($ExcludeSightsRemap) { if ($Excludes) { $Excludes = "{0},sights" -f $Excludes } else { $Excludes = "sights" } } } if ($includes) { $Uri = "{0}?include={1}" -f $Url, $Includes } if ($Excludes) { if ($Includes) { $Url = "{0}&skipRemap={1}" -f $Excludes } else { $Uri = "{0}?skipRemap={1}" -f $Uri, $Excludes } } $payload = @{ newName = $NewName } if ($DestinationId) { $payload.Add("destinationIf", $DestinationId) } if ($DestinationType) { $payload.Add("desctinationType", $DestinationType) } $Body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST - Uri $Uri -Headers $Header -Body $Body return $response } catch { throw $response.message } <# .SYNOPSIS Copies a workspace. .DESCRIPTION Copies a workspace to the specified destination. .PARAMETER Id The Id of the workspace to copy. .PARAMETER NewName The new name of the workspace. .PARAMETER DestinationId The Id of the destination container (when copying or moving a sheet or a folder). Required if destinationType is "folder" or "workspace". If destinationType is "home", this value must be null. .PARAMETER DestinationType Type of the destination container. .PARAMETER IncludeAll Include all of the below elements in the Workspace. .PARAMETER IncludeAttachments Include attachments. .PARAMETER IncludeBrands Include brands. .PARAMETER IncludeCellLinks Include cell links. .PARAMETER IncludeData Include data. .PARAMETER IncludeDiscussions Include discussions. .PARAMETER IncludeFilters Include filters. .PARAMETER IncludeForms Include forms. .PARAMETER IncludeRuleRecipients Include recipients. .PARAMETER IncludeRules Include rules. .PARAMETER IncludeShares Include shares. .PARAMETER ExcludeCellLinksRemap Exclude cell link remaps. .PARAMETER ExcludeReportsRemap Exclude reports remaps. .PARAMETER ExcludeSheetHyperlinkRemap Exclude Sheet Hyperlink remaps. .PARAMETER ExcludeSightsRemap Exclude dashboard remaps. .OUTPUTS Object containing a workspace object for the new workspace destination. #> } function Get-SmartsheetWorkspaceFolders() { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [Alias("WorkspaceId")] [Uint64]$Id ) Begin { $Headers = Get-Headers } Process{ $Uri = "{0}/workspaces/{1}/folders?includeAll=true" -f $BaseURI, $Id try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers return $ } catch { throw $response.message } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve workspace folders. .DESCRIPTION Retrieve a collection of the top level folders in a workspace. .PARAMETER Id The Id of the workspace to retrieve folders from. .OUTPUTS An array of folder objects. .NOTES The returned collection consists of abbreviated folder objects. These object contain only the id, name, and permalink properties. You cannot return a recursive list with this function. To get a recursive list of subfolder use the Get-SmartsheetFolders function and provide the Id of one of the top level folders returned by this function. #> } function Add-SmartsheetWorkspaceFolder() { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [Alias("WorkspaceId")] [Uint64]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Name ) Begin { $Headers = Get-Headers } Process { $Uri = "{0}/workspaces/{1}/folders" -f $BaseURI, $Id $payload = @{ name = $Name } $Body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Body $Body return $response.result } catch { throw $response.message } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create a folder in a Smartsheet workspace. .DESCRIPTION Create a top level folder in a workspace. .PARAMETER Id The Id of the workspace to create the folder in. .PARAMETER Name The name of the folder. .OUTPUTS An object containing the newly created folder. .NOTES This function can only create top level folder. To create a subfolder us the Add-SmartsheetFolder function. #> } |