
function New-PiraeusDemo
    param([string]$Path, [string]$File, [string]$SubscriptionName, [string]$ResourceGroupName, [string]$Location, 
      [string]$Email, [string]$Dns, [string]$ClusterName, [string]$AppID, [string]$Password, 
      [string]$OrleansStorageAcctName, [int]$NodeCount, [string]$GatewayVmSize, 
      [string]$OrleansVmSize, [string]$LogLevel)
      $configParams = New-PiraeusDeployment -Path $Path -File $File -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location -Email $Email -Dns $Dns -ClusterName $ClusterName -AppId $AppId -Password $Password -OrleansStorageAcctName $OrleansStorageAcctName -NodeCount $NodeCount -GatewayVmSize $GatewayVmSize -OrleansVmSize $OrleansVmSize -LogLevel $LogLevel
      $config = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $configParams
      $sampleConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{        
        dns = "$config.piraeusDns"
        location = "$config.location"
        issuer = "$config.issuer"
        audience = "$config.audience"
        identityClaimType = "$config."
        symmetricKey = "$config.symmetricKey"
      $sampleConfig | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File "$Path/../src/Samples.Mqtt.Client/config.json"
      $key = "$config.apiCode"
      $dnsName = "$config.piraeusDns"
      $loc = "$config.location"
      New-SampleConfig -DnsName $dnsName -Location $loc -Key $key

function New-PiraeusDeployment
    param([string]$Path, [string]$File, [string]$SubscriptionName, [string]$ResourceGroupName, [string]$Location, 
      [string]$Email, [string]$Dns, [string]$ClusterName, [string]$AppID, [string]$Password, 
      [string]$OrleansStorageAcctName, [int]$NodeCount, [string]$GatewayVmSize, 
      [string]$OrleansVmSize, [string]$LogLevel)
        if($GatewayVmSize.Length -eq 0)
            $GatewayVmSize = "Standard_D2s_v3"

        if($OrleansVmSize.Length -eq 0)
            $OrleansVmSize = "Standard_D4s_v3"

        if($NodeCount -eq 0)
            $NodeCount = 1
        if($LogLevel.Length -eq 0)
            $LogLevel = "Information"

        if($File.Length -eq 0)
            $dateTimeString = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyyTHH-mm-ss"
            $File = "./piraeus-" + $dateTimeString + ".json"

        $start = Get-Date
        $step = 1
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Clean up previous local config from previous Kubectl deployment (optional)" -Start $start
        New-KubectlClusterCleanup -ClusterName $ClusterName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Adding Application Insights extension to Azure CLI" -Start $start
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Adding Iot Hub extension to Azure CLI" -Start $start

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Set Subscription for deployment" -Start $start
        Set-Subscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Set Resource Group for deployment" -Start $start
        Set-ResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "If exists delete Piraeus AKS cluster $ClusterName from Azure" -Start $start
        Remove-AksCluster -ClusterName $ClusterName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName    
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Set Service Principal" -Start $start
        $spn = Get-ServicePrincipal -AppID $AppID -Password $Password   
        $spnAppId = $spn."appId"
        $spnPwd = $spn."pwd"        

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Create Orleans storage account" -Start $start
        $orleansNameAvailable = Get-StorageAccountNameAvailable -StorageAcctName "$OrleansStorageAcctName"  -SubscriptionName "$SubscriptionName"
            Write-Host "Storage Account Name available" 
            New-StorageAccount -StorageAcctName $OrleansStorageAcctName -Location $Location -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName       

        $orleansConnectionString = Get-StorageAccountConnectionString -StorageAcctName $OrleansStorageAcctName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
        if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
            Write-Host "Failed to get orleans storage account connection string...terminating script." -ForegroundColor Yellow

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Orleans storage account connection string obtained" -Start $start

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Create Audit storage account" -Start $start
        $auditStorageAcctName = $OrleansStorageAcctName + "audit"
        $auditNameAvailable = Get-StorageAccountNameAvailable -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName -StorageAcctName $auditStorageAcctName
            New-StorageAccount -StorageAcctName $auditStorageAcctName  -Location $Location -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName

        $auditConnectionString = Get-StorageAccountConnectionString -StorageAcctName $auditStorageAcctName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
        if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
            Write-Host "Failed to get audit storage account connection string...terminating script." -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Audit storage account connection string obtained" -Start $start

