
#Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# Install-Solr


.GUID 602bc07e-a621-4738-8c27-0edf4a4cea8e

.AUTHOR David Walker, Sitecore Dave, Radical Dave

.COMPANYNAME David Walker, Sitecore Dave, Radical Dave

.COPYRIGHT David Walker, Sitecore Dave, Radical Dave

.TAGS sitecore powershell local install iis solr











PS> .\Install-Solr 'name'

PS> .\Install-Solr 'name' 'template'

PS> .\Install-Solr 'name' 'template' 'd:\repos'

PS> .\Install-Solr 'name' 'template' 'd:\repos' -Persist User

# Credit primarily to jermdavis for the original script
# and


Function Install-Solr {
        [string]$solrVersion = "8.1.1", #Depend on Sitecore version
        [string]$installFolder = "",
        [string]$solrPort = "8811",
        [string]$solrHost = "localhost",
        [bool]$solrSSL = $TRUE,
        [string]$nssmVersion = "2.24",
        [string]$keystoreSecret = "secret",
        [string]$KeystoreFile = 'solr-ssl.keystore.jks',
        [string]$SolrDomain = 'localhost',
        [string]$maxJvmMem = '512m',
        [string]$downloadFolder = '',
        [string]$configurationRoot = '',
    begin {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
        $PSScriptName = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".ps1",""))
        Write-Verbose (Get-Parameters $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Message "$($PSScriptName):start" -Show -Stamp).output
        if (!$installFolder){
            $root = if (Get-PSDrive 'd' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { 'd' } else { 'c' }
            $installfolder = "$($root):\tools"
        $solrName = "solr-$solrVersion"
        $solrRoot = "$installFolder\solr\$solrName"
        $solrPackage = "$solrVersion/$"
        $nssmRoot = "$installFolder\nssm\nssm-$nssmVersion"        
        $nssmPackage = "$"
        $ConfigurationFile = "$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.parameters.json"
        if ((Test-Path "$ConfigurationFile.user")) {
            $ConfigurationFile = "$ConfigurationFile.user"
        if ((Test-Path $ConfigurationFile)) {
            $config = Get-Content -Raw $ConfigurationFile | ConvertFrom-Json
            if ($config) {
                if ($config.SolrVersion) {
                    $solrVersion = $config.solrVersion
                if ($config.installFolder) {
                    $installFolder = $config.installFolder
                if ($config.solrPort) {
                    $solrPort = $config.solrPort
                if ($config.solrHost) {
                    $solrHost = $config.solrHost
                if ($config.solrSSL) {
                    $solrSSL = $config.solrSSL
                if ($config.nssmVersion) {
                    $nssmVerion = $config.nssmVersion
                if ($config.keystoreSecret) {
                    $keystoreSecret = $config.keystoreSecret
                if ($config.keystoreFile) {
                    $KeystoreFile = $config.keystoreFile
                if ($config.solrDomain) {
                    $SolrDomain = $config.solrDomain
                if ($config.maxJvmMem) {
                    $maxJvmMem = $config.maxJvmMem
                if ($config.clobber) {
                    $Clobber = $config.clobber

        #$solrRoot = "$installFolder\$solrName"

        if (Test-Path $solrRoot) {
            if (!$Clobber) {
                $results = "$solrRoot already exists! Must use -Clobber to reinstall."
                Write-Verbose (Get-Parameters $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Message "$($PSScriptName):$results" -Show -Stamp).output
            } else {

                $svc = Get-Service "$solrName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($svc) {
                    Write-Host "Solr service $solrName already exists..."
                    Stop-Service "$solrName"
                    if ($Clobber) {
                        Write-Host "Removing Solr service"
                        &"$installFolder\nssm\nssm-$nssmVersion\win64\nssm.exe" remove "$solrName" confirm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                        $svc = Get-Service "$solrName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                Remove-Item $solrRoot -Recurse

        #if(!$downloadFolder) { $downloadFolder = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath("..\assets") }
        #if(!$downloadFolder) { $downloadFolder = Join-Path (Split-Path (Split-Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent) -Parent) "assets" }
        #Write-Verbose "downloadFolder:$downloadFolder"
        #if (!(Test-Path $downloadFolder)){
    # New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $downloadFolder

        ## Verify elevated
        $elevated = [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match "S-1-5-32-544")
            throw "In order to install services, please run this script elevated."

