function New-SmartSheetCell() { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [UInt64]$columnId, [string]$conditionalFormat, [string]$format, [string]$formula, [psobject]$hyperlink, [psobject]$image, [psobject]$linkInFromCell, [psobject[]]$linksOutFromCell, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [psobject]$value ) $properties = @{ columnId = $columnId value = $value } if ($conditionalFormat) { $properties.Add("conditionalFormat", $conditionalFormat) } if ($format) { $properties.Add("format", $format) } if ($formula) { $properties.Add("formula", $formula) } if ($hyperlink) { $properties.Add("hyperlink", $hyperlink) } if ($image) { $properties.Add("image", $image) } if ($linkInFromCell) { $properties.Add("linkInFromCell", $linkInFromCell) } if ($linksOutFromCell) { $properties.Add("linksOutFromCell", $linksOutFromCell) } $cell = [PSCustomObject]$properties return $cell <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Smartsheet Cell object .PARAMETER columnId Column ID of the cell .PARAMETER conditionalFormat A conditional format object. .PARAMETER format A format descriptor string. .PARAMETER formula A formula string .PARAMETER hyperlink A hyperlink object .PARAMETER image An image object. .PARAMETER linkInFromCell A cell link object .PARAMETER linksOutFromCell A cell link object .PARAMETER value The value of the cell .OUTPUTS A smartsheet cell object. #> } function New-Hyperlink() { Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "reportId")] [Uint64]$reportId = 0, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "sheetId")] [Uint64]$sheetId = 0, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "sightId")] [Uint64]$sightId = 0, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "url")] [string]$url="" ) $hyperlink = [PSCustomObject]@{ reportId = $reportId sheetId = $sheetId sightId = $sightId url = $url } return $hyperlink <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Smartsheet Hyperlink object. .PARAMETER reportId Target report Id. .PARAMETER sheetId Target sheet Id. .PARAMETER sightId Target sight od. .PARAMETER url Target URL. .OUTPUTS A hyperlink object. #> } function New-CellLink() { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Uint64]$sheetId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$sheetName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Uint64]$columnId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Uint64]$rowId ) $cellLink = [PSCustomObject]@{ columnId = $columnId rowId = $rowId sheetId = $sheetid $sheetName = $sheetName } return $cellLink <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new cell link object. This method only creates the CellLink object that can be later inserted into a Cell. Set the LinkInFromCell property to this object. .PARAMETER sheetId Target Sheet Id. .PARAMETER sheetName Target Sheet name. .PARAMETER columnId Target column Id. .PARAMETER rowId Target row Id. .OUTPUTS A cell link object. #> } #Helper functions function New-SmartSheetFormatString() { Param( [ValidateSet("Arial", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Verdana")] [string]$fontFamily, [int]$fontSize, [switch]$bold, [switch]$italic, [switch]$underline, [switch]$stikethrough, [ValidateSet("left", "center", "right")] [string]$horizontalAlign, [ValidateSet("top", "middle", "bottom")] [string]$verticalAlign, [ValidateSet("Navajo White", "Black", "White", "White_2", "Lavender blush", "Sazerac", "Chilean Heath", "Panache", "Solitude", "French Lilac", "Merino", "Pastel Pink", "Navajo White_2", "Dolly", "Zanah", "French Pass", "French Lilac_2", "Almond", "Mercury", "Froly", "Chardonnay", "Yellow", "De York", "Malibu", "Light Wisteria", "Tan", "Silver", "Cinnabar", "Pizazz", "Turbo", "Chateau Green", "Denim", "Seance", "Brown", "Sonic Silver", "Tamarillo", "Trinidad", "Corn", "Forest Green", "Catalina Blue", "Purple", "Carnaby Tan")] [string]$textColor, [ValidateSet("Navajo White", "Black", "White", "White_2", "Lavender blush", "Sazerac", "Chilean Heath", "Panache", "Solitude", "French Lilac", "Merino", "Pastel Pink", "Navajo White_2", "Dolly", "Zanah", "French Pass", "French Lilac_2", "Almond", "Mercury", "Froly", "Chardonnay", "Yellow", "De