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Creating new Piraeus AKS cluster" -Start $start
        Write-Host "Cluster = $ClusterName" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        New-AksCluster -ClusterName $ClusterName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -AppId "$spnAppId" -Password "$spnPwd" -VmSize $GatewayVmSize -NodeCount $NodeCount
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Get AKS credentials" -Start $start
        Get-AksCredentials -ClusterName $ClusterName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Create cert-manager namespace" -Start $start
        #Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Apply HELM RBAC" -Start $start
        #New-KubectlApply -Filename "$Path/helm-rbac.yaml" -Namespace "kube-system"

        #Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Start Tiller" -Start $start
        #helm init --service-account tiller
        #Set-Timer -Message "...waiting 45 seconds for Tiller to start" -Seconds 45
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Set Node pool label for Piraeus front end" -Start $start
        Set-NodeLabel -NodeMatchValue "nodepool1" -Key "pool" -Value "nodepool1"

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Add cert manager for Let's Encrypt" -Start $start
        Set-Timer -Message "...waiting 45 seconds for cert-manager to initialize" -Seconds 45

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Add cert issuer for Lets Encrypt" -Start $start
        Add-Issuer -Email $Email -IssuerPath "$Path/issuer.yaml" -IssuerDestination "$Path/issuer-copy.yaml"
        Set-Timer -Message "...waiting 30 seconds for issuer to initialize" -Seconds 30

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Upate local HELM repo" -Start $start
        helm repo add stable

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Add NGINX" -Start $start
        Set-Timer "...waiting 45 seconds for nginx to initialize" -Seconds 45

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Get External IP address" -Start $start
        $IP = Get-ExternalIP 

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Create Public IP ID" -Start $start
        $PUBLICIPID=$(az network public-ip list --query "[?ipAddress!=null]|[?contains(ipAddress, '$IP')].[id]" --output tsv)

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Update Public IP ID" -Start $start
        Update-PublicIP -PublicIP $PUBLICIPID -Dns $Dns -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Set certificate for cert-manager and Lets Encrypt" -Start $start
        Set-Certificate -Dns $Dns -Location $Location -Path "$Path/certificate.yaml" -Destination "$Path/certificate-copy.yaml"

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Add Orleans cluster for 2nd node pool" -Start $start
        Add-NodePool -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ClusterName $ClusterName -NodePoolName "nodepool2" -NodeCount $NodeCount -VmSize $OrleansVmSize
        Set-Timer -Message "...waiting 60 seconds for node to initialize" -Seconds 60

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Create node pool label for 2nd node pool" -Start $start
        Set-NodeLabel "nodepool2" "pool" "nodepool2"

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Creating random Piraeus Management API keys" -Start $start
        $apiKey1 = New-RandomKey -Length 16
        $apiKey2 = New-RandomKey -Length 16
        $apiSecurityCodes = $apiKey1 + ";" + $apiKey2
        $apiIssuer = "http://$Dns.$"
        $apiAudience = $apiIssuer
        $identityClaimType = "http://$Dns.$"
        $issuer = "http://$Dns.$"
        $audience = $issuer
        $coapAuthority = "http://$Dns.$"
        $tokenType = "JWT"

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Creating random Piraeus Management API symmetric key" -Start $start
        $apiSymmetricKey = New-RandomKey -Length 32

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Creating random Piraeus Gateway symmetric key" -Start $start
        $symmetricKey = New-RandomKey -Length 32
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Creating App Insights for Orleans cluster and getting instrumentation key" -Start $start
        $siloAIKey = Get-InstrumentationKey "$Dns-silo" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Install Orleans cluster from helm chart" -Start $start
        helm install piraeus-silo  "$Path/piraeus-silo" --namespace kube-system --set dataConnectionString=$orleansConnectionString --set instrumentationKey=$siloAIKey --set logLevel=$LogLevel 
        if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 )
            Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Waiting for Kubernetes API Services to start" -Start $start
            Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Trying again to install Orleans cluster from helm chart" -Start $start
            helm install piraeus-silo "$Path/piraeus-silo" --namespace kube-system --set dataConnectionString=$orleansConnectionString --set instrumentationKey=$siloAIKey --set logLevel=$LogLevel

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Creating App Insights for Piraeus Management API and getting instrumentation key" -Start $start
        $mgmtAIKey = Get-InstrumentationKey "$Dns-api" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location
        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Install Piraeus Management API from helm chart" -Start $start
        helm install piraeus-mgmt-api "$Path/piraeus-mgmt-api" --namespace kube-system --set dataConnectionString="$orleansConnectionString"  --set managementApiIssuer="$apiIssuer" --set managementApiAudience="$apiAudience" --set managmentApiSymmetricKey="$apiSymmetricKey" --set managementApiSecurityCodes="$apiSecurityCodes" --set instrumentationKey=$mgmtAIKey --set logLevel=$LogLevel
        if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 )
            Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Waiting for Kubernetes API Services to start" -Start $start

            Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Trying again to install Piraeus Management API from helm chart" -Start $start
            helm install piraeus-mgmt-api "$Path/piraeus-mgmt-api" --namespace kube-system --set dataConnectionString="$orleansConnectionString"  --set managementApiIssuer="$apiIssuer" --set managementApiAudience="$apiAudience" --set managmentApiSymmetricKey="$apiSymmetricKey" --set managementApiSecurityCodes="$apiSecurityCodes" --set instrumentationKey=$mgmtAIKey --set logLevel=$LogLevel

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Creating App Insights for Piraeus Web Socket Gateway and getting instrumentation key" -Start $start
        $websocketAIKey = Get-InstrumentationKey "$Dns-websocket" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Install Piraeus Web Socket Gateway from helm chart" -Start $start
        helm install piraeus-websocket "$Path/piraeus-websocket" --namespace kube-system --set dataConnectionString="$orleansConnectionString" --set auditConnectionString="$auditConnectionString" --set clientIdentityNameClaimType="$identityClaimType" --set clientIssuer="$issuer" --set clientAudience="$audience" --set clientTokenType="$tokenType" --set clientSymmetricKey="$symmetricKey" --set coapAuthority="$coapAuthority" --set instrumentationKey=$websocketAIKey --set logLevel=$LogLevel 
        if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 )
            Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Waiting for Kubernetes API Services to start" -Start $start

            Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Trying again to install Piraeus Web Socket Gateway from helm chart" -Start $start
            helm install piraeus-websocket "$Path/piraeus-websocket" --namespace kube-system --set dataConnectionString="$orleansConnectionString" --set auditConnectionString="$auditConnectionString" --set clientIdentityNameClaimType="$identityClaimType" --set clientIssuer="$issuer" --set clientAudience="$audience" --set clientTokenType="$tokenType" --set clientSymmetricKey="$symmetricKey" --set coapAuthority="$coapAuthority" --set instrumentationKey=$websocketAIKey --set logLevel=$LogLevel 

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Updating the NGINX ingress controller" -Start $start
        Set-Ingress -Dns $Dns -Location $Location -Path "$Path/ingress.yaml" -Destination "$Path/ingress-copy.yaml"

        Update-Step -Step $step -Message "Write File = $File" -Start $start
        $config = [PSCustomObject]@{        
        subscription = $SubscriptionName
        resourceGroup = $ResourceGroupName
        piraeusClusterName = $ClusterName
        piraeusHostname = "$Dns.$"
        piraeusDns = $Dns
        email = $Email
        location = $Location
        logLevel = $LogLevel
        nodeCount = $NodeCount
        appId = $spnAppId 
        pwd = $spnPwd
        piraeusPublicIP = $IP 
        tokenType = $tokenType
        symmetricKey = $symmetricKey
        identityClaimType = $identityClaimType
        coapAuthority = $coapAuthority        
        orleansConnectionString = $orleansConnectionString
        orleanVmSize = $OrleansVmSize
        orleansAppInsights = "$Dns-silo"
        orleansAppInsightsKey = $siloAIKey
        gatewayVmSize = $GatewayVmSize 
        auditConnectionString = $auditConnectionString      
        gatewayAppInsights = "$Dns-websocket"
        gatewayAppInsightsKey = $websocketAIKey
        apiCodes = $apiSecurityCodes
        apiIssuer = $apiIssuer
        apiAudience = $apiAudience
        apiSymmetricKey = $apiSymmetricKey
        apiAppInsights = "$Dns-api"
        apiAppInsightsKey = $mgmtAIKey
        claimTypes = $identityClaimType        
        apiCode = $apiSecurityCodes.Split(";")[0]    
        lifetimeMinutes = 525600    
    $config | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File $File

