function security { $SSHsecurity = plink -batch root@$SERVERX -no-antispoof -pw "$password" "grep -v '#' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -c '$SEC1 $SEC2'" if ( $SSHsecurity -lt 1) { write-output "...set $SEC1..." plink -batch root@$SERVERX -no-antispoof -pw "$password" "echo '$SEC1 $SEC2' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config" } else { write-output "...$SEC1 has already been set..." } return $security } function skyline-sec { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$CHOICE1, [string]$CHOICE2 ) switch ( $CHOICE1 ) { set-ssh { write-output "starting to set SSH settings on $CHOICE2..." $encrypted = ConvertTo-SecureString(read-host "Enter a Password" -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString) $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($encrypted) $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr) #V-239165 $SERVERX = $CHOICE2 $SEC1 = "MaxAuthTries" $SEC2 = "2" security #V-239164 $SERVERX = $CHOICE2 $SEC1 = "IgnoreUserKnownHosts" $SEC2 = "yes" security #V-239161 $SERVERX = $CHOICE2 $SEC1 = "Compression" $SEC2 = "no" security #V-239160 $SERVERX = $CHOICE2 $SEC1 = "PermitEmptyPasswords" $SEC2 = "no" security #V-239163 $SERVERX = $CHOICE2 $SEC1 = "IgnoreRhosts" $SEC2 = "yes" security #V-239162 $SERVERX = $CHOICE2 $SEC1 = "PrintLastLog" $SEC2 = "yes" security #V-239155 $SERVERX = $CHOICE2 $SEC1 = "PermitUserEnvironment" $SEC2 = "no" security #V-239156 $SERVERX = $CHOICE2 $SEC1 = "X11Forwarding" $SEC2 = "no" security #V-239157 $SERVERX = $CHOICE2 $SEC1 = "StrictModes" $SEC2 = "yes" security #V-239158 $SERVERX = $CHOICE2 $SEC1 = "KerberosAuthentication" $SEC2 = "no" security write-output "...complete set SSH settings on $CHOICE2" } set-passwd { write-output "starting to set password settings on $CHOICE2..." write-output "...set 90 Days Max Lifetime..." plink root@$CHOICE2 -no-antispoof "sed -i s/'PASS_MAX_DAYS 60'/'PASS_MAX_DAYS 90'/g /etc/login.defs" write-output "...set password history..." plink root@$CHOICE2 -no-antispoof "touch /etc/security/opasswd; chown root:root /etc/security/opasswd; chmod 0600 /etc/security/opasswd; echo 'password required enforce_for_root use_authtok remember=5 retry=3' >> /etc/pam.d/system-password" write-output "...complete set password settings on $CHOICE2" } default { '' 'USAGE: skyline-sec ARG VARIABLE' ' (arg1): [set-ssh]' ' (arg2): [set-passwd]' '' createsource } #set-logging, set-config } } #skyline-sec |