# Importing public and private functions $PSScript = "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SmartDialConfig\1.0" $PublicFunc = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScript\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) # Dotsourcing files ForEach ($import in $PublicFunc) { Try { . $import.fullname } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Failed to import function $($import.fullname): $_" } } class NSeries { [string]$interface; [string]$StackNumber; [string]$mode; [string]$modeargs; [string]$LLDPServices; [string]$LLDPNotification; [string]$LLDPmed; [string]$VoiceVLAN; [string]$TrunkPort NSeries () {} NSeries ($interface,$StackNumber,$mode,$modeargs,$LLDPServices,$LLDPNotification,$LLDPmed,$VoiceVLAN) { $this.interface = "interface Gi$($StackNumber)/0/$($interface)" $this.mode = "switchport mode $($mode)" $this.modeargs = "switchport $($mode) $($modeargs)" $this.LLDPServices = if ($LLDPServices) {"lldp tlv-select system-description system-capabilities"} $this.LLDPNotification = if ($LLDPmed) {"lldp notification"} $this.LLDPmed = if ($LLDPmed) {"lldp med confignotification"} $this.VoiceVLAN = if ($VoiceVLAN) {"switchport voice vlan $($VoiceVLAN)"} } [array]SmartDial ($i) { $obj = @() $obj += "!" $obj += $i.interface $obj += $i.StackNumber $obj += $i.mode $obj += $i.modeargs $obj += $i.LLDPServices $obj += $i.LLDPNotification $obj += $i.LLDPmed $obj += $i.VoiceVLAN $obj += "Spanning-tree portfast" $obj += "exit" return $obj } [array]ConfigHeader () { $obj = @() $obj += "!Current Configuration:" $obj += "!" $obj += "configure" $obj += "vlan 30" $obj += "exit" $obj += "Vlan 30" $obj += "Name SMARTDial" $obj += "exit" $obj += "switchport voice vlan" return $obj } [array]TrunkPortHeader ($TrunkPort,$StackNumber) { $obj = @() $obj += "!" $obj += "interface Gi$($StackNumber)/0/$($TrunkPort)" $obj += "Switchport mode general" $obj += "switchport general allowed vlan add 30 tagged" $obj += "no spanning-tree portfast" $obj += "Description TrunkPort" return $obj } } # Exporting just the Public functions Export-ModuleMember -Function $PublicFunc.BaseName |