
class BicepImport {

function Get-BicepImports([string] $pathSpec) {
    Write-Host "Get-BicepImports: $pathSpec"
    $moduleReferences = Get-ChildItem -recurse -Path $pathSpec | Select-String -pattern "\bmodule\b", "\bimport\b" | Select-Object

    $modules = @()
    for(($index = 0); $index -lt $moduleReferences.Count; $index++) {
        $moduleReference = $moduleReferences[$index]

        Write-DebugIndexed $index "Reference $($moduleReference)"
        Write-DebugIndexed $index "Line: '$($moduleReference.Line)'"

        $beginIndex = $moduleReference.Line.IndexOf("'")+1
        $endIndex = $moduleReference.Line.IndexOf("'", $beginIndex)        
        Write-DebugIndexed $index "Begin: $($beginIndex) - End: $($endIndex)"

        $module = $moduleReference.Line.SubString($beginIndex, $endIndex - $beginIndex)
        Write-DebugIndexed $index "Module: '$($module)'"

        $alias = ''
        $name = ''
        $version = ''

        if ($module.Contains(':')) {
            $moduleParts = $module.Split(':')

            $alias = $moduleParts[0]
            $name = $moduleParts[1]
            $version = $moduleParts[2]
        } elseif ($module.Contains('@')) {
        } elseif ($module.Contains('.bicep')) {
            $fileDir = Split-Path -Path $moduleReference.Path -Parent
            Write-DebugIndexed $index "FileDir: $($fileDir)"
            $moduleName = Resolve-Path "$($fileDir)/$($module)" -Relative
            Write-DebugIndexed $index "ModuleName: $($moduleName)"

            $alias = '.'
            $name = $moduleName
            $version = ''

        $existingModule = $modules | Where-Object { $_.Alias -eq $alias -And $_.Name -eq $name}
        if ($null -eq $existingModule) {
            $modules += [BicepImport]@{
                Alias = $alias
                Name = $name
                Version = $version
                FilePaths = @($moduleReference.Path)
        } else  {
            if ($existingModule.FilePaths -notcontains $moduleReference.Path) {
                $existingModule.FilePaths += $moduleReference.Path
        Write-Debug "-------------- END REFERENCE $($index) --------------"

    Write-Host "Get-BicepImports: Found $($modules.Count) imports." -ForegroundColor Green
    $modules | Select-Object Alias, Name, Version, FilePaths | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Host
    return $modules

Export-ModuleMember Get-BicepImports

class BicepModule {
    [string] $FilePath
    [string] $Name

    BicepModule() {}

    BicepModule([string] $fullPath) {
        $this.FilePath = Resolve-Path -Relative $fullPath
        $this.Name = $this.FilePath -replace "^./" -replace '^.\\' -replace '\..*'

    BicepModule([string] $filePath, [string] $name) {
        FilePath = $filePath
        Name = $name

Lists all modules impacted by changes in a defined commit range.
The command will output modules that have either been changed in the commit range or modules that have been impacted by the change. The module list will include
* modules added, edited or renamed
* modules that import or use modules added, edited or renamed
The command preforms the search recursively through all detected module files to build a complete list of impacted modules.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
PS> Publish-BicepModules '*.bicep' 'd41eeb1c7c0a6a5e3f11efc175aa36b8eaae4af5..0ee2650f101237af9ad923ad2264d37b983d8bab'

function Get-BicepImpactedModules {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,    Position=0, HelpMessage="PathSpec to grep Bicep modules to publish.")]
        [string] $PathSpec,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,    Position=1, HelpMessage="Commit range to check for changes.")]
        [string] $CommitRange,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Exclude direct changes to files in pathSpec from being published.")]
        [switch] $ExcludeDirectChanges

    Write-Host "Get-ImpactedModules: $PathSpec - $CommitRange"    
    $changedFiles = git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only --diff-filter=d -r $CommitRange $PathSpec
    Write-Debug "Found $($changedFiles.Count) changed files."
    $changedFiles | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Debug

