.Synopsis Lists the current or all SqlConnections. .Description Lists the current SqlConnection information or outputs a list of all SqlConnections currently active. .Parameter ConnectionName User Defined name for the SqlConnection. .Parameter All Returns a list of names for all active SqlConnections. #> Filter Show-SqlConnection { [CmdletBinding()] Param([parameter(ParameterSetName="single", ValueFromPipeline, Position=0)][Alias("cn")][string]$ConnectionName = "default" , [parameter(ParameterSetName="all", Mandatory)][switch]$All) If($All.IsPresent) { [string[]]$keys = $Script:Connections.Keys | ForEach-Object { $_ } if($keys) { $keys | Write-Output } } Else { If(-not (TestConnectionName $ConnectionName)) { return } Else { $Script:Connections.$ConnectionName.ConnectionInfo() | Write-Output } } } Set-Alias -Name ssc -Value Show-SqlConnection Export-ModuleMember -Function Show-SqlConnection -Alias ssc |