        $JavaMinVersionRequired = "8.0.1510"
        if (Get-Module("JavaHelpers")) {
            Remove-Module "JavaHelpers"
        Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\JavaHelpers.psm1"

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

        ## SHOULD BE USING Solr-SingleDeveloper.json?

        $JREVersion = ""
        $javaPath = "C:\Program Files\Java"
        if (Test-Path $javaPath) {
            $JREVersion = Get-ChildItem -Path $javaPath -name | Where-Object { -not $_.PsIsContainer } | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -first 1
        Write-Verbose "JREVersion:$JREVersion"
        if (!$JREVersion) {
            #choco install javaruntime

            $javaInstallPath = Join-Path $javaPath $JREVersion
            #$javaUrl = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing | ForEach-Object{[regex]::matches($_, '(?:<a title="Download Java software for Windows \(64-bit\)" href=")(.*)(?:">)').Groups[1].Value}
            #$javaUrl = "$JDK_FULL_VER/jdk-$JDK_VER-windows-x64.exe"

            #$JDK_URL_PATH = "1961070e4c9b4e26a04e7f5a083f551e"
            #$javaUrl = "$JDK_FULL_VER/$JDK_URL_PATH/jdk-$JDK_VER-windows-x64.exe"
            $javaUrl = ""
            Write-Verbose "javaUrl:$javaUrl"
            Install-Tool $javaUrl java -path $javaInstallPath -packages $downloadFolder # would require creating Install-Java: -JavaMinVersionRequired $JavaMinVersionRequired
            if (Test-Path $javaPath) {
                $JREVersion = Get-ChildItem -Path $javaPath -name | Where-Object { -not $_.PsIsContainer } | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -first 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if (!$JREVersion) {
            Write-Error "$PSScriptName ERROR:Java not installed"
            exit 1
        #Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile jre8.exe $URL
        #Start-Process .\jre8.exe '/s REBOOT=0 SPONSORS=0 AUTO_UPDATE=0' -wait

        # Ensure Java environment variable
        try {
            $keytool = (Get-Command 'keytool.exe').Source
        } catch {
            $keytool = Get-JavaKeytool -JavaMinVersionRequired $JavaMinVersionRequired

        if (!$keytool) {
            $jrePaths = @('C:\Program Files\Android\jdk\microsoft_dist_openjdk_1.8.0.25\bin')
            Write-Host "Checking all the paths..."
            foreach($jrePath in $jrePaths) {
                $testPath = Join-Path "$jrePath" 'keytool.exe'
                Write-Host "testPath:$testPath"
                if (Test-Path $testPath) {
                    $keytool = (Get-Command $testPath).Source

        if (!$keytool) {
            Write-Host "no keytool found";
            exit 1
        #Write-Host "keytool:$keytool"

        # download & extract the solr archive to the right folder
        #$solrZip = "$downloadFolder\$"
        Install-Tool $solrPackage solr -path $solrRoot -packages $downloadFolder

        # download & extract the nssm archive to the right folder
        #$nssmZip = "$downloadFolder\nssm-$"
        Install-Tool $nssmPackage nssm -path $nssmRoot -packages $downloadFolder

        if($keystoreSecret -ne 'secret') {
            Write-Error 'The keystore password must be "secret", because Solr apparently ignores the parameter'

        $ClobberKey = $false

        $KeystorePath = "$solrRoot\server\etc\solr-ssl.keystore.jks"
        $KeystoreSourcePath = Join-Path $configurationRoot $KeystoreFile
        if(!(Test-Path $KeystoreSourcePath)) {
            if (Test-Path (Join-Path $downloadFolder $KeystoreFile)) {
                $KeystoreSourcePath = Join-Path $downloadFolder $KeystoreFile

        if((Test-Path $KeystorePath)) {
            if($ClobberKey) {
                Write-Host "Removing $KeystoreFile..."
                Remove-Item $KeystoreFile
            } else {
                #$KeystorePath = Resolve-Path $KeystoreFile
                Write-Warning "Keystore file $KeystorePath already existed. To regenerate it, pass -Clobber."

        $P12Path = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($KeystorePath, 'p12')
        if((Test-Path $P12Path)) {
            if($ClobberKey) {
                Write-Host "Removing $P12Path..."
                Remove-Item $P12Path
            } else {
                $P12Path = Resolve-Path $P12Path
                Write-Warning "Keystore file $P12Path already existed. To regenerate it, pass -Clobber."