    $changedModules = @()
    foreach ($file in $changedFiles) {
        $changedModules += [BicepModule]::new($file)

    Write-Host "Get-ImpactedModules: Found $($changedModules.Count) changed modules." -ForegroundColor Green
    $changedModules | Select-Object Name, FilePath | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Host

    $bicepImports = Get-BicepImports $PathSpec

    function Get-ImpactedModules2 {
            [BicepModule] $changedModule,
        Write-Debug "Get-ImpactedModules: $($changedModule.FilePath) - Resolving impacted modules"

        $impactedModules = @($changedModule)

        $import = $imports | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $changedModule.FilePath } | Select-Object -First 1
        if ($null -ne $import) {
            Write-Debug "Get-ImpactedModules: $($changedModule.FilePath) - Discovered dependecies"

            foreach($filePath in $import.FilePaths) {
                Write-Debug "Get-ImpactedModules: $($changedModule.FilePath) - Resolving impacted modules for $($filePath)"

                $module = [BicepModule]::new($filePath)
                $impactedModules += Get-ImpactedModules2 $module $imports

        return $impactedModules

    $impactedModules = @()
    foreach($changedModule in $changedModules) {
        $impactedModules += Get-ImpactedModules2 $changedModule $bicepImports

    $impactedModules  = $impactedModules | Group-Object -Property 'Name', 'FilePath' | %{ $_.Group | Select-Object 'Name', 'FilePath' -First 1 } | Sort-Object 'Name'
    if ($ExcludeDirectChanges) {
        $reducedModules = @()
        foreach ($module in $impactedModules) {
            $existingModule = $changedModules | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $module.Name }
            if ($null -eq $existingModule) {
                $reducedModules += $module

        $impactedModules = $reducedModules

    Write-Host "Get-ImpactedModules: Found $($impactedModules.Count) impacted modules." -ForegroundColor Green
    $impactedModules | Select-Object Name, FilePath | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Host

    return $impactedModules

Export-ModuleMember Get-BicepImpactedModules

function Get-BicepModulesToPublish {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,    Position=0, HelpMessage="PathSpec to grep Bicep modules to publish.")]
        [string] $PathSpec,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,    Position=1, HelpMessage="Commit range to check for changes.")]
        [string] $CommitRange,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Include only changed Bicep modules.")]
        [switch] $IncludeNotChanged,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Exclude direct changes to files in pathSpec from being published.")]
        [switch] $ExcludeDirectChanges

    $modulesToPublish = @()
    if ($IncludeNotChanged) {
        $files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $PathSpec
        $modulesToPublish = @()
        foreach ($file in $files) {
            $modulesToPublish += [BicepModule]::new($file)
    } else {
        $modulesToPublish = Get-BicepImpactedModules $PathSpec $CommitRange -ExcludeDirectChanges:$ExcludeDirectChanges

    Write-Host "Get-ModulesToPublish: Found $($modulesToPublish.Count) files to publish." -ForegroundColor Green
    $modulesToPublish | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Host
    return $modulesToPublish

Export-ModuleMember Get-BicepModulesToPublish

Publishes changed Bicep modules to the Azure Container Registry (ACR).
Extracts changed files based on a pathspec and commit range.
Checks for usage in imports and module declarations on the same pathspace.
Publishes changed modules and dependants with a new version to the registry.
Current support is limited to Azure Container Registry (ACR).
None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
PS> Publish-BicepModules '*.bicep' 'd41eeb1c7c0a6a5e3f11efc175aa36b8eaae4af5..0ee2650f101237af9ad923ad2264d37b983d8bab' someacr '2024.10.17.1'

function Publish-BicepModules {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "PathSpec to grep Bicep modules to publish.")]
        [string] $PathSpec,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Commit range to check for changes.")]
        [string] $CommitRange,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2, HelpMessage = "Registry name of Azure container registry to which to publish.")]
        [string] $RegistryName,        
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3, HelpMessage = "Version to be tagged to published modules.")]
        [string] $Version,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Include only changed Bicep modules.")]
        [switch] $IncludeNotChanged,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Exclude direct changes to files in pathSpec from being published.")]
        [switch] $ExcludeDirectChanges