    Write-Host "---- Piraeus Deployed -----" -ForegroundColor Cyan    
    return $config      

function New-SampleConfig
    param([string]$DnsName, [string]$Location, [string]$Key)
    $authority = $DnsName.ToLower() + "." + $Location.ToLower() + ""
    $url = "https://$authority"
    Write-Host "Using $url for management api" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Import-Module "../src/Piraeus.Module.Core/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.0/Piraeus.Module.Core.dll"
    Write-Host "Module imported" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    #get a security token for the management API
    Write-Host "--- Get security token for Piraeus configuration ---" -Foreground Yellow
    $token = Get-PiraeusManagementToken -ServiceUrl $url -Key $Key
    while($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
        Write-Host "--- Try get security token again...waiting 30 seconds" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
        $token = Get-PiraeusManagementToken -ServiceUrl $url -Key $Key
    Write-Host "--- Got security token, ready to configure Piraeus ---" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "--- INFORMATION ABOUT Sample Config ----" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host "The client demos create security tokens based on the selection of a 'Role', i.e., 'A' or 'B'" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host "The script will create 2 CAPL policies" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host " (1) a client in role 'A' may transmit to 'resource-a' and subscribe to 'resource-b'" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host " (2) a client in role 'B' may transmit to 'resource-b' and subscribe to 'resource-a'" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host "-----------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host ""
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    #--------------- CAPL policy for users in role "A" ------------------------
    Write-Host "-- Building CAPL Authorization Policies ---" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host " (1) Match Expression : Find a claim type in the security token" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host " (2) Operation -- Binds a claim value from the matched claim type to perform an operation, e.g., Equals" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host " (3) Rule -- Create a rule that binds a match expression and an operation" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host " (4) Policy -- create a policy that is uniquely identifiable, that incorporates a Rule (or Logical Connective)" -ForegroundColor White
    Write-Host ""
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1              

    #define the claim type to match to determines the client's role
    $authority = $DnsName.ToLower() + "." + $Location.ToLower() + "." + ""
    $matchClaimType = "http://$authority/role"

    #create a match expression of 'Literal' to match the role claim type
    $match = New-CaplMatch -Type Literal -ClaimType $matchClaimType -Required $true  

    #create an operation to check the match claim value is 'Equal' to "A"
    $operation_A = New-CaplOperation -Type Equal -Value "A"

    #create a rule to bind the match expression and operation
    $rule_A = New-CaplRule -Evaluates $true -MatchExpression $match -Operation $operation_A

    #define a unique identifier (as URI) for the policy
    $policyId_A = "http://$authority/policy/resource-a" 

    #create the policy for clients in role "A"
    $policy_A = New-CaplPolicy -PolicyID $policyId_A -EvaluationExpression $rule_A
    #-------------------End Policy for "B"------------------------------------
    #--------------- CAPL policy for users in role "B" ------------------------

    #create an operation to check the match claim value is 'Equal' to "B"
    $operation_B = New-CaplOperation -Type Equal -Value "B"

    #create a rule to bind the match expression and operation
    $rule_B = New-CaplRule -Evaluates $true -MatchExpression $match -Operation $operation_B

    #define a unique identifier (as URI) for the policy
    $policyId_B = "http://$authority/policy/resource-b" 

    #create the policy for users in role "A"
    $policy_B = New-CaplPolicy -PolicyID $policyId_B -EvaluationExpression $rule_B

    #-------------------End Policy for "B"------------------------------------

    # The policies are completed. We need to add them to Piraeus

    Add-CaplPolicy -ServiceUrl $url -SecurityToken $token -Policy $policy_A 
    Add-CaplPolicy -ServiceUrl $url -SecurityToken $token -Policy $policy_B

    Write-Host "CAPL policies added to Piraeus" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    #Uniquely identify Piraeus resources by URI
    $resource_A = "http://$authority/resource-a"
    $resource_B = "http://$authority/resource-b"

    #Add the resources to Piraeus

    #Resource "A" lets users with role "A" send and users with role "B" subscribe to receive transmissions
    Add-PiraeusEventMetadata -ResourceUriString $resource_A -Enabled $true -RequireEncryptedChannel $false -PublishPolicyUriString $policyId_A -SubscribePolicyUriString $policyId_B -ServiceUrl $url -SecurityToken $token -Audit $false

    #Resource "B" lets users with role "B" send and users with role "A" subscribe to receive transmissions
    Add-PiraeusEventMetadata -ResourceUriString $resource_B -Enabled $true -RequireEncryptedChannel $false -PublishPolicyUriString $policyId_B -SubscribePolicyUriString $policyId_A -ServiceUrl $url -SecurityToken $token -Audit $false

    Write-Host "PI-System metadata added to Piraeus" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    #Quick check get the resource data and verify what was set
    Write-Host "----- PI-System $resource_A Metadata ----" -ForegroundColor Green
    Get-PiraeusEventMetadata -ResourceUriString $resource_A -ServiceUrl $url -SecurityToken $token


    Write-Host "----- PI-System $resource_B Metadata ----" -ForegroundColor Green
    Get-PiraeusEventMetadata -ResourceUriString $resource_B -ServiceUrl $url -SecurityToken $token