.Synopsis Set options on the SqlConnection. .Description Set Database and/or Command Timeout for the SqlConnection. Changing the database may not be valid for all providers. .Parameter ConnectionName User defined name for connection. .Parameter Database Name of the database to connect to. .Parameter CommandTimeout Command timeout in seconds. #> Function Set-SqlConnection { [cmdletBinding()] Param([Parameter(Position=0)][string]$Database , [int]$CommandTimeout = -1 , [Alias("cn")][string]$ConnectionName = "default") If(TestConnectionName -ConnectionName $ConnectionName) { If($CommandTimeout -ge 0) { $Script:Connections.$ConnectionName.CommandTimeout = $CommandTimeout } If($Database) { Try { $Script:Connections.$ConnectionName.ChangeDatabase($Database) } Catch [System.NotImplementedException], [System.NotSupportedException] { Write-Warning ("Changing the databse is not available for this provider: {0}" -f $Script:Connections[$ConnectionName].ProviderType()) } } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-SqlConnection |