    $modulesToPublish = Get-BicepModulesToPublish $PathSpec $CommitRange -IncludeNotChanged:$IncludeNotChanged -ExcludeDirectChanges:$ExcludeDirectChanges

    foreach ($module in $modulesToPublish) {
        Write-Host "Publishing module $($module.Name) with version $($Version) to registry $($RegistryName)"
        az bicep publish --file $module.FilePath --target "br:$($RegistryName)$($module.Name):$($Version)" --only-show-errors

Export-ModuleMember Publish-BicepModules

class FileToUpdate {

Updates the versions of the imports & modules from custom repositories to the latest version available in the registry.
Extracts from all files mathcing the pathspec, imports & module declarations that are using the custom repository syntax alias:modulename:version.
Checks a newer version in the registry and updates the version in the files to the latest version available in the registry.
Current support is limited to Azure Container Registry (ACR).
None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
PS> Update-BicepModulesVersion '*.bicep'

function Update-BicepModulesVersion {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "PathSpec to grep Bicep modules to update.")]
        [string] $PathSpec,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Path to bicepconfig.json with defined registries.")]
        [string] $BicepConfigPath = 'bicepconfig.json'

    $modules = Get-BicepImports $PathSpec | Where-Object { $_.Alias -ne '.' }

    Write-Host "Found $($modules.Count) modules." -ForegroundColor Green
    $modules | Select-Object Alias, Name, Version | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Host

    Write-Host "Gathering latest versions from registry source."
    $bicepConfig = Get-Content $BicepConfigPath | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
    foreach ($module in $modules) {
        $aliasSplit = $module.Alias.Split("/")
        $module.registryUrl = $bicepConfig['moduleAliases'][$aliasSplit[0]][$aliasSplit[1]]['registry']
        Write-Host "Checking $($module.Alias) from registry $($module.registryUrl) for $($module.Name)"
        $module.LatestVersion = az acr repository show-tags --name $module.RegistryUrl.Replace('', '') --repository $module.Name --top 1 --orderby time_desc | ConvertFrom-Json

    $modulesForUpdate = $modules | Where-Object { $_.Version -ne $_.LatestVersion }

    if ($modulesForUpdate.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "All modules are up to date." -ForegroundColor Green

    Write-Host "Modules to update."
    $modules | Where-Object { $_.Version -ne $_.LatestVersion } | Select-Object Alias, Name, Version, LatestVersion | Format-Table

    $update = Read-Host "Update? (Y/N)"
    if ($update -ne 'Y' -or $update -ne 'y') {

    $filesToUpdate = @()
    foreach ($module in $modules | Where-Object { $_.Version -ne $_.LatestVersion }) {
        foreach ($filePath in $module.FilePaths) {
            $existingFilePath = $filesToUpdate | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq $filePath }
            if ($null -eq $existingFilePath) {
                $filesToUpdate += [FileToUpdate]@{
                    Path = $filePath
                    Modules = @($module)
            } else {
                $existingFilePath.Modules += $module

    $filesToUpdate | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Host

    foreach ($fileToUpdate in $filesToUpdate) {
        $content = Get-Content $fileToUpdate.Path
        foreach ($module in $fileToUpdate.Modules) {
            $content = $content -replace "$($module.Alias):$($module.Name):$($module.Version)", "$($module.Alias):$($module.Name):$($module.LatestVersion)"
        Set-Content -Path $fileToUpdate.Path -Value $content

    Write-Host "Updated $($filesToUpdate.Count) files." -ForegroundColor Green

Export-ModuleMember Update-BicepModulesVersion

function Write-DebugIndexed {
        [int] $index,
        [string] $message
    Write-Debug "Reference #$($index) - $($message)"