
# Sleeper.psm1
# Module to interact with Sleeper API

# Import all cmdlets from the Public directory
Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Public -Filter *.ps1 | ForEach-Object {
    . $_.FullName

# SleeperClasses.psm1
# Contains all class definitions for Sleeper API objects

class SleeperUser {

    SleeperUser([PSCustomObject]$user) {
        $this.UserId = $user.user_id
        $this.Username = $user.username
        $this.DisplayName = $user.display_name
        $this.Avatar = $user.avatar
        $this.Metadata = $user.metadata
        $this.VerificationStatus = $user.verification

class SleeperLeague {

    SleeperLeague([PSCustomObject]$league) {
        $this.LeagueId = $league.league_id
        $this.Name = $
        $this.Sport = $
        $this.Season = $league.season
        $this.Settings = $league.settings
        $this.DraftComplete = $league.draft_complete
        $this.Status = $league.status
        $this.RosterPositions = $league.roster_positions
        $this.IsKeeperLeague = $league.keeper_league

class SleeperRoster {

    SleeperRoster([PSCustomObject]$roster) {
        $this.RosterId = $roster.roster_id
        $this.OwnerId = $roster.owner_id
        $this.LeagueId = $roster.league_id
        $this.Wins = $roster.settings.wins
        $this.Losses = $roster.settings.losses
        $this.Ties = $roster.settings.ties
        $this.Players = $roster.players
        $this.Starters = $roster.starters
        $this.Reserve = $roster.reserve
        $this.Taxi = $
        $this.Metadata = $roster.metadata

class SleeperTransaction {

    # Constructor to initialize the class with the transaction data
    SleeperTransaction([PSCustomObject]$transaction) {
        $this.TransactionId = $transaction.transaction_id
        $this.Type = $transaction.type
        $this.Status = $transaction.status
        $this.RosterIds = $transaction.roster_ids
        $this.Drops = $transaction.drops
        $this.Adds = $transaction.adds
        $this.DraftPicks = $transaction.draft_picks
        $this.CreatedAt = [datetime]::ParseExact($transaction.created_at, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ', $null)

class SleeperTradedPick {

    SleeperTradedPick([PSCustomObject]$pick, [string]$LeagueId) {
        $this.PickId = $pick.pick_id
        $this.OwnerId = $pick.owner_id
        $this.OwnerUserId = $pick.owner_user_id
        $this.DraftId = $pick.draft_id
        $this.Round = $pick.round
        $this.PickNumber = $pick.pick
        $this.PreviousOwner = $pick.previous_owner_id
        $this.PreviousOwnerUserId = $pick.previous_owner_user_id
        $this.RosterId = $pick.roster_id
        $this.LeagueId = $LeagueId 

class SleeperBracket {

    SleeperBracket([PSCustomObject]$bracket) {
        $this.BracketId = $bracket.bracket_id
        $this.Type = $bracket.type
        $this.Matchups = $bracket.matchups

class SleeperDraft {

    SleeperDraft([PSCustomObject]$draft) {
        $this.DraftId = $draft.draft_id
        $this.Type = $draft.type
        $this.Rounds = $draft.rounds
        $this.Settings = $draft.settings

class SleeperDraftPick {

    SleeperDraftPick([PSCustomObject]$pick, [SleeperPlayer]$player) {
        $this.PickId = $pick.pick_id
        $this.DraftId = $pick.draft_id
        $this.Round = $pick.round
        $this.PickNumber = $pick.pick_number
        $this.Player = $player

class SleeperTrendingPlayer {

    SleeperTrendingPlayer([PSCustomObject]$trendingPlayer) {
        $this.PlayerId = $trendingPlayer.player_id
        $this.Name = $
        $this.Adds = $trendingPlayer.adds
        $this.Drops = $trendingPlayer.drops
        $this.Position = $trendingPlayer.position
        $this.Team = $

class SleeperNFLState {

    SleeperNFLState([PSCustomObject]$state) {
        $this.Season = $state.season
        $this.Week = $state.week
        $this.Phase = $state.phase

class SleeperPlayer {

    # Constructor to initialize the class properties from the player data object
    SleeperPlayer([PSCustomObject]$player) {
        $this.PlayerId = $player.player_id
        $this.FirstName = $player.first_name
        $this.LastName = $player.last_name
        $this.FullName = $player.full_name
        $this.SearchFullName = $player.search_full_name
        $this.Position = $player.position
        $this.Team = $
        $this.Status = $player.status
        $this.Sport = $
        $this.FantasyPositions = $player.fantasy_positions
        $this.Number = $player.number
        $this.Weight = $player.weight
        $this.Height = $player.height
        $this.College = $
        $this.BirthCity = $player.birth_city
        $this.BirthState = $player.birth_state
        $this.BirthCountry = $player.birth_country
        $this.BirthDate = $player.birth_date
        $this.InjuryStatus = $player.injury_status
        $this.InjuryStartDate = $player.injury_start_date
        $this.InjuryNotes = $player.injury_notes
        $this.InjuryBodyPart = $player.injury_body_part
        $this.Age = $player.age
        $this.Active = $
        $this.RotowireId = $player.rotowire_id
        $this.SportradarId = $player.sportradar_id
        $this.GsisId = $player.gsis_id
        $this.YahooId = $player.yahoo_id
        $this.OptaId = $player.opta_id
        $this.FantasyDataId = $player.fantasy_data_id
        $this.RotoworldId = $player.rotoworld_id
        $this.EspnId = $player.espnid
        $this.TeamAbbr = $player.teamabbr
        $this.PracticeDescription = $player.practice_description
        $this.PracticeParticipation = $player.practice_participation
        $this.HighSchool = $player.high_school
        $this.DepthChartPosition = $player.depth_chart_position
        $this.DepthChartOrder = $player.depth_chart_order

        # Check if Metadata is a hashtable or string and convert if necessary
        if ($player.metadata -is [hashtable]) {
            $this.Metadata = $player.metadata
        } else {
            try {
                $this.Metadata = [hashtable]::new()
                $null = $player.metadata.Split(';') | ForEach-Object {
                    $pair = $_.Split('=')
                    if ($pair.Length -eq 2) {
                        $this.Metadata[$pair[0].Trim()] = $pair[1].Trim()
            } catch {
                $this.Metadata = $null

        $this.Hashtag = $player.hashtag
        $this.Competitions = $player.competitions
        $this.SearchRank = $player.searchrank
        $this.NewsUpdated = $player.newsupdated
        $this.YearsExp = $player.yearsexp
        $this.SwishId = $player.swishid
        $this.StatsId = $player.statsid
        $this.PandascoreId = $player.pandascoreid
        $this.TeamChangedAt = $player.teamchangedat
        $this.OddsjamId = $player.oddsjamid
