
function createsource {
 $file = 'c:\skyline\SkylineUtils-config.ps1'

if (-not(Test-Path -Path $file -PathType Leaf)) {
     try {
         $null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $file -Force -ErrorAction Stop
     catch {
         throw $_.Exception.Message

function vcenterpatch {
    plink -ssh root@$VCENTER -no-antispoof 'software-packages stage --iso --acceptEulas'
    plink -ssh root@$VCENTER -no-antispoof 'software-packages install'

function patching {

    $patches = get-patch $PATCHX

    $getpatchx = get-patchbaseline $PATCHX
    if ($getpatchx -lt 1) {
     new-patchbaseline -name $PATCHX -includepatch $patches -static

    get-baseline $PATCHX | attach-baseline -entity $ESX
    get-inventory $ESX | scan-inventory

} #patching

function skyline-fixer {

switch ( $OPTIONX ) {
 write-host "vSphere"
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
 write-host "" 
 write-host "" 
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
 write-host "" 
 write-host "" 
 write-host ""
 write-host "" 
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
 write-host "" 
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
 write-host "" 
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
 write-host "" 
 write-host "" 
 write-host "horizon"
 write-host ""
 write-host "vra (VMware Automation)"
 write-host "" 
 write-host "VMSA"
 write-host ""
 write-host ""
} #kblist

import-csv $CSVFILE | foreach-object {

$KB = $_."Reference"
$VCENTER = $_."Source Name"
$ESX = $_."Object Name"

 switch ( $KB ) {
        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
            get-vm $ESX | get-snapshot | remove-snapshot -confirm:$false
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
     } #1025279

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
            Get-VMHost -name $ESX | Get-VMHostService | Where {$_.Key -eq "sfcbd-watchdog"} | Stop-VMHostService -Confirm:$false
            Get-VMHost -name $ESX | Get-VMHostService | Where {$_.Key -eq "slpd"} | Stop-VMHostService -Confirm:$false

            Get-VMHost -name $ESX | Get-VMHostService | Where {$_.Key -eq "sfcbd-watchdog"} | Set-VMHostService -Policy Off -Confirm:$false
            Get-VMHost -name $ESX | Get-VMHostService | Where {$_.Key -eq "slpd"} | Set-VMHostService -Policy Off -Confirm:$false
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
     } #76372

    { #NOTE: check to make sure ssh has been enabled on ESX
    #NOTE: create for loop for multiple ESX server

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '6.5.*'    {
            if ($FIXWORK -eq 'fix')
            {#NOTE: scp QLC_bootbank_q*.vib into ESX:/tmp
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcli softwarre vib install -v /tmp/QLC_bootbank_qcnic*.vib'
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcli softwarre vib install -v /tmp/QLC_bootbank_qfle3_*.vib'
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcli softwarre vib install -v /tmp/QLC_bootbank_qfle3f_*.vib'
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcli softwarre vib install -v /tmp/QLC_bootbank_qfle3i_*.vib'
            { #NOTE: workaround
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcfg-module -d qfle3i'
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcfg-module -d qfle3f'
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcfg-module -d qcnic'
        } #6.5.*

        '6.7.*' {
            if ($FIXWORK -eq 'fix')
            {#NOTE: scp QLC_bootbank_q*.vib into ESX:/tmp
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcli softwarre vib install -v /tmp/QLC_bootbank_qcnic*.vib'
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcli softwarre vib install -v /tmp/QLC_bootbank_qfle3_*.vib'
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcli softwarre vib install -v /tmp/QLC_bootbank_qfle3f_*.vib'
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcli softwarre vib install -v /tmp/QLC_bootbank_qfle3i_*.vib'
            { #NOTE: workaround
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcfg-module -d qfle3i'
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcfg-module -d qfle3f'
            plink root@$ESX 'esxcfg-module -d qcnic'
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX

        #NOTE: does not support v7.0
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #76630

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {        
        '7.0.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi70b-16324942"
        } #7.0.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #79694

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
        '6.5.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-201907201-UG"
        } #6.5.0
        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-201908201-UG"
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #2150794

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
        '6.0.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi600-201911001"
        } #6.0.0
        '6.5.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-201911001"
        } #6.5.0
        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-201911001"
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #76613

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
        '6.5.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-202107001"
        } #6.5.0
        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-202103001"
        } #6.7.0
        '7.0.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi70U2-17630552"
        } #7.0.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #1025757

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
        '6.5.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-201907201-UG"
        } #6.5.0

