
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
    Modulename: Smartsheet
    Description: Powershell module to interact with the SMartsheet API
    Object specific functions are in the ./public folder.

#$BaseURI = ""
$Mimes = import-csv -Path "$PSScriptRoot/private/mimetypes.csv"
$script:MimeTypes = [Dictionary[string, string]]::New()
foreach ($mime in $mimes) {
    $script:MimeTypes.Add($mime.Extension, $mime.MIMEType)

# dot source the following files.
. $PSScriptRoot/private/private.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/images.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/objects.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/columns.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/containers.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/rows.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/sheets.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/shares.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/attachments.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/discussions.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/search.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/public/workspaces.ps1

# Setup Functions
function Set-SmartsheetAPIKey () {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    If ($Secure) {
        $Secretin = @{
            APIKey = $APIKey
        $Secret = $SecretIn | ConvertTo-Json
        Set-Secret -Name SmartSheet -Secret $Secret 
        $objConfig = @{
            APIKey = 'secure'
    else {
        $objConfig = @{
            APIKey = $APIKey        

    $configPath = "{0}/.smartsheet" -f $HOME

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $configPath)) {
        New-Item -Path $configPath -ItemType:Directory | Out-Null

    $objConfig | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$configPath/config.json" -Force

    Set the API key.
    Creates a file in the user profile folder in the .smartsheet folder named config.json.
    This file contains the users Smartsheet API Token.

    The Smartsheet API Access Token.

    .PARAMETER Secure
    This switch instructs the function to save the APIKey into a secure vault.
    This vaule is created and managed by the modules:
    See the note below on how to setup a secret store.

    To use a secret store to securely store you API key, you must install the required modules
    and configure the store and create a vaule.

    To install the modules:
    Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement
    Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore

    Configure the secret store:
    You must configure your secret store and set the authenticatio, there are several parameters:
    -Authentication: This can ne either 'Password" or 'None'
    You should set a password for interactive sessions. For automation on a secure device you can set this to 'None'
    -Interaction: This can be set to 'Prompt' or 'None' If -Authentication is set to 'Password' This must be set to 'Prompt', id Authentication is set to 'None' this must ne set to 'None'.
    -PasswordTimeOut: The time in seconds befopre the password must be re-entered. The default is 600 seconds.
    -Password: The password to unlock the vault. If omitted you will be prompted for the password.

    Register the vault:
    You must register a vault to store your secrets. At this time the Secret Store does not support multiple vaules.
    While you "can" register multiple vaults the store will just be duplicated. This is a known issue with the SecretStore and may be corrected in the future.
    Only create 1 vault and register it as the default vault.

    Register-SecretVault -Name "MyVault" -DefaultVault -ModuleName Microsoft.Powershell.SecretStore


# End Setup Functions

#Export Functions
function Export-SmartSheet() {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "default")]
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'folder')] 
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'workspace')]
    $Headers = Get-Headers -ContentType 'text/csv' -ContentDisposition 'attachment'

    # convert input to csv
    $inputCsv = $input | ConvertTo-Csv
    $inputString = $inputCsv | Out-String
    $encoder = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding
    $body = $encoder.GetBytes($inputString)
    If ($FolderId) {
        $Uri = "{0}/folders/{1}/sheets/import?sheetName={2}" -f $BaseURI, $folderId, $SheetName
    elseIf ($WorkspaceId) {
        $Uri = "{0}/workspaces/{1}/sheets/import?sheetName={2}" -f $BaseURI, $WorkspaceId, $SheetName
    else {
        $Uri = "{0}/sheets/import?sheetName={1}" -f $BaseURI, $SheetName
    if ($headerRow -ge 0) {
        $Uri = "{0}&headerRowIndex={1}" -f $Uri, $headerRow
    if ($PrimaryColumn) {
        $Uri = "{0}&primaryColumnIndex={1}" -f $Uri, $PrimaryColumn
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Body $body
    if ($response.message -ne "SUCCESS") {
        Throw "Import failed! $($_.Exception.Message)"
    return $result

        Exports a powershell array into a new Smartsheet.

        Exports an array of PSObjects into a new smartsheet. This function will always create a new sheet even if
        there is a sheet of the same name. The API will attempt to determine column types.
        .PARAMETER InputObject
        Array of object to create the Smartsheet from.