        # Generate SSL certificate if not found
        if(!(Test-Path $KeystorePath)) {
            if (!(Test-Path $KeystoreSourcePath)) {
                Write-Host ''
                Write-Host 'Generating JKS keystore...'
                & $keytool -genkeypair -alias solr-ssl -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass $keystoreSecret -storepass $keystoreSecret -validity 9999 -keystore $KeystoreSourcePath -ext SAN=DNS:$SolrDomain,IP: -dname "CN=$SolrDomain, OU=Organizational Unit, O=Organization, L=Location, ST=State, C=Country"

                Write-Host ''
                Write-Host 'Generating .p12 to import to Windows...'
                & $keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore $KeystoreFile -destkeystore $P12Path -srcstoretype jks -deststoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass $keystoreSecret -deststorepass $keystoreSecret

                if(-not $KeystoreFile.EndsWith('solr-ssl.keystore.jks')) {
                    Write-Warning 'Your keystore file is not named "solr-ssl.keystore.jks"'
                    Write-Warning 'Solr requires this exact name, so make sure to rename it before use.'

        if (!(Test-Path $KeystorePath) -and (Test-Path $KeystoreSourcePath)) {
            Copy-Item $KeystoreSourcePath -Destination $KeystorePath -Force
            $P12SourcePath = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($KeystoreSourcePath, 'p12')
            Copy-Item $P12SourcePath -Destination $P12Path -Force
            Write-Host "Copied ssl keystore $KeystoreSourcePath to $KeystorePath"            

            Write-Host ''
            Write-Host 'Trusting generated SSL certificate...'
            $secureStringKeystorePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $keystoreSecret -Force -AsPlainText
            $root = Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $P12Path -Password $secureStringKeystorePassword -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root
            Write-Host 'SSL certificate is now locally trusted. (added as root CA)'

        # Update solr cfg to use keystore & right host name
        if(Test-Path -Path "$solrRoot\bin\")
                Write-Host "Resetting" -ForegroundColor Green
                Remove-Item "$solrRoot\bin\"
                Rename-Item -Path "$solrRoot\bin\" -NewName "$solrRoot\bin\"

        Write-Host "Rewriting solr config"

        $cfg = Get-Content "$solrRoot\bin\"
        Rename-Item "$solrRoot\bin\" "$solrRoot\bin\"
        $certStorePath = "etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks"
        $newCfg = $cfg | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "REM set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks", "set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=$certStorePath" }
        $newCfg = $newCfg | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "REM set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=secret", "set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=$keystoreSecret" }
        $newCfg = $newCfg | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "REM set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks", "set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=$certStorePath" }
        $newCfg = $newCfg | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "REM set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=secret", "set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=$keystoreSecret" }
        $newCfg = $newCfg | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "REM set SOLR_HOST=", "set SOLR_HOST=$solrHost" }
        $newCfg = $newCfg | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "REM set SOLR_JAVA_MEM=-Xms512m -Xmx512m", "set SOLR_JAVA_MEM=-Xms512m -Xmx$maxJvmMem" }
        $newCfg = $newCfg | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "REM set SOLR_SSL_CHECK_PEER_NAME=true", "set SOLR_SSL_CHECK_PEER_NAME=false" }
        $newCfg | Set-Content "$solrRoot\bin\"

        # install the service & runs
        $svc = Get-Service "$solrName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($svc) {
            Write-Host "Solr service $solrName already exists..."
            if ($Clobber) {
                Write-Host "Removing Solr service"
                &"$installFolder\nssm\nssm-$nssmVersion\win64\nssm.exe" remove "$solrName" confirm
                $svc = Get-Service "$solrName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Write-Host "Installing Solr service:$solrName"
            Write-Verbose "Installing Solr service:$solrName $solrRoot\bin\solr.cmd -f -p $solrPort"
            &"$installFolder\nssm\nssm-$nssmVersion\win64\nssm.exe" install "$solrName" "$solrRoot\bin\solr.cmd" "-f" "-p $solrPort"
            $svc = Get-Service "$solrName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if($svc.Status -ne "Running")
            Write-Host "Starting Solr service:$($solrName):$solrPort..."
            Start-Service "$solrName"
        elseif ($svc.Status -eq "Running")
            Write-Host "Restarting Solr service$($solrName):$solrPort..."
            Restart-Service "$solrName"

        Start-Sleep -s 5

        # finally prove it's all working
        $protocol = "http"
            $protocol = "https"

        Invoke-Expression "start $($protocol)://$($solrHost):$solrPort/solr/#/"

        # Resetting Progress Bar back to default
        $Global:ProgressPreference = "Continue"

        Write-Host ''
        Write-Host 'Done!' -InformationVariable results -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Verbose (Get-Parameters $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Message "$($PSScriptName):$results" -Show -Stamp).output