        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-201908201-UG"
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX

        #NOTE: INCOMPLETE - need v7.0 (ESXi_7.0.0-1.20.16321839)
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #67129

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-201908201-UG"
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX

        #NOTE: INCOMPLETE - need v7.0 (ESXi_7.0.0-1.20.16321839)
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #70737

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-201908201-UG"
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX

        #NOTE: INCOMPLETE - need v7.0 (ESXi_7.0.0-1.20.16321839)
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #70813

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '7.0.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi70U1-16850804"
        } #6.5.*

        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-202103001"
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX

        #NOTE: INCOMPLETE - need v7.0 (ESXi_7.0.0-1.20.16321839)
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #80703

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '6.0.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi600-201912001"
        } #6.0.*

         '6.5.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-201912001"
        } #6.5.*

        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-201912001"
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX

        #NOTE: INCOMPLETE - need DAS fix
        #NOTE: need Workaround
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #VMSA-2019-0022

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '6.5.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-202005401-SG"
        } #6.5.*

        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-202004101-SG"
        } #6.7.0

        '7.0.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi70b-16324942"
        } #7.0.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #VMSA-2020-0015

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '6.5.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-202011001"
        } #6.5.*

        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-202011001"
        } #6.7.0

        '7.0.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi70U1a-17119627"
        } #7.0.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #VMSA-2020-0023

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '6.5.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-201810401-BG"
        } #6.5.*

        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-201810401-BG"
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #58715

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '6.5.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-201912002"
        } #6.5.*

        '6.7.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-202103001"
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #67529

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '7.0.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi70U1c-17325551"
        } #7.0.*

        '6.7.0' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-202011002"
        } #6.7.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #81576

    { #NOTE:config configs exist on vcenter
    connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        get-advancedsetting -entity $ESX -name "config.task.timeout" | set-advancedsetting -value "7200" -confirm:$false
        get-advancedsetting -entity $ESX -name "config.vmomi.soapStubAdapter.blockingTimeoutSeconds" | set-advancedsetting -value "18000" -confirm:$false
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
     } #79520

    {     #NOTE: ESX is really VM in this context
        #NOTE: VDI
        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
            get-advancesetting -entity $ESX -name svga.enableScreenDMA  | set-advancesetting -value TRUE -confirm:$false
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
        } #2144475

        } #65207

        } #83829

        } #82374

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        get-vm $ESX | get-snapshot | remove-snapshot -confirm:$false
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
        } #1025279

    $file = 'c:\skyline\SkylineUtils-config.ps1'
    . $file

    if ($NTPSERVER -eq $null)
        $SAMPLENTP = select-string -path $file -pattern NTPSERVER
        if ($SAMPLENTP.Matches.Count -lt 1)
            add-content $file '#NTPSERVER = "NEED-NTP-SERVER"'

            write-host ''
            write-host "ERROR - cannot execute, please update NTPSERVER entry in $file"
            write-host ''

            connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
            add-vmhostntpserver -vmhost $ESX -ntpserver $NTPSERVER
            get-vmhost -name $ESX | get-vmhostservice | where-object {$_.key -eq "ntpd" } | start-vmhostservice
            get-vmhost -name $ESX | get-vmhostservice | where-object {$_.key -eq "ntpd" } | set-vmhostservice -policy "automatic"
            disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
        } #1003736

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $PATCHX = "ESXi600-Update03"
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #2147959

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-Update02"
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #58874

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '6.0.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi600-201711001"
        } #6.0.0

        '6.5.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-201712001"
        } #6.5.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #2150353

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '5.5.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi550-201608001"
        } #5.5.*

        '6.0.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi600-201611401-BG"
        } #6.0.*
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #2136430

        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
        $HOSTX= get-vmhost $ESX
        switch ( $HOSTX.Version ) {
         '6.7.*'    {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi670-201811401-BG"
        } #6.7.*

        '6.5.*' {
        $PATCHX = "ESXi650-201811401-BG"
        } #6.5.0
        } #switch-HOSTX
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false    
        } #55650