        .PARAMETER SheetName
        The name of the new Smartsheet.
        .PARAMETER FolderId
        The folder ID of the folder to create the Smartsheet in. This can either be a folder from the home location or a folder in a Workspace.
        Use the Get-SmartsheetFolder or Get-SmartsheetWorkspaceFolders to get the Folder Id.

        .PARAMETER WorkspaceId
        The workspace to create the Smartsheet in. Use the Get-SmartsheetWorkspaces function to get the Workspace Id.
        This will create the sheet in the root of the workspace. To create a sheet in a folder in a workspace,
        specify the folder ID of the folder inside the workspace.
        At this time you cannot get a recursive list of all folders in a workspace, You can get a recursive list of all subfolders of a workspace folder.
        Use the Get-SmartsheetFolders function, specifying the top level folder ID and the Recursive property.
        .PARAMETER headerRow
        Row to use for column headers.
        All rows above this row are ignored.
        If omitted the first row will be used. A value of -1 will create default headers in the form Column1, Column1, etc.
        .PARAMETER primaryColumn
        The column to use as the primary column. default is the 1st column.

        As mentioned this function ALWAYS creates a new sheet even if the name already exists. Name IS NOT the unique identifyer in SmartSheet, the sheet ID is.
        If you want to update a sheet use the Update-SmartSheet function.

        The overwriteAction parameter is depreceated. THis function DOES NOT handle overwriting sheets. You must manage this yourself.
        Create a new sheet in the home folder.
        $ObjectArray | Export-Smartsheet -SheetName "MyNewSheet"
        Create a new sheet in the folder.
        $Folder = Get-SmartsheetHomeFolders -Recurse | Where-object {$_.FullName like "Inventory/Westcoast"}
        $objectArray | Export-Smartsheet -SheetName "MyNewSheet" -folder 'myfolder1/myfolder2'
        Create a new sheet in a workspace folder.
        $Workspace = Get-SmartsheetWorkspaces | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Accounting'}
        $APFolder = Get-SMartsheetWorkspaceFolders -WorkspaceId $Workspace.Id | Where-Object ($_.Name -eq 'Accounts Payable')
        $PaymentsFolder = Get-SmartsheetFolders -FolderId $APFolder.Id -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.FullName -eq "Microsoft/Payments"}
        $ObjectArray | Export-Smartsheet -Sheetname 'July Payments' -folder $PaymentsFolder.Id



function Update-Smartsheet() {
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $sheet = Get-Smartsheet -id $sheetId

    $RowsToUpdate = @()
    #$RowsToInsert = @()
    $RowsToAdd = @()

    # Verify columns, column names must match properties of the objects in the array.
    $columns = $sheet.columns

    $PrimaryColumn = ($Columns.Where({ $_.Primary -eq $true }))[0]
    $pcIndex = $columns.IndexOf($PrimaryColumn)

    $properties = $input[0] | Select-Object Name
    If ($ -contains "rowId") {
        $properties = $properties | Select-Object -Skip 1

    if ($columns.count -ne $properties.count) {
        throw "Column count does not match!"

    foreach ($prop in $properties) {
        $col = $columns.Where({ $_.title -eq $prop.Name })
        if (-not $col) {
            throw "Column names do not match"

    [int]$RowsProcessed = 0
    [int]$RowsUpdated = 0

    foreach ($object in $input) {     
        $RowhasChanged = $False
        #Write-Host ("Row:{0}" -f ($Input.IndexOf($Object) + 1))
        $RowsProcessed += 1
        $props = $ | Select-Object Name, Value
        if ($ -contains "rowId") {
            $props = $props | Select-Object -Skip 1
        $cells = @()
        try {
        foreach ($prop in $props) {
            #Write-Host $
            #$Activity = "Row:{0}" -f ($Input.IndexOf($Object) + 1)
            #Write-Host $Activity
            #Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status $Prop.Name
            $index = $props.indexOf($prop)
            $column = $sheet.columns[$index]
            if ($column.formula) {
            switch ($column.type) {
                'PICKLIST' {
                    if ($prop.value) {
                        if ($column.options) {                        
                            if ($prop.value -notin $column.options) {
                                $options = $column.options
                                $options += $prop.value
                                $column.options = $options
                                $sheet = Set-SmartsheetColumn -Id $ -ColumnId $ -column $column -PassThru
                'CHECKBOX' {
                    If ($prop.value) { 
                        $Prop.value = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($prop.value) 
                    else {
                        $prop.value = $false
                    #$prop.value = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($prop.value)
            if ($null -eq $Prop.value) {
                $Prop.value = " "
            $cell = New-SmartSheetCell -columnId $ -value $prop.value
            $cells += $cell
        } catch {
            throw $_

