.Synopsis Executes a bulk copy between two connections. .Description Executes a bulk copy operation between two connections. This is highly optimized if the destination has a managed bulkcopy implemenation, otherwise it is only generally optimized. For example, SQL Server has a bulk copy class (SqlBulkCopy) that is easily implemented and provides an efficient means of inserting data into SQL Server. The default implemenation, if the provider does not provider a managed bulk copy mechanism is to prepare the sql insert, and wrap multiple inserts into a single transaction (batching). This provides a significant performance improvement over looping with Invoke-SqlUpdate. CONSIDERATIONS * You must specify either a SourceConnectionName or DestinationConnectionName, whichever one is not specified will use 'default', not specifying either will cause an error. * If you don’t specify DestinationTable, it will use SourceTable; however DestinationTable is required if you use SourceQuery. * If you specify ColumnMap and Source Table, then the select against the SourceConnection will be limited to the columns you specified in ColumnMap. Returns number of rows copied. .Parameter SourceConnectionName User defined name for connection where data will be queried from. .Parameter DestinationConnectionName User defined name for connection where data will be inserted to. .Parameter SourceTable The name of the table in the source connection. .Parameter DestinationTable The name of the table to write to in the destination connection. If not specified, will be taken from SourceTable parameter. .Parameter ColumnMap Key is the column name in the source connection, Value is the column name in the destination connection. .Parameter BatchSize How many inserts are batched together at one time. .Parameter BatchTimeout How long, in seconds, that each batch can take. Defaults to the command timeout for the source connection. .Parameter Notify If present, as each batch completes a progress notification will be generated with the total number of rows inserted so far. .Parameter SourceQuery The query to determine the source data, instead of specifying a table. .Parameter SourceParameters Parameters needed for the source query. #> Function Invoke-SqlBulkCopy { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [string]$SourceConnectionName = "default" , [string]$DestinationConnectionName = "default" , [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="table")][string]$SourceTable , [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="query")][AllowEmptyString()][string[]]$SourceQuery , [Parameter(ParameterSetName="query")][hashtable]$SourceParameters = @{} , [Parameter(ParameterSetName="table")] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="query")] [string]$DestinationTable , [hashtable]$ColumnMap = @{} , [ValidateRange(1,5000)][int]$BatchSize = 500 , [int]$BatchTimeout = -1 , [switch]$Notify ) If($SourceConnectionName -eq $DestinationConnectionName) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException]::new( "You cannot use the same connection for both the source and destination!", "SourceConnectionName, DestinationConnectionName" ), $null, [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument, $null ) ) } If((TestConnectionName -ConnectionName $SourceConnectionName) -and (TestConnectionName -ConnectionName $DestinationConnectionName)) { If($BatchTimeout -lt 0) { $BatchTimeout = $script:Connections.$SourceConnectionName.CommandTimeout } Try { If($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "table") { If([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DestinationTable)) { $DestinationTable -eq $SourceTable } If($ColumnMap -and $ColumnMap.Count -gt 0) { $SourceQuery = "SELECT {0} FROM $SourceTable" -f $ColumnMap.Keys -join ", " } Else { $SourceQuery = "SELECT * FROM $SourceTable" } } Else { [string]$SourceQuery = $SourceQuery -join [System.Environment]::NewLine } If(-not $SourceParameters) { $SourceParameters = @{} } $srcReader = $script:Connections.$SourceConnectionName.GetReader($SourceQuery, $BatchTimeout, $SourceParameters) If($Notify.IsPresent) { $script:Connections.$DestinationConnectionName.BulkLoad($srcReader, $DestinationTable, $ColumnMap, $BatchSize, $BatchTimeout, { Param([int]$insertCount) Write-Progress -Activity "SimplySql BulkCopy" -Status $DestinationTable -CurrentOperation "Inserted $insertCount rows." }.GetNewClosure()) Write-Progress -Activity "SimplySql BulkCopy" -Status "Finished" -Completed } Else { $script:Connections.$DestinationConnectionName.BulkLoad($srcReader, $DestinationTable, $ColumnMap, $BatchSize, $BatchTimeout, $null) } } Finally { If(Test-Path variable:srcReader) { $srcReader.Dispose() } } } Else { Throw [System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException]::new("Invalid Connection Name(s).", "SourceConnectionName, DestinationConnectionName") } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-SqlBulkCopy |