    $file= 'c:\skyline\SkylineUtils-config.ps1'
    . $file

    if ($LOGDIR -eq $null)
        $SAMPLELOGDIR = select-string -path $file -pattern LOGDIR
        if ( $SAMPLELOGDIR.Matches.Count -lt 1)
            add-content $file '#LOGDIR = "NEED-LOG-DIR"'
            add-content $file '#LOGHOST = "NEED-LOG-HOST"'

            write-host ''
            write-host "ERROR - cannot execute, please update LOGDIR and LOGHOST entries in $file"
            write-host ''
        connect-viserver -server $VCENTER
            get-advancedsetting -entity $ESX -name "" | set-advancedsetting -value "[$LOGDIR] /" -confirm:$false
            get-advancedsetting -entity $ESX -name "" | set-advancedsetting -value $true -confirm:$false
            get-advancedsetting -entity $ESX -name "" | set-advancedsetting -value "udp://$LOGHOST:514" -confirm:$false
        disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
    } #2003322

    default { 
        'ERROR - cannot execute, this KB fix has not been implimented yet. Will be added in the near future.' 
    } #default-csvfile

 } #switch-CSVFILE
} #import
} #csv

default { 
    'USAGE: skyline-fixer ARG VARIABLE' 
    ' kblist'
    ' csv Finding.csv (fix | workaround)'
    } #default

} #switch-OPTIONX
} #function

function skyline-helper {

switch ( $CHOICE1 )
create-role { 
    connect-viserver -server $CHOICE2
    new-virole -name $CHOICE3 -privilege (get-viprivilege -id global.diagnostics,, global.licenses, global.settings, system.anonymous, system.view,
    disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false

check-role { 
    connect-viserver -server $CHOICE2
    get-virole $CHOICE3 | get-viprivilege | select Id
    disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false

add-2-role { 
    connect-viserver -server $CHOICE2
    new-vipermission -entity (get-folder -norecursion) -principal $CHOICE3 -role $CHOICE4 -propagate:$true 
    disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
check-account { 
    connect-viserver -server $CHOICE2
    get-vipermission -principal $CHOICE3
    disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false

stop-ssh { 
    connect-viserver -server $CHOICE2
    get-vmhost -name $CHOICE3 | get-vmhostservice | Where Key -EQ "TSM-SSH" | stop-vmhostservice -confirm:$false
    disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false

start-ssh { 
    connect-viserver -server $CHOICE2
    get-vmhost -name $CHOICE3 | get-vmhostservice | Where Key -EQ "TSM-SSH" | start-vmhostservice -confirm:$false
    disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false

skyline-prep {
     Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
     choco install putty
    choco install curl

check-update {plink -ssh root@$CHOICE2 -no-antispoof "/opt/vmware/bin/vamicli update --check" }

install-update {plink -ssh root@$CHOICE2 -no-antispoof "/opt/vmware/bin/vamicli update --install latest --accepteula" }

check-version {plink -ssh root@$CHOICE2 -no-antispoof "/opt/vmware/bin/vamicli version --appliance" }

nsx-prep { install-module PowerNSX }

reset-adminpw {
    plink -ssh root@$CHOICE2 -no-antispoof "cp /usr/local/skyline/ccf/config/generated/credentials.json /usr/local/skyline/ccf/config/generated/credentials.old" 
    write-host ''
    write-host 'Please reboot skyline appliance now. The admin password is now "default"'
    write-host ''

check-nsxaccount { 
    connect-nsxserver -vCenterServer $CHOICE2
    get-nsxuserrole $CHOICE3 
    disconnect-nsxserver -confirm:$false

vrops-prep { install-module Vmware.VimAutomation.vROps }

check-vropsaccount { 
    connect-omserver $CHOICE2
    get-omuser $CHOICE3
    disconnect-omserver -confirm:$false

skyline-vm-check { 
    connect-viserver -server $CHOICE2
    get-vm $CHOICE3
    disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false

skyline-vm-turnon { 
    connect-viserver -server $CHOICE2
    start-vm $CHOICE3
    disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false

powercli-prep { 
    install-module vmware.powercli -force
    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -ParticipateInCEIP $false -confirm:$false
    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction ignore -confirm:$false    

ova-prep {
$file= 'c:\skyline\SkylineUtils-config.ps1'
    . $file

    if ($OVAPATH -eq $null)
        $SAMPLEOVAPATH = select-string -path $file -pattern OVAPATH
        if ( $SAMPLEOVAPATH.Matches.Count -lt 1)
            add-content $file '#OVAPATH = "NEED-OVA-PATH"'
            add-content $file '#OVANAME = "NEED-OVA-NAME"'
            add-content $file '#OVAIP = "NEED-OVA-IP"'
            add-content $file '#OVANETMASK = "NEED-OVA-NETMASK"'
            add-content $file '#OVADNS = "NEED-OVA-DNS"'
            add-content $file '#OVAGW = "NEED-OVA-GATEWAY"'
            add-content $file '#OVAPASSWD = "NEED-OVA-PASSWORD"'