        if ($ -contains "rowId") {
            # Get to row to update based on the RowId Property
            $row = $sheet.rows.where({ $ -eq $Object.rowId })
        else {
            # Get the row based on a unique primary column.
            # Does the row exist based on the primary Column column
            $row = $sheet.rows.Where({ $_.cells[$pcIndex].value -eq $props[$pcIndex].value })
        If ($row -is [array]) {
            throw "Primary column is not unique!"
        if ($row) {
            # Check to see if the data has changed
            foreach ($rowCell in $row.Cells) {
                $i = $row.Cells.indexOf($rowCell)
                if ($cells[$i].value -ne $rowCell.value) {
                    $rowcell.value = $cells[$i].value
                    $RowhasChanged = $true
            if ($RowhasChanged) {
                $RowsToUpdate += $row
            # if ($RowNeedsUpdating) {
            # $RowsUpdated += 1
            # $Time2 = Measure-Command {[void](Set-SmartsheetRow -id $sheetId -rowId $row.Id -Cells $cells)}
            # $Time2.TotalMilliseconds
            # }
        else { 
            $NewRow = [PSCustomObject]@{
                cells = $cells
            # $index = $input.IndexOf($object)
            # if ($index -lt ($sheet.rows.Count - 1)) {
            # $SiblingId = $sheet.rows[$index].id
            # $NewRow | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "siblingId" -Value $SiblingId
            # $RowsToInsert += $row
            # }
            # else {
            #$NewRow | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ToBottom" -Value $true
            $RowsToAdd += $NewRow
            # }
            #$RowsUpdated += 1

    # Update sheet
    if ($RowsToUpdate.Count -gt 0) {
        #[array]$arrRows = $RowsToUpdate.ToArray()
        [void](Set-SmartsheetRows -Id $sheetId -Rows ($RowsToUpdate | Select-Object id,cells))
    if ($RowsToAdd.count -gt 0) {
        [void](Add-SmartsheetRows -Id $sheetId -Rows $RowsToAdd)
    $Stats = [PSCustomObject]@{
        RowsProcessed = $RowsProcessed
        RowsChanged = ($RowsUpdated.Count + $RowsToAdd.Count)

    $Stats | Format-Table

    if ($PassThru) {
        $newSheet = Get-Smartsheet -SheetId $
        return $newSheet

    Update a smartsheet.
    Update a Smartsheet from an array of powershell objects.
    1. The number and names of the columns is the same as the properties in the object in the array.
    2. If the array objects do not contain a property RowId then primary column is used to identify rows to be updated and must be unique.
    3. If the Array objects contain the property RowId then this is used to identify the row to be updated. The primary column does not have to be unique.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
    An array of powershell objects.
    .PARAMETER sheetId
    The Id of the sheet to update.

    .PARAMETER PassThru
    Return the updated sheet object.
    To return an array of objects from a smartsheet that contains the row id of the row the values are associated with use the ToArray method
    on the sheet object returned by Get-Smartsheet passing a value of $true. $sheet.ToArray($true).

    If you are updating a collection based on the data retrieved from a sheet then the rowId isused to identify the row to be updated.
    Any object in the array that have the rowId property as $null will be added.

    The -UseRowId parameter is deprecieated! The function identifies if this property exists.

    If you are updating a sheet from external data (not modifying the sheet itself) then the properties of external data must match the columns in the sheet.
    If the properties of the external data adds, removes, or changes or the sheet adds, removes, or changes columns YOU must handle the changes to the sheet or data manually.
    You can add, remove, and change columns using the column functions!

    If yu are not using the rowId to identify the row, then the primary column data for the row MUST BE UNIQUE! Smartsheet DOES NOT maintain this contraint!

    Updating sheets by primary column may be removed from future versions of this module.
    Update the rows in the smartsheet based on Primary Columns.
    $Array | Update-Smartsheet -SheetId $
    Update the rows in the smartsheet based on the RowId property.

    $Array | Update-Smartsheet -SheetId $Sheet.Id -UseRowId

    Update the rows in the smartsheet based on the RowId property and return the updated sheet.
    $Array | Update-Smartsheet -SheetId $Sheet.Id -UseRowId -PassThru


# End Export Functions