York", "Malibu", "Light Wisteria", "Tan", "Silver", "Cinnabar", "Pizazz", "Turbo", "Chateau Green", "Denim", "Seance", "Brown", "Sonic Silver", "Tamarillo", "Trinidad", "Corn", "Forest Green", "Catalina Blue", "Purple", "Carnaby Tan")] [string]$backgroundColor, [ValidateSet("Navajo White", "Black", "White", "White_2", "Lavender blush", "Sazerac", "Chilean Heath", "Panache", "Solitude", "French Lilac", "Merino", "Pastel Pink", "Navajo White_2", "Dolly", "Zanah", "French Pass", "French Lilac_2", "Almond", "Mercury", "Froly", "Chardonnay", "Yellow", "De York", "Malibu", "Light Wisteria", "Tan", "Silver", "Cinnabar", "Pizazz", "Turbo", "Chateau Green", "Denim", "Seance", "Brown", "Sonic Silver", "Tamarillo", "Trinidad", "Corn", "Forest Green", "Catalina Blue", "Purple", "Carnaby Tan")] [string]$taskbarColor, [ValidateSet("RUB", "SEK", "AUD", "CAD", "KRW", "USD", "ARS", "NZD", "NOK", "INR", "EUR", "ILS", "SGD", "CNY", "none", "DKK", "BRL", "GBP", "HKD", "JPY", "CLP", "MXN", "CHF", "ZAR")] [string]$currency, [int]$decimalCount, [switch]$thousandsSeparator, [ValidateSet("none", "NUMBER", "CURRENCY", "PERCENT")] [string]$numberFormat, [switch]$textWrap, [ValidateSet("LOCALE_BASED", "MMMM_D_YYYY", "MMM_D_YYYY", "D_MMM_YYYY", "YYYY_MM_DD_HYPHEN", "YYYY_MM_DD_DOT", "DWWWW_MMMM_D_YYYY", "DWWW_DD_MMM_YYYY", "DWWW_MM_DD_YYYY", "MMMM_D", "D_MMMM")] [string]$dateFormat ) $format = [ordered]@{ fontFamily = $null fontSize = $null bold = $null italic = $null underlined = $null strikethrough = $null horizontalAlign = $null verticalAlign = $null textcolor = $null backgroundColor = $null taskbarColor = $null currency = 13 decimalCount = 2 thousandsSeparator = $null numberFormat = $null textWrap = $null dateFormat = $null } if ($fontFamily) { $format.fontFamily = $smformat.fontFamilies[$fontFamily] } if ($fontSize) { $format.fontSize = $fontSize } if ($bold) { $format.bold = 1 } if ($italic) { $format.italic = 1 } if ($underline) { $format.underlined = 1 } if ($stikethrough) { $format.strikethrough = 1 } if ($horizontalAlign) { $format.horizontalAlign = $smformat.horizontalAlign[$horizontalAlign] } if ($verticalAlign) { $format.verticalAlign = $smformat.verticalAlign[$verticalAlign] } if ($textColor) { $format.textcolor = $smformat.colors[$textColor] } if ($backgroundColor) { $format.backgroundColor = $smformat.colors[$backgroundColor] } if ($taskbarColor) { $format.backgroundColor = $smformat.colors[$backgroundColor] } if ($currency) { $format.currency = $smformat.currency[$currency] } if ($decimalCount) { $format.decimalCount = $decimalCount } if ($thousandsSeparator) { $format.thousandsSeparator = 1 } if ($numberFormat) { $format.numberFormat = $smformat.numberFormats[$numberFormat] } if ($textWrap) { $format.textWrap = 1 } if ($dateFormat) { $format.dateFormat = $smformat.dateFormats[$dateFormat] } $formatString = $format.values -join "," return $formatString <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a SMartsheet format string. Supports: autocomplete. .DESCRIPTION Creates a smartsheet format string to be used with column, row, and cell formatting. .PARAMETER fontFamily Sets the Font Family to use. .PARAMETER fontSize Sets the font size. .PARAMETER bold Sets to font to bold. .PARAMETER italic Sets the font to italic .PARAMETER underline Sets the font to underline .PARAMETER stikethrough Sets the font to strikethrough. .PARAMETER horizontalAlign Set the horizontal alignment .PARAMETER verticalAlign Set the vertical alignment .PARAMETER textColor Select the Text Color. Supports : autocomplete. .PARAMETER backgroundColor Select the Background color. Supports : autocomplete. .PARAMETER taskbarColor Select the Taskbar color. Supports : autocomplete. .PARAMETER currency Select the Currency Symbol. Supports : autocomplete. .PARAMETER decimalCount Set the decimal count .PARAMETER thousandsSeparator Sets the thousands separator. .PARAMETER numberFormat Sets the Number format. Supports: autocomplete. .PARAMETER textWrap Sets textwrap. .PARAMETER dateFormat sets the date format. Supports : autocomplete. .OUTPUTS A string representing a Smartsheet formatting string. #> } |