ova-deploy {
$file= 'c:\skyline\SkylineUtils-config.ps1'
    . $file

    if ($OVAPATH -ne $null)

    connect-viserver -server $CHOICE2
        $ovfConfig = Get-OvfConfiguration $OVAPATH
        $ovfConfig.NetworkMapping.Network_1.Value = $CHOICE5
        $ovfConfig.vami.VMware_Skyline_Appliance.gateway.value = $OVAGW
        $ovfConfig.vami.VMware_Skyline_Appliance.DNS.value = $OVADNS
        $ovfConfig.vami.VMware_Skyline_Appliance.ip0.value = $OVAIP
        $ovfConfig.vami.VMware_Skyline_Appliance.netmask0.value = $OVANETMASK
        $ovfConfig.Common.varoot_password.Value = $OVAPASSWD
        Import-VApp -source $OVAPATH -name $OVANAME -OvfConfiguration $ovfConfig -VMHost $CHOICE3 -datastore $CHOICE4 -diskstorageformat thin
        start-vm -vm $OVANAME -confirm:$false
    disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false    
            write-host ''
            write-host "ERROR - cannot execute, please update OVA entries in $file"
            write-host ''

default { 
    'USAGE: skyline-help.ps1 ARG VARIABLE' 
    ' (client arg): [powercli-prep]'
    ' (vcenter arg): [create-role | check-role|add-2-role | check-account]'
    ' (esx arg): [start-ssh | stop-ssh]'
    ' (skyline arg1): [ova-prep | ova-deploy | skyline-prep]'
    ' (skyline arg2): [check-update | install-update | check-version]'
    ' (skyline arg3): [skyline-vm-check | skyline-vm-turnon | reset-adminpw]'
    ' (nsx arg): [nsx-prep | check-nsxaccount]'
    ' (vrops arg): [vrops-prep | check-vropsaccount]'
} #skyline-helper

function skyline-docker {

switch ( $CHOICE1 )
docker-prep {
$file= 'c:\skyline\SkylineUtils-config.ps1'
    . $file

    if ($DOCKERPATH -eq $null)
        $SAMPLEDOCKERPATH = select-string -path $file -pattern DOCKERPATH
        if ( $SAMPLEDOCKERPATH.Matches.Count -lt 1)
            add-content $file '#DOCKERPATH = "NEED-OVA-PATH"'
            add-content $file '#DOCKERNAME = "NEED-OVA-NAME"'
            add-content $file '#DOCKERIP = "NEED-OVA-IP"'
            add-content $file '#DOCKERNETMASK = "NEED-OVA-NETMASK"'
            add-content $file '#DOCKERDNS = "NEED-OVA-DNS"'
            add-content $file '#DOCKERGW = "NEED-OVA-GATEWAY"'
            add-content $file '#DOCKERPASSWD = "NEED-OVA-PASSWORD"'

docker-deploy {
$file= 'c:\skyline\SkylineUtils-config.ps1'
    . $file

    if ($DOCKERPATH -ne $null)

    connect-viserver -server $CHOICE2
        $dovfConfig = Get-OvfConfiguration $DOCKERPATH
        $dovfConfig.NetworkMapping.Network_1.Value = $CHOICE5
        $dovfConfig.vami.VMware_Skyline_Appliance.gateway.value = $DOCKERGW
        $dovfConfig.vami.VMware_Skyline_Appliance.DNS.value = $DOCKDERDNS
        $dovfConfig.vami.VMware_Skyline_Appliance.ip0.value = $DOCKERIP
        $dovfConfig.vami.VMware_Skyline_Appliance.netmask0.value = $DOCKERNETMASK
        $dovfConfig.Common.varoot_password.Value = $DOCKERPASSWD
        Import-VApp -source $OVAPATH -name $DOCKERNAME -OvfConfiguration $dovfConfig -VMHost $CHOICE3 -datastore $CHOICE4 -diskstorageformat thin
        start-vm -vm $DOCKERNAME -confirm:$false
    disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false    
            write-host ''
            write-host "ERROR - cannot execute, please update DOCKER entries in $file"
            write-host ''
default { 
    'USAGE: skyline-docker.ps1 ARG VARIABLE' 
    ' (arg): [docker-prep | docker-deploy]'
} #skyline-docker

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'skyline-fixer', 'skyline-helper', 'skyline-docker'